Why the BFD About Anthony?

by Tina

Anthony Scaramucci says he made a mistake and it won’t happen again. Good for him. He says he trusted the media. This is a media that, one would think by the reaction, has never heard words like this from a public official before. I don’t buy it…not for one single minute!

Come on people…are we so naive as to think that not a single Democrat has ever used foul language, even in an on the record interview, and hasn’t completely trusted that if he used bad language his media buddies would edit them out? (You know they would and do!)

File all of this in the “it depends on what they’re up to” file and then let’s go for a little stroll down memory lane. Remember the reaction to VP Joe Biden when he publicly dropped the F-bomb? No?

Okay, first let’s recall Saul Alisky’s “Rules for Radicals,” Rule# 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

This isn’t a call for decency. It’s an activist tool to use against political and social opponents. So, yes, the right prefers decency in public discourse and expects our representatives to comport themselves accordingly. That’s the standard we prefer. I can’t say the same for the left…at least not most of them and certainly not the left media.

We are living in a time when the opposition has different rules for themselves. We’re living in a time when the opposition is attempting to destroy our republic and replace it with European style socialism…a complete fundamental transformation. To accomplish their goal they need power and it’s slipped. The sharp knives are out.

They thought they had established a permanent foothold when they passed the ACA. They were sure Hillary was a shoe-in. But Hillary lost. The ACA hasn’t turned out well…Obamacare is dying a slow painful death. Obama’s socialist economic, social, and foreign policy agenda has likewise not been good for America. Political games are all they have now. So when Scaramucci used bad language in that interview they began to hold up rule#4 and insist that we live up to the higher standard of comportment. Understandably some on our side are embarrassed. But let us not forget who they are and how they play the game of politics and life. Observe what they did in a foul mouthed situation when Obama sat in the White House. 03/25/2010…The ACA is signed into law and Democrats are happy and celebrating. But what was that thing Biden said? You remember…

Huffington Post, “Biden On ‘Big F—-ing Deal’: Obama Loved It”

ABC, “Biden to Obama: ‘A Big F-ing Deal'” (oh…video and story taken down)

NBC, “What’s the ‘big f’ing deal’ about swearing? – Never mind Biden. Curse words have been used for a centuries, maybe more

TV Guide, “Biden on Health-Care Reform: “This Is a Big F—ing Deal”

Vice President Joe Biden welcomed Tuesday’s historic health care passage with a historic gaffe, telling his boss on live television, “This is a big f—ing deal!”


Daily Kos, ‘Joe Biden on Healthcare: “This Is A Big F***ing Deal” (Now w/ Poll!!)”

And he’s right. I see some may try to call this a Biden “gaffe” but he was telling the damn truth (as he usually is). Getting that Bill passed and signed into law was a “Big fucking deal.” Hell, him saying that in a way that I didn’t even notice (and I watched it live) is only telling the truth and just yet another wonderfully human aspect of Joe Biden that makes us all love him more.

(Wwwwwwhat…no “love” for the “wonderfully human” Anthony Scaramucci?”)

Where is the hand wringing or concern? Anywhere? Nope…no calls for the VP to step down. No pronouncement of his being “unfit to serve!” No calls for Obama to fire him. Are you kidding…it was cause for a celebration, “better than a birthday or anniversary!”

In fact the phony left was so thrilled they immediately cashed in on it!

04/01/2010, NY Daily News, “‘Health Reform is a BFD’ T-shirt cashes in on Joe Biden’s ‘big f—-ing deal’ candid mic moment

WASHINGTON — Obama Inc. is making a buck off Joe Biden calling the health care victory a “big f—-ing deal.”! …The “Health Reform is a BFD” T-shirt appeared this week on the fundraising website hosted by President Obama’s perpetual campaign, Organizing for America. … The Tee is available to anyone who makes at least a $25 online contribution to OFA. … OFA, an arm of the Democratic National Committee, took its cue from the White House, which quickly embraced and laughed off Vice President Biden’s celebratory cussing at the signing of the health reform law last week.

Biden is “candid”…Scaramucci is a “bum.”

But, but, but it’s different.

Yeah it was different then…Biden was in public, on television, in front of a hot mike!

See, they want us to believe they don’t play these games. They want us to think they hold the same high standards. That they don’t have a different set of standards for themselves. We can trust them. Right?

Like he77! This is the biggest bunch of phony, underhanded, power hungry bums to come down the pike. They will do anything to take out our country, never mind their political opponents!!!

Don’t be fooled by the phony morality act…and don’t be fooled by the garbage reporting either.

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16 Responses to Why the BFD About Anthony?

