Newsy Tidbits

Posted by Tina

1. There’s been a concerted effort to create hatred of corporate CEO’s because of the large salaries that many of them make. But a new report indicates that union bosses make more than CEO’s.

And, if we took the advice of folks like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and confiscated every bit of all CEO pay to give (redistribute) to employees they’d each get a whopping $1.33 more in their paychecks each week.

CEO’s are responsible for the continued success of their companies. The companies they work for provide products and services that customers want and jobs that Americans need and want. What exactly do union bosses contribute and who are the truly greedy?

2. A Harvard study has found that has found that “Journalists Are a Bunch of Drunks With Sub-Average Brain Function”…the study was fact checked as “mostly true.”

3. At that same link…researchers at Harvard also studied media coverage of Trumps first 100 days. Findings were as expected. Trump has been treated more unfairly by the press:

Trump set a new record for negativity, with eight out of every ten stories about his administration framed in a negative manner. This far exceeded the hostility encountered by his three immediate predecessors — especially Barack Obama, who was the only recent president upon whom the news media showered majority-positive coverage. …

… Anyone could have guessed that Fox News would rank as the friendliest major news source for Trump, but I’d be surprised if people would also have figured that Fox’s coverage was still slightly net-negative overall. For all the talk about FNC being “in the tank” for the new president, or the American version of “state television,” this breakdown actually makes Fox look quite a bit more — what’s the phrase I’m searching for here? — fair and balanced than the rest of the pack (see chart)

Fox is approximately 50%-50% on positive and negative coverage. The rest are from 83%-93% negative.

So Trump was correct to use himself as an example of what to do in the face of adversity when he spoke to the Coast Guard grads…keep going.

4. The Associated Press (AP) saw an “ominous sign” that the “troubled” FOX News was in for a ratings dip as it highlighted an uptick in ratings for MSNBC. Buried deeper in the story was the fact that FOX remains on top in the ratings game for cable.

They never miss a opportunity to hit.

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2 Responses to Newsy Tidbits

  1. TruthToPower says:


    CEO’s? It goes company by company

    CEO pay vs their employees? CEO pay has risen up to 890% while worker pay goes down.

    You live in Chico CA. Where do you work? A CEO is not some blanketed King Title.

    Sorry you just repeated Propaganda. Also the Hedge fund managers tearing apart businesses? transferring assets to their R.E.I.T.’s ect ect while whining the company is broke?

    Watch Eddie Lamberts moves this July. The statue of limitations for being an insider is up. He is likely to become the #1 creditor when all is said and done.

    You really are out of touch with the real world hon.

    Maybe the people who have the real knowledge and are the ones working for the slave wages are best suited to have this conversation.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey you obviously do not read my comments so you might as well take a walk off a short pier. You are among the duped and the lost who think the road to prosperity lies in covetousness and destruction of those who have succeeded.

      We live in America, a free country. Companies are owned here…that means they are the property of those citizens who own them. Property rights are part of the bedrock of freedom.

      When a citizen owns something he decides what to pay his CEO. In a publicly traded company the board of directors may decide.

      Anyone in America can, with hard work and strong will, rise to own his own company. Company profits (and assets) are then his. It is perfectly legal to protect those profits (and assets), within the structures of the law, when government is determined to take more. When taxes, fees and expenses for regulations rise it is likely that owners will sit on their hands and curb new investment and cut expenses, including in the areas of new jobs and higher wages. Common sense!

      NONE of the profits (or assets) belong to employees, unless they own company stock and even then they own only a fraction. A company is not a commune.

      When an employee takes a job he agrees to do certain tasks for an agreed upon wage. He is a free citizen and can, at any time, choose to look for work elsewhere, or, to better himself by seeking training and education. Opportunity to make more money falls on his shoulders alone.

      “Wage desparity” and “income inequality” are buzz words used to incite anger in the masses. They are a ruse to deflect attention from the factors of government that blunt opportunity, abundance, good jobs and higher wages.

      Through the Obama years this illusion has become more pronounced as the lousy economy, damaging regulation, and increases in taxes and fees have worked to stagnate and depress.

      Opportunity to climb the ladder of success is dying in America and is a problem but CEO pay is not the cause, it is an effect.

      See instructive articles here, here and especially here.

      Employees are not property. They are not dependent children. They are not slaves. Employees are free citizens. They bring their skills and knowledge when they make a contract to perform certain tasks in exchange for compensation for an employer. They are not required to risk their money or invest in the company. Their employment does not entitle them to a share of profits (unless they own stock). It does not entitle or empower them to decide how the company chooses to pay it’s employees.

      Employees are free people. They can choose to leave a job that does not satisfy their needs and wants.

      The main factors in wage desparity are massive growth in the size of government (1993); oppressive government regulation, taxes, and debt; an oversupply of workers willing to work for less pay; money-printing and zero interest rates that favor government and big business and crush small business.

      Our government is too big and costly to run and it spends too much. Economic power has been taken out of the hands of the people where economic growth and opportunity is created. Our government is spending as much as 40% of what we produce and even that is not enough for big government types…massive growing debt adds to the oppressive burden.

      If we set free the entrepreneurial spirit of the people and allow the private sector room to breath, risk and invest, good jobs will return and so will the middle class. There will be plenty of opportunities to rise…but we citizens will have to stop griping about those who make a lot of money and learn how to build our own wealth if we really want to do better.

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