MAGA: Scaramucci Terminates Suspected Leaker – MCain’s Back and Bombastic!

Posted by Tina

Action! That’s what’s been needed for some time to stem the tide of collusion, corruption, bad law, and inaction in Washington DC. From leaks out of the White House to partisan bureaucrats undermining those in charge, the last thing going on is faithful service to the American people.

No president should be saddled with those who intend to undermine and discredit him or his agenda. To that end the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci has already paid off:

Suspected leaker Michael Short has been terminated from the White House communications office, Breitbart News can confirm. …

… Short originally worked for the Trump campaign—placed on it by Priebus—and quit the campaign, sources tell Breitbart News, after the Access Hollywood tape came out. Politico confirmed this report, noting that Short walked out in the middle of the campaign leaving his computer behind only to show back up in January at the behest of the Republican National Committee (RNC) allies in the White House.

“He was scorned by many of his colleagues for quitting the Trump campaign, only to rejoin as a White House staffer because of Priebus,” Palmeri wrote of Short. “In a story often retold by campaign staffers, they arrived at Trump Tower one morning, months before the election, to see Short’s computer left open on his otherwise empty desk. He had quit the campaign that day and never returned. The next time he was seen by former campaign staffers was in January on their first day in the White House, where some were stunned to learn that they were going to have to work alongside him or for some of the press assistants subordinate to him.”

Multiple White House sources tell Breitbart News that Short was a leaker, and worked closely with now former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh—another RNC wing official who was terminated earlier this year for her own suspected leaking.

The RNC huh? Most likely the RNCe, those supporting the GOPe who work with their Democrat colleagues against the American people to preserve a very lucrative elitist club. Most of them have been less that faithful about repealing and replacing Obamacare even though they took campaign contributions from Jill and Joe Fruited Plain voters and campaigned on it over seven years.

One of the elite, Senator John McCain who returned to DC to vote yesterday, thought it was wise to disparage the citizens that have given the GOP both houses of Congress, the presidency, 32 governors, and control of 68 of 98 state legislative bodies. McCain apparently thinks this growing group of citizens is a small (think crazy) fringe group:

“Stop listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio, TV and internet. To hell with them!” the feisty McCain said in a speech on the Senate floor.

So McCain is just “feisty?” Does he think those who pay attention to politics are stupid or is it that he thinks he’s smarter and better qualified to decide our fates? Some of you may recall a time when representatives in Washington lamented that the public wasn’t engaged enough. We were called the “Silent Majority” then. We had respect then.

Those in Washington who oppose Trump and his agenda to “Make America Great Again” should know the majority elected Trump and have become “bombastic” along with those on the radio and on TV BECAUSE of the corruption and failures in Washington. We have engaged with energy and commitment because we see the game and that we are being played. We are no longer silent, or polite, for good reason. You in DC have cheated, lied, and failed the people. And it’s YOU that have the power to do something about the bombastic mood in the electorate…simply do what you promised to do. Stand on the principles you’ve been touting for at least 30 years and reform our bloated government. You’ve been awarded the leadership position…USE IT!

Draining the swamp is a big job. I support Scaramucci and his efforts to stop the leaks and direct communications from the WH. Those in Congress must do what they were sent to DC to do. The American people are participating and will continue to participate vociferously as is their obligation and right! The people don’t want miracles, just do your jobs…or face the consequences in 2018.

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18 Responses to MAGA: Scaramucci Terminates Suspected Leaker – MCain’s Back and Bombastic!

  1. J. Soden says:

    All that hoopla about “hero” Mclame was premature. He just voted against Rand Paul’s clean Obumblecare repeal.

    I posted it last year here that he did not look well and didn’t think he’d survive his current term . . . .

    • Tina says:

      I do not wish him ill but he sure can be infuriating. Suppose he’s like Hillary, convinced he lost because of everything else…especially bombastic citizens (who just happen to have free speech rights)?

  2. Chris says:

    Short’s choice to quit the campaign after the pussy-grabber tape came out could have shown that he was a man of principle. Rejoining as a staffer in the administration proves he has none.

    ““Stop listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio, TV and internet. To hell with them!” the feisty McCain said in a speech on the Senate floor.”