  1. Peggy says:

    Off topic but, if you haven’t read this article by Andrew McCarthy it’s worth the read.

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers:

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Here’s what I see that is the BFD about Scaramucci. And I say this knowing probably most folks will not agree with me, but ok, here it is: This is not who we are, period.

    Sure, it could be who the democrats are. It could be who the media folks are. But, this is not who we are and further, it calls into question his judgement and integrity.

    His judgement in this matter was so skewed that I can only hope he [was] drunk or coked up at the time! Because if he did this blunder stone sober, we should take away all the sharp objects in his home before he hurts himself. But if he has a drug or alcohol problem, we can’t trust him in that position either.

    Scaramucci is no stranger to the media, he knows which side they’re on and he knows what a liberal rag the New Yorker is. So, how does one in his high position do something so offensive, loathsome and stupid that it results in scandal and instantly brings discredit upon himself and his boss and the GOP brand?

    This is on the same level of stupid as talking trash about one’s sexcapades with a lobbyist while seated next to an open mike in the state legislature. That cheating, lying, married guy at least had the decency to resign immediately.

    He had violated what we the people expect from our representatives and he needed to go. Just like Anthony Weiner-D, Bob Bar-R, Mark Foley-R, Larry Craig-R, David Vitter-R, John Edwards-D, David Drieir-R, etc. All done in by outrageous moral conduct that called into question their honesty and judgement.

    Democrats are free to operated under whatever rules they wish, but I don’t vote democrat. I vote republican. And I have certain minimum expectations of character and ability of my representatives. And if they don’t live up to that, then I’m not supporting them.

  3. Tina says:

    I’ve heard he’d been drinking. In fact it doesn’t sound like this was a formal interview at all but an informal meeting while he was out celebrating…who knows?

    Anthony Weiner is comparable to Anthony Scaramucci?

    Got it Jack. Thank you for being a voice for the highest possible standards. I really do appreciate that about you.

    I look at this differently. We’ve already kicked all vestiges of public morality and decency to the curb in this country. Values are held up as silly and old fashioned and the new morality can loosely be described as “everything goes.” When a President can target police officers as inherently racist and hold rallies that incite violence, including the murders of police officer, the decency party is over! We are in a fight for the soul of our nation.

    I am four square against killing people but when peaceful people find themselves under attack I’m will to suspend that standard and support those who are trained and willing to vanquish the killers and restore peace. We’ve tried to fight for the soul of our nation over forty or more years with a high level of decency and propriety at the heart of our terms of political engagement. all along the way we have lost battle after battle.

    New Yorker’s are known for their coarse language and their in-your-face dealings with each other. They use a language and style that’s unlike anywhere else in America and they think nothing of it. Sinatra wasn’t kidding when he sang, “…if you can make it here, you’ll make it anywhere.” They’re blunt and tough and they don’t suffer whiners and sissies. But under the crude veneer there also exists in many New Yorkers a set of strong values, including a great love for America. I sense this element is strong in both Trump and Scaramucci.

    I don’t support the bad bad language or some of the President’s tweets. I do support the office of the presidency and the goals to return our nation to a state more closely aligned with our founding. I support economic policies that have worked to create a strong economy and good jobs under presidents of both parties. I support the repeal of the extremely onerous Obamacare and new law that offers Americans more choices and challenges insurance companies to being costs to consumers down. I support reforms in senior and entitlement welfare programs that encourage individual strength and responsibility in our citizens and curtail additions to our massive debt. I support a less entrenched and more responsive education system that prepares our nations youth for adult self reliance and raises our standing in the world. I want secure borders, a strong military, and a shared sense of law and order and justice. (Not asking for much :-D)

    The people in DC come and go but the goals we share on the conservative side are well worth supporting. I want Trump and his administration to succeed because of the goals he and I share. I want him to succeed because of the fine people he has placed in important positions. I want him to succeed because I love our country.

    America has survived plenty of scandal; I think we’ll survive 4 (or 8) years of this NY scrapper (and his current communications director).

  4. Joe says:

    Hey, don’t say anything to hurt Uncle Joe’s feelings.

    He might stop donating a whole $369 to charity each year…half of that being his used underwear.

  5. Pete says:

    Wow! Just read the transcripts from this interview. All I can say is that cocaine is one hell of a drug!

    • Tina says:

      Oh boy…it seems we have two now.

      Ya gotta admit, the tweets keep the media busy while important work is being done.

