Most Important Message of the Day!

Michael Ramirez is a genius, a Godsend, a blessing to America!

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10 Responses to Most Important Message of the Day!

  1. Libby says:

    Still … with the … “losers”. Whose word is that? I believe it’s one of The Trump’s favorites. People who think in terms of winners and losers make a lousy world to live in.

    • Tina says:

      HA! That’s rich, coming from you. Your party is the party that picks winners and losers through government regulation and control! But you are right about one thing, the society created by your party is a “lousy world to live in.”

      The Democrat Party under Obama, Pelosi/Reid created massive wealth for the winners in elite circles (Big banking, Big Silicon Valley, Big Clinton foundation, Big corrupt politician) while depressing the lower classes. It gave us Obamacare which picked winners and losers by subsidizing Big insurance and the very poor, while screwing the working poor and middle class!

      The word “loser” is not owned by anyone, any party, or group but your party really shines in that regard! You’re losers in that you’ve trash canned the Constitution in favor of special rights and a grievance society.

  2. Chris says:

    Ok, that’s pretty damn good.

  3. Peggy says:

    We now have proof of the Antifa’s agenda to take out Trump with any means including violence.

    From American Thinker.

    RefuseFascism unmasked:
    By J.R. Dunn

    “Thanks to an alert AT reader, we now have photographic evidence that one of the organizations behind the threat of an Antifa “uprising” on November 4 was in fact active in the Charlottesville riot last weekend.

    The photograph below was taken the afternoon of the Charlottesville disturbances, shortly after the confrontation with white supremacists gathering in a park near downtown.

    Although slightly obscured by a fold, the banner at the center clearly reads “” This outfit has been acting as something of an umbrella group for organizing a nationwide disturbance intended to bring the U.S. to a halt for the purpose of overthrowing the Trump administration.

    Courtesy of James Robertson.

    In the words of left-wing activist Carl Dix, the plan is to:

    … go from resistance to mobilizing to end the nightmare of the Trump/Pence regime. Right now these fascists, from Trump on down, are moving very quickly to hammer into place their fascist regime and this must be STOPPED. The organization Refuse Fascism has called for people to come into the streets and public squares and cities and towns across the country beginning on November 4 and stay in the streets day after day and night after night until the DEMAND is met: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! For this to happen, everybody needs to be at August 19 regional conferences to organize and mobilize for this.

    According to the RefuseFascism website, their mission is as follows:

    [1] Our single unifying mission must be to Drive Out the Trump/Pence Regime.

    [2] We must manifest the power of NO! everywhere: on signs, billboards, walls, social media and the news. NO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America must resound.

    [3] Every outrage committed by this regime must be met with greater and greater resistance.

    [4] We must ORGANIZE: working with all our creativity and determination toward the time when millions of people can be moved to fill the streets of cities and towns day after day and night after night, declaring this whole regime illegitimate – Demanding, and Not Stopping, Until the Trump/Pence Regime Is Driven from Power.

    Simply put, RefuseFascism, and its fellow left-wing outfits, is out to trigger “One, two, many Charlottesvilles” – to revive an ancient lefty slogan – in hopes of turning the U.S. into another Venezuela. Further details can be found in AT’s lead piece yesterday.

    Their participation in the Charlottesville riot shows that they are dead serious. These are not your typical leftist coffee shop bohos sitting around discussing the Frankfurt school. These are storm troopers.

    Needless to say, the papers, the networks, and your favorite cable channel have mentioned absolutely nothing about this, along with all the GOP grandees – Rubio, Ryan, Hatch, Ros-Lehtinen – so eager to attack the president for imaginary errors.

    AT will, of course, keep a close watch during the run-up to November 4.

    Hat-tip: James Robertson

    Thanks to an alert AT reader, we now have photographic evidence that one of the organizations behind the threat of an Antifa “uprising” on November 4 was in fact active in the Charlottesville riot last weekend.

    The photograph below was taken the afternoon of the Charlottesville disturbances, shortly after the confrontation with white supremacists gathering in a park near downtown.

    Although slightly obscured by a fold, the banner at the center clearly reads “” This outfit has been acting as something of an umbrella group for organizing a nationwide disturbance intended to bring the U.S. to a halt for the purpose of overthrowing the Trump administration.”


    • Tina says:

      What the heck do these morons, RefuseFascism and the like, find wonderful about Venezuela?

      Their ignorance about fascism is astounding…stooooopid is as stooooopid does.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    It’s right on – R. E. Lee did oppose slavery and knew it had to end. Its a shame his memory is tarnished by his involvement in it as was Washington’s and many others.

    • Tina says:

      Jack I don’t think of them as tarnished; I think of them as flawed people of their time…like everyone else.

      I hate revisionist history because it’s authors always paint with a broad brush and depict people as the very lowest of the low. Hollywood has done real damage in this regard leaving out important facts, failing to fully flesh out characters, and inserting partisan messages, overtly and covertly.
      The men that were capable of researching, debating, writing, and supporting the U.S. Constitution and those reaching the level of General in the army were not single faceted individuals. A look at their own writings reveals that slavery was clearly something they struggled with personally and eventually overcame in order to do what was right. Robert E. Lee was one of those and for that reason he deserves recognition.

      They do not know what they say. If it came to a conflict of arms, the war will last at least four years. Northern politicians will not appreciate the determination and pluck of the South, and Southern politicians do not appreciate the numbers, resources, and patient perseverance of the North. Both sides forget that we are all Americans. I foresee that our country will pass through a terrible ordeal, a necessary expiation, perhaps, for our national sins. – Robert E. Lee

      We failed, but in the good providence of God apparent failure often proves a blessing. – Robert E. Lee

      So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that Slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interest of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this that I would have cheerfully lost all that I have lost by the war, and have suffered all that I have suffered to have this object attained. – Robert E. Lee

      Useful idiots…what the hell do they know!

  5. Chris says:

    Interestingly, Lee also opposed erecting statues and monuments to the Confederacy and its generals on the basis that it would increase division within the country and keep open the “sores of war.”

    A century and a half later, it seems he has been proven right.

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