    Wait, you object to this and interpret it to mean “stop paying attention and being engaged,” but you don’t object to Trump calling every source that points out his inaccuracies “fake news?”

    What’s the difference? That you think McCain’s “bombastic loudmouths” refers to sources you like?

    If that’s how you interpret his comments, does that mean you think your sources are bombastic loudmouths? It seems like your interpretation says more about you than it does about him.

    (It’s worth nothing that McCain’s speech got rave reviews among moderate Republicans, liberals, and the reality-based community. For all your talk of “elitists” who are out of touch with the majority of the country, it’s the ride-or-die Trumpers who become a smaller and smaller camp every day.)

  3. Peggy says:

    Off topic, but did you hear about Miss Debbie WS’s IT guy being arrested Monday night trying to get out of the US after being in hiding for several months? Did you also hear who he hired for his attorney? Bill and Hillary’s attorney, that’s who.

    I do believe AG Sessions needs to set up another special council.

    Imran Awan’s Lawyer Is Long-time Clinton Associate:

    “Gowen is a founding partner of Gowen, Rhoades, Winograd and Silva law firm, with offices in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, Penn.

    His official bio on the firm’s web site notes that he “left the Public Defender’s office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton. Chris was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, My Life.”

    “He also served as a traveling aid for President Clinton’s national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.”

    • Libby says:

      The Politico report is better, not so Clinton-fixated. I mean, looks to me like a common-and-garden-variety, highly entrepreneurial, clan of fraudsters to me. He is arrested. The system is working. He can hire any lawyer he wants. The system is working. What on earth is the big deal?

      Oh, the Clinton fixation … that’s the big deal. But, you know, the Clintons don’t work in our government anymore. Why aren’t you fixating on the people who do?

      Like I have to ask?

      • Tina says:

        Corruption and crime that weaves through the Democrat Party and never rises to the level of justice met for the American people is the “big deal!”

        Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner/IRS, Benghazi, spying on journalists, NSA Spying, Hillary’s (secret) private server, smashed computers (destruction of evidence), poorly devised and carried out investigations, Bowe Bergdahl, Secret Iran Nuke deal, Polluting the Colorado River, the Stimulus cash disappearing act (included Solyndra) and the entire Race activism “white hispanic” and Fergussen show.

        Why aren’t we “fixating” on the people who do work in our government?

        Why does the media fail to report on anything of interest done by people now working in our government instead of “fixating” on a few tweets that push all of their buttons?

        If the Presidents outrageous tweets are so embarrassing for the country, so horrible and appalling, why in the world do they feature them prominently 24/7?

        The president apparently tweets a lot and yet they only feature the ones that offend them…who is failing the people? Who is doing a great disservice to the people?

        The idiot left activist media, that’s who!

        Maybe you should ask.

        • Chris says:

          Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner/IRS, Benghazi, spying on journalists, NSA Spying, Hillary’s (secret) private server, smashed computers (destruction of evidence), poorly devised and carried out investigations, Bowe Bergdahl, Secret Iran Nuke deal, Polluting the Colorado River, the Stimulus cash disappearing act (included Solyndra) and the entire Race activism “white hispanic” and Fergussen show.

          “We didn’t start the fire! It was always burnin’ since the world’s been turnin’…”

          Ok, but seriously: you’re conflating potential crimes with things that are in no way crimes. Bringing back Bergdahl wasn’t a crime. The Iran Deal wasn’t a crime (and Trump has not rescinded it, because his generals have told him its working). The crime in Fergusson was the institutional racism in the police department, though liberals admittedly chose the wrong poster boy for that. You’re misinformed on Solyndra and stimulus cash disappearing. The private server was wrong and against regulation, but wasn’t a “crime.” You’re just throwing up buzzwords.

  4. Chris says:

    Last night, Scaramucci–the guy who Trump made White House communications director a few days ago–called a reporter and told him “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not going to suck my own c—:”

    He also said he wanted to “f–ing kill all of the leakers,” then called Reince Priebus “a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” continuing, “‘Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fu—g thing and see if I can c–k-block these people the way I c–k-blocked Scaramucci for six months.’ ”

    He then made several false claims about “leaks” of information that was public.