      Meanwhile, it looks like my sense of things was right on the money. According to Jeffrey Lord at NewsBusters there have been many in leadership of both parties that use, shall we say, colorful language (scroll down):

      While we’re at it? Let’s close with perhaps the week’s most amusing moment in the media. It seems that the new White House Communications Director Anthony Scarmucci sought out The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza (full disclosure: Ryan is a CNN colleague) and delivered an on-the-record profanity-laced scorcher about internal White House politics. Like a mouse to cheese the media lasered in on Scaramucci’s profanity, professing astonished horror because, you know, this kind of thing just doesn’t happen. Cue my research instincts to this CNN story from April of 2011. The title?

      Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians

      And who, pray tell, did CNN select as number one and number two in this Scaramucci-like category? Number One was…drum roll please – President Barack Obama. And Number Two? That would be Vice President Joe Biden. The list, it must be said, is admirably bi-partisan. Number Three was ex-Vice President Dick Cheney and Number Four was…oh noooooo…somebody named Donald Trump! The list sails on with names present and past deemed as having foul mouths worthy of note. They included George W. Bush, John Kerry, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel and more.

      The point? While Mr. Scaramucci has doubtless learned a lesson about on-the-record versus off-the-record, the notion that his obscenity laden chat was somehow something an aghast Washington has never heard before? Um….no. Laughably no.

  6. Chris says:

    Glad to see at least Jack still has some principles.

    Tina, your comparison to Joe Biden is absurd. I don’t have to explain to you the difference between calling something a “big ****ing deal” and saying your co-workers suck their own ****s. You know the difference. You just pretended not to.

    I remember asking this question a lot here, but it applies once again: Why pretend to be stupider than you really are?

    If any of your employees were caught badmouthing their coworkers to the press in such graphic ways, you would fire them immediately. Instead, Trump fired the guy who was getting badmouthed! Only an incompetent boss and a crappy leader would allow such conduct on his watch and punish the victim rather than the perpetrator.

  7. Tina says:

    “You know the difference. You just pretended not to.”

    Both the remarks AND the response in the public matter. It also matters that a double standard is used regarding our government. People with an R after their names are given no quarter unless they genuflect to the left and compromise their own principles (McCain).

    According to you, using the F word in public, and then seeing your party and the media make jokes and laugh about “good ol’ Joe” is acceptable and, if not a showing of great character, at least nothing to cause moral alarm or constitute a firing offense.

    According to you, using the C word in a private conversation, seeing your remarks exposed in the media, and then watching Dems and members of your own party heap scorn and contempt on you is appropriate, a well deserved response exposing low character…a definite firing offense.

    You draw crooked morality lines, Chris.

    The difference I see is that Biden was in public in front of a hot mike at a televised event. It was a stupid mistake.

    Scaramucci was speaking with a journalist on the phone. He talks with journalists all the time (I’m sure in similar fashion) but never before as a WH staff member. He should have known his (on-the-record) remarks would be used against him and Trump. He should have know they would not be edited for public consumption. He should have known that the R after his name changes the way he will be treated. He made the stupid mistake of trusting the media.

    You draw with crooked lines to make the reality fit, Chris. Excusing Biden as a funny tolerable guy but Scaramucci as the worst kind of evil is simply ridiculous.

    If morality is the issue then we should hold everyone to the same standard let’s stop pulling punches.

    “Only an incompetent boss and a crappy leader would allow such conduct on his watch and punish the victim rather than the perpetrator.”

    Looks like you’re wrong about that, Chris. See the latest post.

    “Instead, Trump fired the guy who was getting badmouthed!”

    The decision to let Priebus go preceded and had nothing to do with Scaramucci’s stupid remarks.

    How many times should Obama have fired people for low moral behavior that actually harmed people? (Gun walking, IRS, Benghazi to name a few) In my mind those a far more egregious character and leadership failings. Obama’s leadership was extremely weak. Where was YOUR outrage?

    And please don’t assume you know how I think or how I would treat my employees. Life entails a great many opportunities to learn. I take that into account when I deal with people. It’s what they do AFTER the event that tells me about their character. As a matter of reference Scaramucci immediately acknowledged his error and apologized and then shut his mouth…today the consequences of his error were revealed by the WH.

    The consequences of Joe’s stupid mistake was money given to the DNC by people who draw morality along crooked lines.

    • Chris says:

      It isn’t a double standard, it isn’t about bad words, and the conversation wasn’t “private.” Telling a reporter your colleague in the White House sucks his own **** is objectively worse than calling something a “big ****ing deal.” It just is, and my opinion would be no different if the parties were reversed. The difference between us is that I know from experience that yours would be.

  8. Tina says:

    Oh give me a break.

    You want me to believe that you think a conversation on a phone is the same as a public televised hot mike event?

    “It just is”

    You also want me to believe nobody else in DC has ever spoken this way about co-workers or to the media. Incredible.

