Preventable Bombing in New York

by jack

“NEW YORK (AP) — A would-be suicide bomber’s rush-hour blast in the heart of the New York City subway system failed to cause the bloodshed he intended, authorities said. ” But it gave new fuel to President Donald Trump’s push to reorganize immigration rules that now leave America weak and vulnerable.  Democrats of course oppose this improvement.

Trump noted this bomber was allowed in based on the chain immigration rule that gives priority to family ties and less to what America needs.

The man arrested for the bombing, Akayed Ullah has to be one of the stupidest people who have ever walked this earth.  Of course I believe whole heartedly that any religious fanatic bombing humans for God or Allah, is a certified idiot.  But, here is a guy who survived the 3rd world Hell hole known as Bangladesh, he comes to the greatest country on earth and  he deliberately screws up his good fortune by trying to bomb the very people who rescued him?   We gave him sanctuary, he had it made, we provided him with the freedom and opportunities that no wack-Muslim dictatorship/kleptocracy ever could!   If that isn’t the definition of stupid, then we need re-write the definition.

Get this….his motive… he wanted to retaliate against American because we were bombing Islamic State terrorists because they are in the business of slaughtering innocent women and children in Iraq and Syria.   Further, they were making slaves of the local women they kidnapped and imposed Sharia law on everyone.

Based on Ullah’s narrow world view, this was a bad thing?  In his pea-brain our defense of the innocents can’t be tolerated!

Now we get to pay for his legal expenses and then we get to keep him for the next 20 plus years in prison cell.  Ironically this will be a cell/home that was 100 times better than the actual home he left in Bangladesh.   His new home will have clean water, heat and air, medical, clean bedding and good food.  But, why should we do this for him and why should we be punished for what he and his aider and abettors in crime (the democrats) did to us or tried to do to us?   Why can’t we deport him, forthwith?   I would love to jerk him out of his hospital bed right this second and throw him on the next tramp steamer bound for Bangladesh and be done with him! Or better yet, drop him off half-way to Bangladesh and let ISIS come get him before the sharks decide his fate.   Now, that’s far better than what he had in mind for us!

I’ sorry… but, I think I am sounding somewhat intolerant of terrorists trying to kill us.  I’m trying to be caring and sympathetic, but it’s just not working for me.  I want to destroy them and move on.  Terrorists get no warm hugs here or in Trump’s White House, we can save that for the democrats.

“Today’s terror suspect entered our country through extended-family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security,” Trump said in a statement that called for various changes to the immigration system to protect Americans, something the democrats don’t want because it could cost them a few votes.   Earlier, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump’s proposed policies “could have prevented this.”  Yes they could, please remember that when you enter the voter’s booth.

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5 Responses to Preventable Bombing in New York

  1. Truth To Power says:

    Are you intolerant of The Imperialist US Military Complex and their Fake wars for Profit?

    It has been proven Our CIA created these terrorist groups heck Even Trump cut some USD funding for training of these rebels. McCain picture? you ignore who was in that pic with him? Terrorists.

    There is Proof in the Bulgarian File Dump – actual Bill of Ladin’s showing all the underground arms transfers.

    How do we even now who is the enemy anymore? CIA created Terrorist? Or an enemy?

    Why is it the CIA can have projects so classified the US President can not even have access? Rouge agency to which no one knows all they do.

    Wake Up – help us fight against the terrorists in this country provided cover by gov

    Sibel Edmonds is trying to bring attention to a terrorist running Charter Schools here – this is well known by many who turned off MSM to investigate – Take a Look

    Bone up on Gulen and how he got here – aka Clinton

    Sibel dropped Political identity like many of us – she leans conservative and worked as a translator for FBI – she was a Whistleblower –

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, lets say everything that you report and believe is 100% correct. I’m sure you believe it all no matter how sketchy the source! However, my point is… even if it were all completely true, what you do would still be wrong and hurtful to this nation. Why? Because it’s about priorities Dewey. The world is still filled with evil. There is and has been, regimes that are far more corrupt and far more dangerous, to us and to world peace than America. To constantly berate America under these real conditions is a fools errand that, if successful, can only lead to your demise as well as ours. That’s the opposite of a win-win. To put it in the context of being a crime fighter, you are stepping around genocide to address jaywalking.

      • Tina says:

        Excellent response Jack.

        I would ask Dewey, as I often do, what is his endgame plan? He derides America and the American political system but offers nothing in terms of how he would replace it. His enemy is a vague, shadowy “they” and he has so far refused to identify the “we” he asks us to join. His support of the avowed socialist Bernie Sanders offers a clue, far from anything I’d wish for America.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    What do we know about Dewey? Allow me to give a short list that can be garnered from his repetitive complaints.

    1) He hates the USA and thinks it is the most powerful force for evil and amorality on the planet.
    2) He hates capitalism.
    3) He collects anything that puts US government and all its security organs in a bad light without having all the facts.

    I believe Dewey is a frustrated, mostly ignored, and not very bright social justice warrior who collects a lot of crack-pot, crap-pot, disjointed mish-mash of absurd assertions mostly from extreme left propaganda machines. KZFR and Pacifica Radio nonsense are heavily laced in his comments, but he could get his “proven facts” from any half-baked left wing web site these days.

    My bet is that Dewey is an anarcho-crypto-communist who thinks he is throwing monkey wrenches at the USA and conservative thinkers by raiding this blog with his dysfunctional nonsense. My bet is Dewey thinks that communism is the best system and that all it needs is the right people to run it. People like him, of course.

    Note also that Dewey never really goes into any details on his complaints, he just hints, insists others “look up” what he claims and poses as having a large store of factual knowledge. I believe that this is because he doesn’t actually know what he is talking about. Dewey just picks up anything from anyone that denounces or attacks the US military and security organs or the government or capitalism regardless of the accuracy information (or disinformation) or the trustworthiness of the source and throws it into his pile grievances to post here.

    As for Sibel Edmonds, she was fired as a translator for the FBI less than seven months after being hired in 2001. Her wrongful termination lawsuit was ultimately dismissed.

    In June of 2002 the FBI acknowledged that some of her of allegations were true.

    In January of 2005 the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General released an unclassified summary of its investigation into Edmonds’ termination which concluded that Edmonds was fired for reporting serious security breaches and misconduct in the agency’s translation program and that many of her allegations were supported.

    Dewey could have easily posted this information, but my bet is that he either really did not know these details or just wants to pose as being the possessor of THE TRUTH, which is in his own words is, “The Imperialist US Military Complex and their Fake wars for Profit.”

    That is Dewey for you, a raving, functionally illiterate lunatic creating an absurd and ridiculous anarcho-crypto-communist tapestry of lies woven from a few disjointed facts and half-truths.

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