Who Cares About America?

by Tina

Who cares about America?

Do the congressional Republicans care? They were given both houses and a mandate to do something about the failing healthcare insurance sector, the failed economy and job situation, and the out of control border situation. Have they passed healthcare or tax legislation? So far they seem capable only of fighting among themselves and against the man that the American people placed in the White House. So far they have failed t do what they themselves promised the people they would do.

Do Democrats care about America? They were tossed out of power over the last two elections because the people were fed up with their failed policies and agenda. They were fed up with the corruption and lies.They were fed up with the activist fueled race and class divisions and attacks on police. Have they had the integrity to acknowledge their failures, have they vowed to rethink their policies, have they turned to the people to inform them? Have they answered to the people for the business closings, job losses, lousy economy, increases in homeland terror attacks, the spread of ISIS, the blow up of the Middle East, the surge in criminal elements across our porous border?

Do the security departments, CIA/FBI, care about America? Or are these bodies held hostage by a corrupt politicized parasite whose main objective is not the safety of the American people but in being activist who work to shield certain politicians and bring others down?

And what about the American media? Do they care about America and the American people? Do they care that the middle class was decimated because of the policies, regulations, taxes, and self interest of politicians in DC? Do they care about the people living on dangerous streets? Do they care that our children are not all getting a quality education? Do they care that the middle class has been decimated? Do they care that America is slipping into a depressed state when once it was strong?

Who cares about America and the American people? The list is short. The American people have been betrayed by those who claim to be our servants and protectors. The American people have been betrayed and played by those who pretend to be the watchdogs of justice. The people are being conned by the big boys in media. In reality, the one person who has consistently had his attention on the people and on the strength of America is President Donald Trump. He may not be perfect but he is focused. How much more could be done for America and the people if he had the support of those who work under him? How much more if those who report about him were doing their jobs instead of playing political games? The betrayers and game players, the phonies and criminals, and the power hungry partisans are calling for his impeachment without a shred of impeachable evidence. In the process the people are the losers. The Washington elite are creating what amounts to a WWE cage match. Lots of drama. Lots of phony fighting. The spectacle of deadly a serious game…but a phony game none the less.

The people need substantive relief but where are their champions of government? Who cares about America? I assume there are citizens who care about America, although when I consider the behaviors of some, I am doubtful.

Who cares about America?. Those of us who want to see America strong, prosperous, well educated, and safe care about America. So it comes down to us. None of our past presidents have been perfect. Certainly President Trump is not perfect. But we have an obligation to support him, despite his flaws and missteps, because President Trump is the one person in Washington DC that has clearly and consistently demonstrated that he puts America and the American people first.

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10 Responses to Who Cares About America?

  1. J. Soden says:

    In light of the media firestorms – which seem to come daily if not sooner, I’d like to offer some observations . . .
    For the past 8 years, we saw and heard a fawning media over a serial liar while our spending and debt reached astronomic heights. If one questioned or disagreed with our previous president, one was labeled a homophobe, racist and worse. The media conveniently ignored stories that would have been even a smidgen of being detrimental to the previous administration, even when that administration used NSA to spy on individual Americans, weaponized the IRS against conservatives, lied and covered up malfeasance about Benghazi when 4 Americans lost their lives, and stonewalled or obfuscated legitimate inquiries about inappropriate behavior of numerous cabinet members.

    Let’s cut to the presidential campaign. That same fawning media attacked conservatives and independents while speaking glowingly about a candidate who assisted in the above mentioned Benghazi lies, sold influence when acting as Secretary of State, and had to pay people to attend her campaign events, and was firmly convinced that even the “deplorables” would sweep her into the white house in spite of her warts. Polls were taken on an hourly basis and reports were tweaked to show their candidate of choice was going to win in a walk. Even on election night, the fawning media was claiming victory – until the numbers were tallied.

    The president-elect has struggled with attacks from the media, the opposition party, his OWN party and various well-funded paid protestors from the start. Meanwhile the lame-duck president continued his onerous executive orders and the media ignored his shenanigans. The fawning media turned into attack dogs even to the extent of placing fake news stories – also known as downright lies – everywhere they could. And they continue today.

    In light of the media presstitutes behavior over the past few years, I decided to identify the culprits to make it easier to disregard those fake news stories when they appear.
    Many newspapers – with the most onerous being the New York Times and the Washington Post. Both have been caught in outright lies in print multiple times. I’m beginning to wonder if they have a special desk that fabricates these stories, and both newspapers are now so toxic as to be considered hazardous waste. Readers are cautioned to wear a hazmat suit while perusing them.
    Online, we have Salon, Slate, Buzzfeed, The Hill, and Politico. Any “news” there should be immediately suspect.
    And on TV, the alphabet networks ABC,CBS and NBC now have different definitions of what those letters actully stand for. CNN – once a leader in cable news has become FNN – Fake News Network – even stooping to passing along debate questions to a candidate prior to a debate. MSNBC is a political arm of the Democrat party, and makes no bones about it.
    The odd part about the above media outlets is that they actually believe they are the arbiters of truth – even when they make it up!

    These days, it’s become difficult to believe “news” from any of these outlets. Many so-called reporters need to be checked regularly to see if they are suffering from rabies as they spew their vitriol.
    There are always two sides to every story, and the truth is usually somewhere In between. Our “media” has given up any semblance of what might be right for the country in favor of an agenda moving toward the Left and Socialism, with Freedom being kicked to the curb.

