Libyan Colonel: Obama and Hillary “Abandoned the Libyan People”

Posted by Tina

PJ Media secured an exclusive interview with a Libyan National Army Colonel, Ahmed al-Mesmari, in which he asserts that Obama and Hillary, “abandoned the Libyan people to face these terrorists alone.” He indicated the administration “supported terrorist militias — including Libyan al-Qaeda leader Abdelhakim Belhadj and Muslim Brotherhood militias allied to al-Qaeda.”

The Colonel also indicated the UN and the EU were complicit in a plan to impose a “Government of National Accord” (GNA) that has zero constituency in Libya.”

Interesting reading. The entire interview is here.

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7 Responses to Libyan Colonel: Obama and Hillary “Abandoned the Libyan People”

  1. J. Soden says:

    The only real action provided by $hrilLIARy was to gather as many donations to the Bubba Foundation as possible. Obumble’s only activities – other than lying, fundraising, vacations and phony photo-ops was copious amounts of hand-wringing.

    And leaving 4 Americans to be butchered in Benghazi . . . .

  2. RHT447 says:

    With all the tangled webs we weave, here is a little perspective—

  3. Peggy says:

    Hillary’s secret war in Libya was just another way for her to make money by selling weapons to terrorist there and later in Syria. She couldn’t have cared less about the people.

    Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Debacle: Arming Jihadists in Libya . . . and Syria:

    “As U.S. armed forces attack ISIS in Libya, WikiLeaks is poised to remind us that ISIS is in Libya — indeed, that ISIS is ISIS — thanks to disastrous policies championed by Hillary Clinton as President Obama’s secretary of state. Also raised, yet again, is the specter of Mrs. Clinton’s lying to Congress and the American people — this time regarding a matter some of us have been trying for years to get answers about: What mission was so important the United States kept personnel in the jihadist hellhole of Benghazi in 2012?

    As I’ve recounted, to topple Qaddafi on behalf of the Islamists, the Obama administration — which did not seek congressional authorization for its offensive war (and preposterously maintained that bombing another country’s government was not really “war” anyway) — had to flout a United Nations resolution. The U.N. had agreed only to military operations for the purpose of protecting civilians, not offensive operations against the regime. Besides arming jihadists, the administration took no meaningful steps to make sure that Qaddafi’s military arsenals did not fall into terrorist hands. The regime was toppled and Qaddafi was brutally murdered — prompting Secretary Clinton’s bizarrely giddy quip, “We came, we saw, he died.” As some of us not-so-giddy types had warned would happen, Libya then became a safe haven for terrorists who turned on the American and Western forces that had cleared the path for them.”

    Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer:

    “The dirty deals that put illegal arms shipments into the hands of Libyan jihadists.

    In a scathing column Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano makes the convincing case that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to Libya in a direction violation of the U.N. arms embargo, and then lied about it under oath during her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi Oct. 22.

    “To pursue her goal of a ‘democratic’ government there, Clinton, along with Obama and a dozen or so members of Congress from both houses and both political parties, decided she should break the law by permitting U.S. arms dealers to violate the U.N. arms embargo and arm Libyan rebels whom she hoped would one day run the new government,” Napolitano explains. “So she exercised her authority as secretary of state to authorize the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood and friendly to the Libyan rebels and a country the U.S. had no business arming—unless the purpose of doing so was for the arms to be transferred to the rebels.

    Manners’ testimony was part of a grand jury investigation into American defense contractor Marc Turi and his company Turi Defense Group, another entity licensed by State to sell and transport weapons worldwide. The investigation was focused on both the source and user of weapons defined in court documents as “end user” or “end use”  that were entering Libya in 2011 while Qaddafi’s regime was collapsing–but before any Libyan opposition groups were formally recognized by the United States.

    Turi illuminated what occurred in the midst of that chaos, including the reality that poor oversight of the operation allowed America’s enemies to obtain weapons. “When this equipment landed in Libya, half went one way, and the half went the other way,”  Turi said. “The half that went the other way is the half that ended up in Syria.””

    Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban:

    “Memos recovered from Benghazi compound divulge covert effort”

  4. Tina says:

    Peggy it’s astounding that all of this went on and liberals turn a blind eye but now they are attempting to make a huge deal about a a handful of emails and a 20 minute meeting that so far has yielded nothing of interest transferred into the Trump campaigns hands.

    The Lynch DOJ waived visa laws to get this woman into the country but that won’t inspire curiosity much less suspicion.

    The left has lost all credibility. They care only about power and politics. The law is just a tool to be used used to advance their agenda, other than that they do not respect the law. They have no respect for free thought and inquiry, or scientific inquiry. Everything is for their agenda and desire for power. Disgusting.

    • Peggy says:

      Tina, I watched every Benghazi congressional hearing on CSPAN from the very first one and remember many things disclosed by those brought into testify. Charlene Lamb for instance said she’d watched the attack on live streamed video and stated the lack of funds was not the reason more security were assigned to protect it. It was called a “mission” station, which was not an official term, because it had not had congressional approval to be an embassy. Since it was not an official facility US military couldn’t be assigned to protect it, therefore, contractors were used.

      Everyone knew Hillary and Obama were running guns, that’s why it is called Hillary’s Secret War. Remember Sidney Blumenthal?

      “WASHINGTON — Emails that a longtime confidant to Hillary Rodham Clinton recently handed over to the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, raise new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the panel.

      The emails, provided by Sidney Blumenthal, a close adviser to Mrs. Clinton, include information about weapons that were circulating in Libya and about the security situation in Benghazi in the year and a half before the attacks. The committee has asked the State Department and Mrs. Clinton several times in the past year for emails from her and other department officials about “weapons located or found in” Libya and about the decision to open and maintain a diplomatic mission in Benghazi.”

      I’m my opinion the reason our military planes weren’t sent to save the men fighting for their lives at the annex is because of the weapons that were stored at the facility would have exploded from the bullets shot from the planes. It would have been very difficult to explain what blew up. Instead they left 30-40 people there who couldn’t talk if they were all dead and those who did survive haven’t talked to this day. At least not that’s been made known to the public.

      Yes, Tina they are disgusting. They have put their greed for power, control and living the life of the elites over doing what’s best for the majority of people in this country. The democrats, republicans in DC and the media will attack Trump every day and every way they can, because he’s a threat to their greed.

      2018 could see another mass exodus of the DC establishment and the Convention of States become a reality. It will be our last resort to save this country. Thank God our Founders were wise enough to foresee that our gov’t would become corrupt because it would be filled with imperfect men and women.

  5. Libby says:

    Yeah, that’s pretty much how it worked out, but not on account if any of this paranoid fantasy. You do remember Khadafi’s murder, don’t you? When it became all too apparent that we were not supporting any democratizing rebels at all, but just one of several merry bands of utter thugs.

    I expect a decision was made to back the hell off … and let these god-awful people savage each other until they decided for themselves not to do it anymore. They have yet to make this decision. They’ve carved the country into tribal fiefdoms, and each misbehaves regularly.

    I do feel for the Colonel. But if he does not want a reconciled Libya, what does he want?

  6. Peggy says:

    Another mysterious death with Clinton connections.

    Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton’s emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show:

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