Weird Science – Computers Invent New Language

Posted by Jack

“Facebook had to pull the plug on an artificial intelligence system that its researchers were working on because things got out of hand. The AI did not start shutting down computers worldwide or something of the sort, but it stopped using English and started using a language that it created.

The passages, which mean no sense to humans, is a conversation that happened between two AI agent developed by Facebook. The AI agents, created to negotiate with humans, first talked to each other using plain English, but eventually created a new language that only the AI systems understood.

The AI agents were not confined to a limitation of only using the English language, and so they deviated from it and created one that made it easier and faster for them to communicate. Facebook researchers, however, decided to shut down the AI systems and then force them to speak to each other only in English.” From Tech Talk

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4 Responses to Weird Science – Computers Invent New Language

  1. RHT447 says:

    It’s not here yet, but it’s coming…

    Comment from elsewhere–

    “Virtually all the Chief Constables in the UK are Common Purpose graduates and thus New World Order/Globalization apparatchiks. Their prime directive is to suppress any resistance to this objective and labelling anything that even suggests that someone is criticizing Islamic violence and depredation, gross public sexual deviance or even something so evil as patriotism is labelled a ‘Hate Crime’ – for which the penalties are draconian and for which there is little or no requirement of proof, only an accusation. See below the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) main guidance…”

    Field manual—

    Screen shot–

    • Tina says:

      Globalists are such blatant totalitarians!

      The radical left has been engaging in “hate incidents” for a couple of decades, unfortunately they can’t see it even when you hold up a mirror.

  2. More Common Sense says:

    I’m a bit worried. I have 4 computers in my office. When I walked in this morning I heard the following:

    Computer 1: u8kwj hwr. f0k-8645 y00r.
    Computer 2: p46e -86 u8kwj 9j eu54r45!

    I finally figured out their language and I’m leaving town. Can you figure it out?

    Seriously, I have three comments concerning this story.

    1. I found it interesting that the story said the researchers “decided to shut down the AI systems and then force them to speak to each other only in English”. Computers do not communicate in English. This would be incredibly inefficient. There are hundreds of protocols (maybe thousands) that are used for computers to exchange information. However, these protocols can easily be converted into information that humans can understand by hand or, ironically. by other software programs (traitors).

    The concern and fear this story intends to generate is very artificial (fake news?). The idea that the researchers were so concerned that they forced the computer to use English is laughable. I would suspect what they really did was stop the experiment and add some programming to log or display the “conversation” in a human understandable form. Remember, we are in charge and we can control what capabilities we give to the robots. More on this later.

    By the way, the idea of robots communicating in a language that we can’ understand is not new. You might remember CP3O translating the language used by R2D2.

    2. AI can be a wonderful tool or it can be nightmare. What we need to understand is it is really up to us. A computer is a machine and it is only capable of doing things that we allow it to do. Notice I said “allow” instead of “tell”. With the advent of AI we are allowing computers/machines the capability to derive solutions to problems on their own. Some of these solutions may be something we never envisioned. However, we can limit the scope of these AI derived solutions by establishing strict rules that all solutions and actions must follow. For example, if we give an AI system the problem of dealing with pollution without any rules, the solution developed by the system might be to eliminate the source of the problem, the humans. However, if we establish rules the AI system can’t change, such as no harm can come to humans, such a disastrous solution would not be considered.

    There are two challenges to creating these rules. First, the rules have to be comprehensive enough to eliminate harmful solutions. If care is not taken in creating the rules the AI system may find a “loop-hole” in the rule logic and do harm anyway. The second challenge is to create rules that are not so restrictive that they eliminate viable and reasonable solutions.

    The great author Isaac Asimov addressed this issue in a short story titled “Runaround”. He established the “Three Laws of Robotics” (see more on this here

    One thing to consider is there may be people or governments that may create systems devoid of limiting rules as a way of blackmailing the world or as a “doomsday” option; For example, a North Korea type government my threaten top release robots that destroy all life if the world does not do as they ask or setup a system that releases the robots if they are attacked as a kind of non-nuclear “mutually assured destruction”. Just like with nuclear weapons the fear would be that mistakes are made and the robots are released by accident, mistake or by a misunderstanding.

    3. I’m less concerned about the robots and machines taking over. I’m more concerned about how our society will handle a world where all work is done by robots and all human needs are supplied by machines. That being said, I’m not sure society would (will) survive the transition to such a world.

    First lets consider a world where all human needs or desires are provided by machines. The machines mine for resources; on earth or maybe the moon or other planets. Other robots process the resources and create products. Other robots build power plants for the power. Other robots farm and produce food. Other robots produce robots. Other robots design new and better robots. All within the bounds of the “Three rules of Robotics”. The machines are not “in-charge” they are, basically our slaves producing everything we might need or want.

    All products are free. No money is required. Food is available to all (if politics don’t get in the way). Clothing is free and available to all. Housing is free and available to all. Everyone has whatever they need. Sound good? Things start to fall apart when you consider that people “want”. People want things. If they don’t get them they are not happy, especially in a world where everything is free. For example. robots could make private jet airplanes but they cant make one for everyone.

    If the robots do all the work there is no way to acquire what you want. If you are not satisfied with what you have, how to you acquire what you want. If it exists, the only way is for the government to control if you get it by rationing or you take if from someone else. Both of which lead to great problems.

    The idleness of such a life would be a disaster. If you picked 1000 people 21 years of age and gave them $250,000 a year for life (adjusted each year to compensate for inflation) and they didn’t have to work it would be interesting to see where they were 20 years later. Some would use this opportunity to pursue their interests; music, art, science, travel, learning, etc. However, I’m sure a large majority would pursue self destructive activities and even criminal activities. Idleness is not fulfilling, it is destructive. We all need a little idleness from time to time to relax but idleness all the time would lead to massive problems.

    I’m not sure we would (will) ever survive the transition to a world where all things are provided by robots. Robots are already taking the minimum wage jobs putting people out of work. As the robots take more jobs there will be more untrained workers out of work. These people will be idle, poor, and angry; a bad combination. There will be unrest and violence.

    As I said, I don’t fear that the machines will take over. I fear the crumbling of society because people won’t be able to adjust to a society with no challenges. Without careful consideration of where we are headed we may be designing our own extinction.

    Hopefully the creation of robots will be paralleled with a move to other planets or something else that will help us find other challenges. Otherwise we may be destined to be an evolutionary stage in the evolution of carbon based life to silicon based life.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Anybody else remember “Colossus: The Forbin Project” from 1970?

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