    There are a few shining stars out there – Post Scripts is one. You are to be commended for your stand in the smelly barnyard residue that flows so easily from those who falsely claim to be “journalists” today.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. TruthToPower says:

    We have warned you about the bought out system

    You folks said you were fine with it

    it is an inside coup took decades but they did it. Go back and read declassified docs with an open mind

    many of the same donors fund both political parties

    But that choice is up to you, when those who care about America speak we are commies if we do not agree with the Cons and Paid trolls, Trump Voters, or delusional if we disagree with the Blue Dog Dems.

    There is a reason there are more independents than in either party. Low Voter Turnout by the disgusted who gave up, and overall discourse.

    People do not have to act like one group wants. Every state in the Union has different problems. And Both parties are corrupt and work for the donors.

    Americans are disgusted and waiting for the rest to join us. Truth is what brings people together. Democracy is what we fight for.

    The political parties do not work for the general welfare of the people or even the country.

    They fund raise 24/7 Foreign Money is everywhere, and the USA is on it’s last legs if people do not wake Up

    Every Empire in History has fallen. This empire gave out jobs, manufacturing ect ect to other countries, China will be the new Empire if people refuse to wake up and smell the coffee.

    • Tina says:

      “You folks said you were fine with it”

      Wrong. We have been blogging about it for well over a decade…and before that talking to anyone that would listen.

      “…many of the same donors fund both political parties”

      “Donors,” in general, are not the problem. Most of them have survival at the forefront of their lobbying. a few actually collude.

      Our governments excessive power is the problem and it’s a problem for companies too. Look at what government did to healthcare and coal with just a few strokes of a pen. People lost their jobs, their insurance, their regular doctors and were forced into plans that were too expensive to use. Government has cost the American worker billions of dollars in lost wages, mismanagement of tax dollars, lost opportunity, fraud and waste. They have awarded themselves big salaries and benefits and excused themselves from regulations that others, including industry, must follow. They have formed alliances with unions against the parents in education. We are fed up. You think corporations are the problem. They represent a system that has grown too big, too powerful and unaccountable to boot.

      “…when those who care about America speak we are commies.

      No. You are “commies” (or fascists) when you come down on the side of Marx, Lenin, Hitler or Mussolini. You keep saying ideology doesn’t matter but most things you favor are socialist in nature…and all of those guys, Marx, Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini, believed in socialism in some form or another just as you do. We aren’t calling names. We are correctly identifying your ideology.

      The decline in identification with the parties in recent years is a reflection of the people’s disgust at failed government. They leave their party to become “independent.” But the things they believe in do not change. When it comes time to vote, most of the time, they vote for the person who they trust most to fight for the things they believe in. Nothing really changes.

      I’ve asked you many times to share what you think independents want. So far you haven’t given me a reason to join with you.

      “Americans are disgusted and waiting for the rest to join us.”

      The rest? We, the rest, are not Americans? That’s no way to make friends.

      “Truth is what brings people together. Democracy is what we fight for.”

      What about the Republic? Do you fight for it? Do you even know why it’s important to do so?

      We can agree on one thing, Dewey, our nation is in serious trouble. We can’t fix the problem if we don’t know or don’t remember the things for which she once stood.

  3. Tina says:

    Excellent comment and thank you J. We do endeavor to be factual while expressing our opinions. I think the motivation for both Jack and I is our love of America and the miracle of freedom. Friends like you who join us here share in that.

    There are reliable new media sites (too many to mention) that regularly make sense of fake news and the phony posturing. Their posters often have knowledge of the law and political procedure. I depend on them because they’ve worked in DC, understand it, and are well sourced. People like Victor Davis Hansen, Thomas Sowell, and Walter Williams round out the crew with their knowledge of economics and history. I’m so thankful that they do what they do.

    While useful idiots protest in the streets, media pump out fake stories, and politicians buckle and flail around, it is America that is under attack. What happens next won’t affect me as much as it will my children and grandchildren. I’s because of them that I spend so much time attempting to correct the record, fill in the holes, and rebut the constant barrage of thought that strays afar of American values.

  4. Libby says:

    Betrayed? Poor Tina.

    No, I think paranoid and deluded are still the better descriptors.

    I notice that you don’t want to get much into the T’s exploits over the last few weeks. But no quantity of “patriotic” piety is going to wish it all away.

    • Tina says:

      Sorry Libby but you haven no credibility in the political “exploits” category. You didn’t give a rats butt about corruption, lies, cover up, obstruction of justice or betrayal during the last eight years. You couldn’t even muster an attitude of slight concern, despite numerous scandals and evidence that deserved more official scrutiny than it got.

      I’ll get into a Trump scandals when there is one. Right now there seems to be a lot of speculation, innuendo, false accusations posing as fact, fake news, and continuing cover for Hillary, Obummer, et al.

      Are you aware of the broad scope given the special counsel? He could scoop up anybody in that probe for just about anything they might have done.

      Meanwhile poor little Lois Lerner says she can’t testify because her life is at risk. Americans are asked to do that very thing in criminal cases involving hard core thug and murderers much more dangerous…such an elitist old bag.

      Patriot. That word really gets to you don’t it!

  5. Deplorable Freeloader Joe says:

    And who cares about Colliefornia (as Ahnode calls it)?

    I will tell you who, the Deplorable Freeloaders.

    Heck, I bet even Captain Jack is a Deplorable Freeloader.

    Revolt of the California Freeloaders

    “If you live in California, have a job and pay taxes Governor Jerry Brown would like you to know that you’re a freeloader and he’s tired of your complaining,”


    • Tina says:

      Just read this story.

      Sounds like the old buzzard is a bit ruffled, feather wise!

      I’m a proud, card carrying “freeloader” since that remark makes him something a lady wouldn’t utter. Hint: It begins with an A.

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