    Sad that no one is bothered these days that a journalist would print what he said. The media gladly hid the exploits of JFK. We’ve gotten used to the foul mouths and behaviors of our leaders and the fun game of gotcha.

    “…my opinion would be no different if the parties were reversed.”

    Yep you jump at the chance to show your bipartisan moral chops.

    But when it really counts…when people are being politically targeted by leadership in your party through the IRS…it’s not a BFD. It’s not a big deal even though one persons testimony and evidence shows she and her husband were harassed by the ATF, OSHA, and Justice in collusion with the IRS. Your leader allowed, condoned, (participated?), said and did nothing about it.

    Multiple scandals in the Obama administration were basically ignored and excused by a crooked media in cahoots with your party. You protected your leaders right down to the ground in all of them.

    Chris, you have no grounding to judge me because you have no real experience of me.

    The problem as I see it is you have no interest in what I’m communicating. Instead, I’m required to fit a preconceived pattern and when it appears I don’t, you take the opportunity to drop the hammer. It’s okay by me, just don’t assume I can’t see through your game.

    What an unforgiving harsh judge you must be. Do you treat yourself by that same holier than thou standard? Have you never said something despicable for which you later had regrets?

    Consequences happen after things like this. Well, they happen to Republicns. Consequences happened for Scaramucci. He lost his job. Lois Lerner left her job at retirement age with full benefits (to get the story off the front page).

    Did Scaramucci deserve the heaps and heaps of contempt and scorn piled on in addition to the consequences? Of course there should be some. But he received more contempt in the left media than Bill Clinton who’s behavior as THE leader in the WH was far, far worse. In fact that same media made sure his reputation never made the front pages when he was running the first time. His reputation as an abuser of women was a matter of public knowledge in Arkansas…the left press was not interested! Your party did not care

    There is a huge double standard. It’s unfortunate you have not seen it. Time magazine addressed this issue in 2010 after Obama said in an interview regarding the oil spill he would find out, “whose a$$ to kick (Notice the cover his remarks are afforded…and the assertion that journalists usually (used to) clean up off color remarks:

    President Obama wants to kick some ass. During a June 8 interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show, Obama said he had been talking to experts about the BP oil spill so he could learn enough information to find out “whose ass to kick.” The comment wasn’t particularly vulgar — we’ve heard worse from Vice President Joe Biden — but coarse language always seems shocking when it comes from the mouth of a President.

    Most examples of political profanity come from the 20th century and later. Earlier politicians didn’t have better manners, they just had fewer of their unofficial remarks recorded. For all we know, Thomas Jefferson could have cursed up a blue streak when he debated the possible revisions to the Declaration of Independence with the Second Continental Congress. We’ll never know; the drafting committee didn’t keep notes on its meetings. Abraham Lincoln was never caught on tape insulting anyone — mainly because audiotape hadn’t been invented yet.

    Until recently, vulgar outbursts were often cleaned up before they were reported to the public. Jack Garner, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Vice President from 1933 to 1941, once said the job of VP was “not worth a pitcher of warm piss.” In news reports, however, his last word was often changed to spit. After the recording of interviews and speeches became an everyday occurrence, word substitution largely vanished and political discourse was never the same. In 1973, journalist Merle Miller published a collection of taped conversations and interviews with Harry S. Truman, in which the deceased former President was quoted calling General MacArthur a “dumb son of a bitch.” (John F. Kennedy used the same term to refer to Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.)

    Lyndon B. Johnson had a famously dirty mouth. He chided Canada’s Lester Pearson for his anti-Vietnam stance by saying, “You pissed on my rug,” and once likened the difference between a Senator and a Representative to “the difference between chicken salad and chicken s___.” He even considered removing J. Edgar Hoover as FBI chief but changed his mind, reasoning that “it’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in.”

    Let’s not let Hillary, a person you defended and (perhaps?) voted for, out of the discussion. See here, here, and here. Was there ever a huge media shaming of her? Did she lose her job when she called Obama a mother f’er? Was anyone upset in the media that she continuously treated her security detail with foul mouthed contempt.

    Selective outrage is part of the left playbook. I don’t condone Scaramucci’s remarks but neither will I accept the false morality of the media or jump on their phony rule #12 agenda to target and destroy selectively.

    • Chris says:

      Tina, you don’t know that Hillary Clinton ever said those things; you just believe it. You’re still comparing things that MAY have been said to things that WERE said. Accusations, like the IRS thing and Bill’s “abuse” of women, are not the same as proof.

      At least Jeff Flake gets it.


      • Tina says:

        Oh I see.

