The Downside of Healthcare as a “Right”

Posted by Tina

How could there be a downside? When healthcare is free people won’t have to worry about a thing and all will be well. Right? Maybe not. I just read an insightful article that, once read, should give every American pause. I only wish more Americans could, or would, read it and give it careful consideration.

Robert Weissberg at The American Thinker begins by explaining how the rights we were granted in the Bill of Rights were meant to protect the people from the tyranny of government but today a shift has occurred so that the notion of a right has become a guarantee of “tangible benefits.” He then goes on to expound on the dangerous path to economic and financial ruin, not to mention opening the door to more odeous restraints on our freedoms:

what should government-supplied healthcare target? This is hardly hair-splitting if government must pay for curing “an illness.” What makes this question so timely is that “illness” has been expanding so that what was once a non-medical, purely personal infirmity is now a “sickness” that deserves medical attention. Indeed, countless “sins” now warrant government-paid doctor treatments.

Examples of this expansive “medicalization” include obesity, sexual dysfunction, multiple addictions — gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, sexual behavior such as exhibitionism and child molestation — and crimes such as shoplifting (kleptomania). Millions of youngsters once chastised for being fidgety are now diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and medicated with Ritalin or Adderall. How about people who experience episodic but not debilitating depression? Surely occasional “being blue” is common but does everyone now have an unalienable right to Prozac? Even violent criminal behavior can be a genetic disorder and thus possibly reversed by brain surgery, not incarceration.

If that isn’t enough to send a chill dow your spine he then puts his finger on the current political climate. What if, for instance, phobias are deemed conditions “requiring medical intervention”. Could the government controlled system force psycological remedies (completely free of course)? Could the system detain citizens indefinitely?

Mr. Weissberg’s analyss continues, please read the full article. He concludes:

Result: national bankruptcy by a thousand cuts.


But I imagine it could take a few years for the US to go broke. In the mean time to what degree could our government stomp horrifically on all of our other God given rights? Historically people eventually end up having marched themselves (or their neighbors) into the gulags, the ghetto’s, and ovens. It all begins with a really fine tuned revolutionary idea.

Your thoughts?

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15 Responses to The Downside of Healthcare as a “Right”

  1. Libby says:

    I think this is a fine specimen of “miserable” thinking.

  2. TruthToPower says:

    WHo said Healthcare was free? Sorry but ya got it wrong.

    You rely on conservative rags?

    The single payer model maybe take a second to learn it?

    The cost will be cheaper and citizens will pay for it. People pay 800 -1500 plus a month.what do you pay? I have to look at the CA model but the National Model was cheaper than the current premium today. healthcare costs go down when the investor profit is taken out.

    I will gladly pay a tax that is cheaper than the useless healthcare Insurance today.

    The free stuff is the corporate welfare.

    All I see is propaganda from the left and propaganda from the right and the truth always lays in the middle.

    This I got mine screw everybody else stuff has to stop

    Nothing is Free

    • Tina says:

      It depends on what is meant by “free.”

      Seniors who require medical attention do not pay at the point of service, especially if they also carry supplementary insurance. In most cases, they never see a bill! The experience is that it’s free to them.

      Informed people know that nothing is free but many of us are not that informed.

      You are apparently aware that we would pay in a single payer system…well, at least those with jobs would pay.

      You don’t seem to mind that we would pay MORE because of the cost of the bureaucracy to manage it.

      Your hatred of profits blinds you. It puts you in favor of a higher priced pool to pay for healthcare. It puts you in favor of our government taking profit out of the economy. You don’t care about the unintended consequences and refuse to even consider them. A closed mind.

      When healthcare is perceived as free. Vladimir Lenin said socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state. A socialist state is antithetical to a free state. That isn’t “propaganda” it is the simple truth!

      I think it is you who are stuck focusing on the game rather than the substance that separates the two major points of view. Do you want to live in a controlled state or do you want to live free?

  3. Soaps says:

    Why do people keep incorrectly referring to this mess as health care? It is not health care at all. Obama care never hired more doctors or nurses or built new hospitals. All those billions of dollars only paid for medical insurance, a completely different thing. The argument is not about health care at all. It is about who should pay for someone else’s medical insurance. Why should the government force anyone to pay for someone else’s medical insurance? Why not make them pay for other people’s life insurance, car insurance, roof insurance, renter’s insurance, or any other kind of insurance?

    • Chris says:

      Because you already pay for people who are not insured, Soaps.

    • Post Scripts says:

      A brilliant point Soaps – I agree 100%.