    This is not The Onion. This is our reality in 2017.

    Again: this was the communications director. Talking to a reporter. Five days after getting the job.

    When will you concede that when Trump said he surrounds himself with the best people, he was taking you for a ride? He surrounds himself with coked-up thugs. The result is chaos, infighting, and non-stop drama. That may have worked for him as a reality TV star (even though he didn’t even pick who got fired, and as we’ve seen with Comey and Sessions, isn’t any good at firing people). But it doesn’t work in the nation’s highest office.

    • Post Scripts says:

      IF…. the communications director spoke this way to a reporter, then he is both too stupid and too uncouth, to keep his job. Of course we know the New Yorker has published nothing but negative stories about Trump and his team. Now we are asked to believe Mr. Scaramucci threw all his brain cells out the window the moment he started working for Trump, then set himself up for a firing and in so doing brought disgrace upon his team and the President. That’s a quantum leap. As an honest seeker of the truth, who has been fooled before, I’m more demanding now of my sources. I have more [healthy] cynicism than ever before and because I do, I would want to know more about the reporter and what evidence there is to support such an inflammatory and ridiculous rant. Wouldn’t you? Because… this story sounds too preposterous to be believed. I’m going to look into this one.

      • Chris says:

        It’s good to be skeptical, Jack. This sounds like something from the Onion. But I’ve never heard of a reporter of Lizza’s stature or a source like The New Yorker simply making up an interview.

        More importantly, Scaramucci has confirmed the story, tweeting:

        “I sometimes use colorful language. I will refrain in this arena but not give up the passionate fight for @realDonaldTrump’s agenda.”

        So there’s no denying what was said at this point.

        I’m glad you agree with me that Scaramucci should lose his job. I’m already seeing defenders of Trump praising Scaramucci on Twitter, which is sadly unsurpising; Trump was voted in after the “pussy-grabber” tape, after insulting POWs and disabled reporters, after trafficking racial and religious stereotypes, after bragging about the size of his penis during a debate, after calling female opponents ugly and saying a female reporter was mean to him because there was “blood coming out of her wherever,” and has been no more dignified in office, making sexually suggestive comments about yacht sex to the Boy Scouts just the other day. Do decorum, civility or good taste matter at this point? But maybe with this, Scaramucci has crossed a line even Trump has not crossed up until this point.

        What’s ironic is that he was specifically brought on to fire people, and committed a firable offense his first week on the job!

        • Post Scripts says:

          That’s not colorful language is it? And by any standards, past or present, it’s sick, demented and beneath the dignity of the White House. It’s a sad day for us all if this story was accurate. Fox news is doing a special story on this tonight.

          • Chris says:

            It appears the Mooch, as he calls himself, is still employed and there has been no sign that Trump is troubled by his words. Trump tweeted against the three Republicans who voted their conscience and saved the party from sabotaging itself with a disastrous repeal bill, and has been trying to drive Sessions out for a week, but has not commented on Scaramucci’s leaking of all the infighting going on in the White House.

            Would any of us expect to keep our jobs if we had called a reporter and said the things about our coworkers that Mooch said in that interview?

            One of the selling points of Trump was that we needed the White House to be run more like a business. But what business wouldn’t fire an employee immediately after a PR nightmare like this? What kind of boss is Trump that he not only consistently hires classless thugs like this, but keeps them on after revealing themselves as classless thugs to the world and embarrassing his administration?

      • Libby says:

        “Now we are asked to believe Mr. Scaramucci threw all his brain cells out the window the moment he started working for Trump, ….”

        Not quite, Jack. The Mooch has a long-standing reputation for a douche, which is why the grown-ups didn’t want him around, spent the last six months trying to keep him off the premises. The Donald needs no encouragement in this regard.

  5. Tina says:

    I was referring to “corruption” as well as alleged crime, Chris: “Corruption and crime that weaves through the Democrat Party and never rises to the level of justice met…”

    The comparison that comes to mind is Scooter Libby who was, IMHO, unjustly crucified. He served jail time and lost his law license for getting the date wrong (lied to the FBI) in testimony. Hillary’s and Lerner’s far worse crimes have been brushed under the rug.

