CA Female Lawmakers, Staffers and Lobbyists: ‘pervasive’ harassment in California’s Capitol”

Posted by Tina

The LA Times headline, “Female lawmakers, staffers and lobbyists speak out on ‘pervasive’ harassment in California’s Capitol,” comes as no surprise at all given recent revelations about the Weinstein boys. Let’s face it California has been a dank cess pool pretending to be sexy savvy and hip for a long time. Women should be treated with respect, that’s a given. But it’s difficult to take those speaking out seriously when some of their sisters, claiming to be feminists, wear vagina outfits to shock as they protest, offer BJ’s in exchange for yes votes to keep Planned Parenthood well funded, profess to be sexually liberated, and willingly participate in sexually explicit entertainment.

The good news, if there is any, is that the opportunity is there now to talk about the importance of morality and ethics in our society. Women see themselves as victims in a man’s game but when it comes to how women are treated by men, it is up to women to set and uphold the standards. Women, especially prominent women, have been trying to have it both ways and that’s not possible.

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2 Responses to CA Female Lawmakers, Staffers and Lobbyists: ‘pervasive’ harassment in California’s Capitol”

  1. J. Soden says:

    Doubt if there is any woman who has NOT been the victim of some form of sexual harassment – whether it’s a dirty joke, grope, or worse.
    Suddenly, accusations of unwanted harassment are coming outta the woodwork, and one has to wonder how many are actually true or whether the accusers are trying to somehow cash in on Weinslime.
    Ultimately, the victim has to decide whether to put up with it or expose it, and that may depend on the seriousness of the action and whether they want to continue with the job.
    Personally, I don’t think a trip to the chopping block is cruel and unusual punishment for those convicted either of rape or sexual abuse of a child. Period.

    • Tina says:


      Convictions would go a long way toward stopping the behavior.

      Women have to decide what they want and most want the impossible…they want it both ways and they discriminate in their outrage.

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