Border Wall Prototypes Under Consideration in San Diego

Posted by Tina

The wall will be built first where those in the know say it is most needed. Prototypes are under consideration now. AZ Central reports:

SAN DIEGO — Workers toiled in intense 95-degree heat here Tuesday, putting final touches on eight possible versions of President Donald Trump’s long-promised border wall.

As an Oct. 26 deadline to finish the prototype border-wall designs drew near, The Arizona Republic toured the construction site a few dozen yards from the border that divides this city from neighboring Tijuana, Mexico.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection awarded eight contracts to six companies, including two from Arizona, to build the prototypes. Four are made of reinforced concrete, and another four incorporate additional construction materials. Construction began on Sept. 26, giving companies 30 days to finish.

By Tuesday afternoon, when CBP allowed The Republic access to the site, five of the wall designs had already been completed and were fenced off with caution tape.

But crews were still at work on others, installing vertical concrete panels on one design, using cranes and bulldozers to place them upright. Another two prototypes were in various stages of construction.

The photo at the top is one of the competing entries.

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4 Responses to Border Wall Prototypes Under Consideration in San Diego

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    The best idea I have heard of yet came from Greg Gutfeld, make the border wall out of solar panels. (Well, at least topped by solar panels.)

    Use the energy to power surveillance equipment, electric patrol vehicles, installations and stations and such and sell any unused power to the grid.

    This would be perfect. I would love to see Democrats come out against saving the planet AND border security.

  2. Peggy says:

    This is such a good article I could have copied and pasted a dozen sections. Decided on just this one, but the rest is a must read.

    This is California today. What will it look like tomorrow if the same leaders maintain control?

    October 19, 2017
    A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse.:

    “However, as economic blogger Richard Rider points out, the aggregate GDP statistic is really not a good indicator of a state’s economic health, especially since one industry appears to be propping up the “6th largest economy” myth. California has over 39 million people, more than any other state, so a far more accurate assessment of its economy, Rider writes, would be per capita GDP as compared to the rest of the country. After adjusting the GDP figures to account for the cost of living (COL), the Golden State ends up with a paltry 37th place ranking within the U.S.A., with a $45,696 per capital GDP. Even rustbelt states, such as Michigan and Ohio, have a higher adjusted per capita GDP. Despite Silicon Valley’s high-tech giants, California barely squeezes past impoverished New Mexico. Rider also reports that when one looks at per capita GDP stats for the rest of the world, California ranks 19th, but those stats don’t factor in the COL data; if they did, California would be even further down the rankings internationally.”

    • Tina says:

      Thanks Peggy…may have to put this one on the front page tomorrow…if I can remember 🙂 …and find the time.

      • Peggy says:

        My grandkids are 4th or 5th generation native Californians. (Not sure where my great-great grandmother was born.) They will have no future here if the current party in control is allowed to fulfill their agenda of making us the equivalent to a third world country.

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