The Deranged Left

Posted by Tina

Signs that derangement and anger on the left is out of control is quite evident in America…the press won’t make a big issue of it…but it’s there for anyone whose eyes are open to see. Hatred, lies, oppression of speech and assembly, harrassment, and ginned up violence are thefootprints left by the deranged left:

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens joined calls Friday for state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal to be expelled from the legislature after saying she hopes President Trump is assassinated.

Democrats and Republicans called for her to step down but some Democrats launched a website, “I Stand with Maria”

And on the Boston University campus a conservative history major has decided to leave because of “death threats” and harrassment over his conservative views…he attended the rally in Charlottesville :

“I went to represent this new strain of conservatives, of people in the right wing who are opposed to mass immigration and multiculturalism,” Fuentes told Fox News on Thursday. …

… “We have basically been told our whole lives that white people are racist and evil and should be erased,” Fuentes explained. “We have basically been told that it is a crime to be born a white male.”

The student, who hails from a suburb of Chicago, is of Mexican lineage and contends that he and almost all other attendees did not go to the rally out of racist motivations, but rather most were like him and consider themselves to be “preservationists” staunchly against high levels of immigration.

“The picture the media keeps using is of one person with a Nazi flag, there were more [than] one thousand there who didn’t have Nazi flags,” Fuentes said. “The vast majority of people there were regular, decent people. I didn’t meet a single violent person. Our side is just preservationist.” (Trump said there were nice people there-media lie)

Fuentes noted that the Charlottesville rally had been in the works for about three months, and that people joined the fray not only from all over the U.S., but from Canada and various countries in Europe. But after posting on social media about going to the event – which turned tragic after a driver rammed a car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing a woman – Fuentes’ own firestorm began.

“I suddenly got dozens of messages on Twitter and Facebook telling me to go and kill myself and that if they see me they will beat the sh– out of me. Stuff of that nature,” he said. “At least 10 to 20 of them were death threats.” …

… even though he stands staunchly by his beliefs and makes no apology about making his mark in Charlottesville, he doesn’t plan on attending any such rallies in the near future.

“Everyone is a little shaken up,” Fuentes added. “The political climate has become so intense and so violent and toxic.”

Indeed…violent, toxic…and deranged…

Breitbart, “Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman Pen Antisemitic Letter to Jews Who Support Trump”

Authors Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman have penned an open letter to fellow Jews, warning them that if they do not oppose President Donald Trump, they will be labeled as Nazi collaborators and traitors to their people.

Chabon and Waldman, who were earnest supporters of President Barack Obama, and said nothing when he abandoned Israel and elevated the antisemitic Iranian regime, published their letter on Medium on Thursday.

Using classic antisemitic tropes, they address Jews who may support Trump because of “private business deals” or other personal interests — “You entered into negotiations, cut deals, made contracts with him and his government” — and urge them to turn against him.

Addressing casino magnate Sheldon Adelson directly, they turn up the antisemitic rhetoric, accusing him of calculating “that money trumps hate, or that a million dollars’ worth of access can protect you from one boot heel at the door.”

Chabon and Waldman also resort to blatant lies: “You have counted carefully as each appointment to his administration of an avowed white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi or crypto-fascist appeared to be counterbalanced by the appointment of a fellow Jew,” they say, providing no proof whatsoever that Trump has appointed anyone that matches any of those descriptions. (emphasis mine…deranged!)

This craziness, this hatred isn’t going to stop…the radical left is out of control…totally nuts!

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22 Responses to The Deranged Left

  1. Harold says:

    Tina writes and I fully support her on her comment,

    “This craziness, this hatred isn’t going to stop…the radical left is out of control…totally nuts!”

    Especially those who “If you live in the elite world of dance, you find yourself in a world rife with racism. Let’s face it. Alvin Ailey”

  2. RHT447 says:

    The left got what they wanted at Charlottesville. A dead martyr.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Yep, there’s always somebody who can’t reason beyond their own anger, somebody that provides just the sort ammunition the unworthy opposition needs.

      On a far lesser note, Trump has done that so many times I wish somebody would hide his cell phone. His good to bad tweet ratio is probably about 1:20, enough for me PLEASE stop tweeting Donald!!!!!

  3. Tina says:

    More evidence of derangement, “Antifa Protester Yvette Felarca Says Violence Against The Far-Right Is ‘Not A Crime’”:

    Yvette Felarca, the Berkeley area school teacher and militant left-wing protester responsible for organizing the riot at the University of California, Berkeley in February 2017, claims that violence against the far-right is “not a crime.”

    Felarca, who belongs to “By Any Means Necessary,” a far-left group, is currently facing assault charges after she was caught on video assaulting a white supremacist during a July 2016 rally in Sacramento, Cali. (see video)

    The school teacher and her compatriots engaged in violent clashes against members of the far-right Traditional Worker’s Party, which had a permit to march in the city. The violence between the two groups resulted in a number of assaults and multiple stabbings.

    This woman, who teaches young minds, actually believes assault against those she disagrees with is “self defense.”

  4. Peggy says:

    Some are saying we are on the brink of another civil war, while others are saying we are in one.

    Truth needs to come out as to what the different groups are and who is behind them.

    Who is this Jason Kessler guy and what are his connections to OWS, Soros and Obama? Also, if true, why are McCain and Hillary supporting a Nazi movement in Ukraine?

    Too many unanswered questions.

    Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement:

    • Post Scripts says:

      Peggy if we are on the brink of a civil war, then it’s going to be a battle between those who own guns and those who don’t know which toilet to use. I betcha I know which side is going to win.