      • Libby says:

        No, it is not a “brilliant” point. First, to assert that medical insurance has nothing to do with providing healthcare is idiotic. Second, an insured car or house are not necessary to anyone’s survival (although try telling that to the 20 percent). Healthcare is.

        Why are you all so dim?

    • Tina says:

      Soaps you’re right of course…and…it’s because when government controls and doles out the means of payment and of care it is perceived as “free healthcare.”

      If it were not we wouldn’t be using the word.

      It, whatever it’s called, fails to deliver as promised. Consider the conditions that plague our veterans at the VA.

      Consider, that although more people now have Medicaid (coverage), many of them have trouble finding a doctor who will treat them and services are controlled in ways that make recovery unnecessarily expensive, containing layers of unnecessary “cost cutting” care. (or services that are just not available)

      This article is about how we open ourselves to new abuses and fraud. If healthcare becomes a right what’s to stop our government from expanding (over time) what that right consists of?

      Should we be obligated to pay for sex change operations and boob jobs? Is that healthcare or are they personal choices based on lifestyle preferences?

      And if we make phobia’s a disease what controls might the government grant itself through a panel of un-elected officials to detain and treat individuals?

      I don’t know about you but I’m not anxious to put my grand kids in such jeopardy. After the last administration’s control mentality, after reading about how mental health laws can be “transformed” through activism by social interests, and after watching our tax burdens and our debt grow I think the concerns expressed in this article are wel worth consideration.

  4. Libby says:

    “Should we be obligated to pay for sex change operations and boob jobs?”

    Aren’t we the judgmental little thing? And you don’t make these decisions, thankfully.

    1) Breast augmentation surgery is generally not covered by any entity I know of … unless … the boobs in question are so large as to be damaging to a woman’s health.

    2) Sex reassignment surgery is generally covered, as it is generally deemed necessary to maintaining the mental health of the patient.

    You … thoughtless, selfish, appallingly ignorant and uproariously resentful, are not fit to have an opinion on the subject … one of the GREAT drawbacks of democracy.

    • Tina says:

      Who is judging whom? You … “thoughtless, selfish, appallingly ignorant and uproariously resentful, are not fit to have an opinion…”

      We know the song and dance.

      Your phony sense of caring (Obamacare) is already killing workable alternatives, costing a fortune, harming those who can’t afford the deductibles and premiums and is falling apart at the seams. The fix you suggest would be more of the same and would be rife with fraud, abuse, and denied care with government in control, not doctors and patients.

      Is any boob job worth that….NO! The few who really need it would not make up for the disaster delivered to grant them the service…and there are workable alternatives in a free system! (Or could be if done right)

      Under a free system groups that support such surgeries could acquire policies that include everything. Of course you will all pay for it but I’m sure you will have plenty of people sign on so at least the coverage won’t collapse.

      Others, who would prefer a policy that is limited to catastrophic coverage, and would willingly pay for lesser treatments themselves, would have that choice.

      Under a free system no one would be forced to buy a product they don’t want or need.

      It’s unfortunate that you can’t grasp the simplest of ideas. But you are a control freak, so….

      Democracies fall apart when citizens realize they can vote themselves goodies in a transfer of wealth scheme.

      Thankfully we were given a republic. It’s difficult to hold on but it’s the best shot we have.

      It must frighten you terribly that Americans are choosing to be responsible citizens willing to fight for freedom, choice, individual rights, and the rule of law.

  5. TruthToPower says:

    Healthcare as a right? taxes are for war?

    pro-life = healthcare for all

    Again do you pay for your healthcare or are We?

    A cheaper tax than healthcare premiums is a bad thing? You are on the exact healthcare right now but you got yours right?

  6. Tina says:

    I’ve paid and paid for healthcare. As an individual citizen I paid for my own insurance when I worked. As a business owner I paid for my insurance and my employees insurance. At the same time it was my companies money that paid into the medicare program…both portions for all employees and myself over thirty years! Also, a portion of my social security check is taken for Medicare.

    My generation also paid more to cover the generation that came before ours…we paid much more than many of them did!

    also, I did not have a chance to vote for or against Medicare, I was forced into the system by those who came before me.

    So please stop trying to say that retirees like me have not paid for their healthcare. We have paid and some of us have paid more than others.

    Can we agree that Medicare is a broken system?

    Can we agree that it does not pay for itself through the taxes we pay?

    Can we agree that it adds to the debt every year?

    For some strange reason you believe that expanding this broken system would end all of these unworkable conditions.

    By what possible logic?

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