    Berdahl’s case has been delayed again and again because requested material has been delayed (or withheld). The charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy as well as charges of endangering his fellow soldiers don’t quite gibe with the homecoming Obama afforded him.

    The very secretive Iran deal and it’s side deal were gross errors. Obama gave them a lot and demanded nothing in return. He foolishly aided an enemy. His policies and posture throughout his administration suggest it may have been done on purpose. It’s not working, unless by that you mean it’s turning out exactly as detractors said it would. As the National Review article points out, “Although the proponents of the agreement insist that its international support makes it inviolable, it is important to note that the JCPOA was rejected by the House of Representatives and that 58 senators went on the record opposing it. An agreement rejected by a majority of legislators has no credibility. The sovereignty of the U.S. Congress outweighs any international body’s embrace of an agreement damaging to American national interests.”

    An incredible bigoted (race crazy) justice department headed by Eric Holder discovered “institutional racism” after failing to prove their case against the officer in question. Racism according to someone with an obvious bias against whites. The entire sordid affair was suspicious from the start. See also articles here and here.

    No less than the Washington Post highlighted the corruption involved in the Solyndra deal.

    RE: Stimulus, an improved economy and jobs were the promise…the result was less than satisfactory:

    Lawrence Lindsey…argued in a Weekly Standard essay last year that the proposition made by Obama’s stimulus was absurd on it face.

    “Everyone except flacks for the White House knows that the 2009 stimulus package failed miserably to produce the promised results,” Lindsey wrote. “But even if you buy the White House’s argument that the $800 billion package created 3 million jobs, that works out to $266,000 per job. Taxing or borrowing $266,000 from the private sector to create a single job is simply not a cost effective way of putting America back to work. The long-term debt burden of that $266,000 swamps any benefit that the single job created might provide.”

    As time passes, the math on Obama’s stimulus plan gets worse — even if you accept the most optimistic analysis of how many jobs it has created.

    In February, the Congressional Budget Office published its latest report on the “estimated impact” of the stimulus. Although it had originally estimated the stimulus would cost $787 billion, CBO now says it will cost $831 billion.

    In the second quarter of 2012, CBO estimates, somewhere between 200,000 to 1.2 million people have jobs they otherwise would not have were it not for the stimulus. Assuming, optimistically, that the number is 1.2 million, that means each of those jobs cost taxpayers $692,500,

    As time goes on, the maximum number of jobs sustained by Obama’s stimulus will decline rapidly. By the first quarter of 2013, it will sustain between 100,000 and 600,000 jobs, says CBO. If it is 600,000, each of those jobs will have cost taxpayers $1,385,000. By the fourth quarter of 2013, the maximum number of jobs it sustains will be 400,000 — at a cost to taxpayers of $2,077,500 per job.

    Where did the money go? It certainly wasn’t used wisely or effectively.

    Hillary certainly did commit a crime by having that secret email server and doing official business on it.

    “You’re just throwing up buzzwords.”

    And you are proving the left media’s corrupt bias and partisan loyalty. Had they been acting as professional journalists you would be fully informed.

    This is the point in reminding you, time and again, that you have no standing to make charges against other administrations of the future.

    Our nations is in crisis. The rule of law has been perverted. Equal justice under the law is compromised. A travesty has occurred at the highest levels; the lack of justice is obvious and blatant: “…some animals are more equal than others.” If the people refuse to support the rule of law they can’t complain when it fails to work. Chris I fear for your future.

  6. Tina says:

    Yeah, you should go ahead and take them.

  7. J. Soden says:

    And with McLame’s vote last night to kill the “skinny” fix for Obumblecare, he deleted “hero” from any future descriptions of his behavior.

    Obumblecare can now be called either CollinsCare, MurkowskiCare or McLameCare. All 3 voted to repeal when Obumble was prez but failed when it really counted. I prescribe Eric Cantor Treatments for all 3.

    And now it’s time for TheDonald to remove the Clowngressional waiver for participating in McLameCare so that Clowngress can enjoy the same medical treatment that they required the rest of us to follow under the ACA.

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