Trump: “Did Not Make” Tapes of Comey

Posted by Tina

The President revealed today that if there are tapes of his meetings with Comey he “did not make” them:

“With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea … whether there are ‘tapes´ or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings,” Trump said in a two separate tweets Thursday.

He also said that if there are tapes they will be disclosed in the very near future, referring to ongoing investigations into leaking and surveillance.

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5 Responses to Trump: “Did Not Make” Tapes of Comey

  1. Libby says:

    You keep grasping at those semantic straws, Tina. We’ve never had a baldly, blatantly, irrepressible liar in the office before … only the crafty, surreptitious kind.

    Makes a change.

    • J. Soden says:

      Voters DID make a change – last November.
      Gotta wonder what Comey’s story would’ve been had not the tapes remark been made . . . . . Given Comey’s performance so far, History is not gonna treat him kindly.

      • Chris says:

        Gotta wonder what Comey’s story would’ve been had not the tapes remark been made . . . . .

        It seems like you’re saying Trump’s false implication that he had tapes was meant to influence Comey’s testimony…this strikes me as unethical, if not legally dodgy. (Though my understanding is that no actual testimony was planned at the time Trump made these comments, so Trump could not be charged with intimidating a witness.)

        What do you think, J? Do the ends justify the means here? If Trump’s empty threat was meant to ensure Comey told the truth, does that make it justified?

  2. Chris says:

    So the president purposely misled the public when he tweeted this:

    “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”

    And he continued to deceive when his administration refused to confirm or deny the existence of those tapes for over a month.

    Furthermore, his tweet was clearly designed to intimidate Comey and affect his testimony, as Trump nearly confirmed in his Fox and Friends interview:

    Everyone should be up in arms about the president’s deceitful attempts to mislead the public and intimidate a witness, regardless of party affiliation or ideology.

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