        It’s perfectly okay to believe the story about Scaramucci (was it because he manned up and took responsibility for his error?) Using the occassion to stomp all over him, like it’s the only thing he ever said or did in his life, is also “acceptable” journalistic behavior. Real reporters took part in this crucifixion.

        But, the word of respected investigative journalist and writer Ed Klein can’t be trusted. Nor can we trust the word of those with whom Mr. Klein spoke. Neither can we trust the word of former secret service officer Gary Aldrich, who witnessed Hillary’s foul mouth and abuse first hand. Or the word of former Carter Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Joseph Califano. He can’t be trusted because, as Hillary put it, “You sold out, you motherfu*ker! You sold out!”

        Obviously all of those people are just part of the “vast right wing conspiracy” that Hillary blamed for Bill’s troubles with Monica and all of the many other “Bimbo’s.”

        Oh, and it’s not okay to believe the word of Bills “bimbos.” You know, women that have bravely stepped forward to accuse their attacker even though he was a very powerful man. Or, as Hillary put it, “every survivor of sexual assault” has “the right to be heard….the right to be believed.” Even when Hillary says we should, we shouldn’t believe women who’ve accused her husband. Not one of these women, save one, has benefited from going public. The one who did, Paula Jones, agreed to a settlement deal in her sexual harassment case against Bill Clinton, who wanted to avoid a lengthy and messy court battle that would further expose his abuses.

        The IRS “thing,” by the way, is well documented. The Catherine Englebrecht case is particularly important. See also here. The latest in her case against the IRS is so typical. Government witnesses claim their testimony shouldn’t be made public because their lives are being threatened…like that’s something that never happens in legal cases:

        Eastman said the threshold for issuing a protective order is extremely high, but that a judge may decide, after depositions are taken, to make public only some parts.

        Lerner and Paz’s circumstances, von Spakovsky said, are similar to many situations public figures face and shouldn’t be treated differently.

        “All current and former public officials in Washington get nasty emails and offensive letters and social media tweets—including me,” Spakovsky said, adding:

        If that were the criteria for excusing someone from testifying about their misbehavior while in office, then they would have the ready-made equivalent of a get-out-of-jail-free card—or in this case, getting out of testifying as they are legally obligated to do.

        Lois Lerner has already gotten her card for all intents and purposes.

        Those lines of morality keep getting more and more crooked. Tell me Chris, do you think we should all be treated equally under the law?

        Re: Jeff Flake’s remarks they reflect your own…surprise, surprise. But what exactly do they convey other than his own embarrassment as he holds Trump and republicans to a different standard? It could be that he is simply lacking in awareness about how this poses a serious problem for our nation. He is a bit of a “flake.” 🙂

        It’s not my intention to excuse bad language. I’m not a fan of this type of discourse. The consequences for Scaramucci were deserved. My point is simply that I want all of our leaders held to the same standards! Further, the situation will not get better until we address this much larger problem, media bias. The fourth estate is not doing it’s job. it is engaging in a political game and Scaramucci, the poor b’tard, fell right into it.

        Trumps administration is no more chaotic than Obama’s was or Clinton’s was in the first six months. the difference is the press didn’t keep saying their’s were chaotic. Their team had won!

        • Chris says:

          Oh I see.

          It’s perfectly okay to believe the story about Scaramucci (was it because he manned up and took responsibility for his error?) Using the occassion to stomp all over him, like it’s the only thing he ever said or did in his life, is also “acceptable” journalistic behavior. Real reporters took part in this crucifixion.

          But, the word of respected investigative journalist and writer Ed Klein can’t be trusted.

          You’re hilarious, Tina. The Mooch interview has been confirmed. Klein’s allegations never were. And Klein is not “respected” anywhere outside your right-wing bubble, and even the more rational commentators within the right wing, such as several on The National Review, regard him as a dishonest hack, and have pointed out several factual errors in his books:


          You don’t know the difference between a “double standard” and rational analysis of credibility.

    • Peggy says:

      Speaking of double standards does the name Rahm Emanuel and his “salty” language fit the bill?

      Doing an internet search “salty” comes up to describe Emanuel’s vulgar language, while “vulgar” and not salty does to describe Scaramucci’s language.

      Go figure, the power of words and the double standards they paint.

      Rahm Emanuel accepts job as Obama’s chief of staff :

      “The selection of Emanuel, known for his salty language and political toughness, comes as Obama appears poised to name another sharp-elbowed confidant to a highly visible job.”

  9. Tina says:

    Peggy, the gushing praise over Emaniel’s “salty” language and “sharp elbows” is positively nauseating, but typical.

    The left is never as funny as when they are out of power and trying hard to make a moral case.

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