    • Peggy says:

      More on Jason Kessler from the Business Insider.

      Here’s what we know about the ‘pro-white’ organizer of ‘Unite the Right,’ who was chased out of his own press conference:

      “Pro-Trump, far-right commentators are now trying to distance themselves from Kessler in the wake of the deadly Charlottesville riots, claiming that he was paid by the liberal philanthropist George Soros “to invite several neo-Nazi and KKK groups to smear everyone attending.”

      “Just did some digging and I found out that this little f–k was a leftist operative until when? You guessed it — November 2016,” wrote a commenter on the pro-Trump reddit group /r/The_Donald.

      “‘Unite the Right’ is a Soros-funded honeypot psyop that employs the ‘Pied Piper’ strategy to damage the Republican brand by insinuating that Antifa goons disguised as Nazis represent the views of the entire Right Wing in America,” wrote another commenter.

      “I said from day one this was a media created false flag,” another replied. “I hope there is a real investigation in to this s–t so we can see the true criminals exposed.”

      Conspiracy theories involving Soros are prolific among far-right activists, who have accused the 87-year-old of playing a role in everything from the Charlottesville violence to the European refugee crisis.”

    • Tina says:

      Jason Kessler may have exposed his own deranged world recently:

      The Twitter account of Jason Kessler, the alt-right activist and organizer of last weekend’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, tweeted that the woman who died protesting his event “was a fat, disgusting Communist” and that her death was “payback time” — then walked back the remark and blamed it on drugs and alcohol.

      “Heather Heyer was a fat, disgusting Communist. Communists have killed 94 million,” his account tweeted Friday. “Looks like it was payback time.”

      The tweet included a link to a now-infamous article published on The Daily Stormer white supremacist website last weekend hours after Heyer, 33, died while protesting Mr. Kessler’s “Unite the Right” rally.

      The tweet disappeared from Mr. Kessler’s Twitter account Saturday morning and in its place emerged an explanation.

      “I repudiate the heinous tweet that was sent from my account last night. I’ve been under a crushing amount of stress & death threats,” the account tweeted.

      “I’m taking ambien, xanax and I had been drinking last night. I sometimes wake up having done strange things I don’t remember,” he added.

      A hacker associated with The Daily Stormer claimed Saturday to have posted the tweet after compromising Mr. Kessler’s Twitter account, but the claim could not immediately be verified.

      Mr. Kessler did not respond to multiple requests for comment Saturday morning, and his entire Twitter account has since gone offline.

      Deranged thinking and speech are pushing people hard. What else should we expect? This is what happens when you pit groups of people against each other.

      The left would like to hold Trump responsible for this. But this began long before Trump ran for president. This is a continuing theme in the Democrat Party…black against white, rich against poor, worker against company, the coalition of the aggrieved against those beastly white’s on the right…always pushing for special rights for special groups and making the opposition the devil. The KKK in the fifties and sixties and violent protesters in Ferguson and Dallas were not spontaneous…they were planned. The left started the race war, the division and hate, but they never take responsibility. They never condemn their own. They never own up to the part they play. Instead they attempt to place the blame on the right…and now on Trump and his supporters.


      Trump is right…there has been violence on both sides. He was also right when he condemned all violence by anyone or any group. He was also right when he said nice people are present when the violence breaks out…they are caught up in the violence and intolerant hatred.

      Trump’s goal is to restore law and order. If the hostile media would bother to actually get his views, instead of imposing their suspicions and fears, they would find that he believes the individuals that actually engage in hostile aggressive and violent acts, no matter who they are, should be arrested and punished. Everyone else has a constitutional right to assemble and speak…everyone else. This is the model in America. This is what any sane person would expect.

      By the way, has anyone seen a list of arrests in Charlottesville other than the man that drove into the crowd? There’s controversy about the mayor and police chief telling officers to stand down and allow the armed thugs to just go at it. Given the weapons they brought there had to be injuries other than those inflicted by the driver of that car.

  5. Peggy says:

    When is an eclipse not just an eclipse? When another wacko liberal says it’s racist.

    Atlantic Writer Sends Heads to Desks With Analogy: US Eclipse Delivers Blackness Across Path of All White [People]:

  6. Peggy says:

    The perfect meme.

  7. J. Soden says:

    The “antifa” crowd have become Brownshirts and CNN/FNN is leading them to the next riot:

  8. Tina says:

    Bruce Heiden at American Greatness, “Trump’s Critics Give White Supremacists the Notoriety They Crave” makes an excellent point:

    Why Won’t Trump Denounce White Supremacists?” Steve Hayes asks in a Weekly Standard essay published shortly after the president’s first statement about the Charlottesville ugliness. The question is a loaded one, and it means to suggest, as the essay goes on to confirm, that President Trump is tacitly cultivating the support of white supremacists. The charge is false, malicious, and unpatriotic, and Hayes’s argument for it is ludicrous. The author could easily see this for himself if he merely reviewed his own words with a tiny application of self-criticism.

    But apart from its false and fallacious argument the essay also suggests to me an important non-rhetorical question that Hayes ought to be asking: who would benefit from White House denunciations of white supremacists? The answer might be that white supremacists would benefit, to the country’s detriment. If Hayes cares about that, as I suspect he does, he should work his brain around more than the offensive symbolism of white supremacy, and carefully consider its reality as a social phenomenon. White supremacists court disapproval, and they thrive on attention. In this the media, including Steve Hayes, are their cynical or thoughtless enablers.

  9. Libby says:

    Right. Left. Here, deranged is, truly, the only word. You all badly need work to do.

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