Christmas at Arlington

See Daily Caller article, “While Most Of D.C. Slept, Sec. Zinke Wandered A Frozen Arlington Cemetery With A Christmas Wreath,” for story and more photos.

In remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price.

Those still with us that have also sacrificed much for our country would be blessed by a contribution of any size to your favorite military charity.

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7 Responses to Christmas at Arlington

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    It makes me cry. And proud. And angry. And thankful. All at once.

    The following also makes me cry. And proud. And angry. And thankful. All at once.

    I posted it earlier but fear it has been missed or ignored. It is one of the best “Happy Holidays” video I have ever seen. It is heartfelt and significant. I dunno, maybe I am a sucker for people who actually appreciate that the United States of America is a force for good in this world. Watch the vid and tell me that it does not make you feel simultaneously thankful, angry, proud and brings a tear to your eye.

    Polish clerics of five faiths send greetings to the U.S. and thank the American people for their role in securing Polish freedom

  2. Tina says:

    I’ve made peace with the fact that humans do incredibly evil things and that some are at times called to make great sacrifices so I’m not angry but I am simultaneously thankful, proud and teary…also in awe of those who sacrifice and those who survive. Thanks Pie.

  3. Peggy Harrington says:

    This should be on the front page and lead story of every news cast. Our vets and those who died to win this war against ISIS deserve the honor due them

    What if America Won a War and No One Cared?:

    “… the war against the “caliphate” is over. It’s been won.

    So why does no one seem to care?

    Either way, it’s time for this to change. Americans died in the fight against ISIS. They restored American military victory in Iraq, preserving the gains of the men and women who fought there years before. In the process, they defeated one of most vicious and evil enemies our nation has ever faced. They helped retake cities and liberate the oppressed. They won a war. It’s a victory worth a celebration.”

  4. Peggy Harrington says:

    Off topic.

    If you missed 60 Minutes last night this is worth watching. Especially with the news from Politico about Obama’s secret deal with Iran’s Hezbula cocaine trafficking.

    Tens of thousands if not millions in America are dying from drugs and it turns out Obama had two deals, at least, going that brought the poison here. The death rate rises daily.

    What a mell of a hess Obama left for Trump to clean up. We would have never known this if Hillary had won. Thank God she didn’t.

    Whistleblowers: DEA attorneys went easy on McKesson, the country’s largest drug distributor:

    “A 60 Minutes/Washington Post joint investigation into the DEA’s response to the opioid epidemic again finds investigators who hit a brick wall in Washington”

    The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook:

    “An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah’s billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.”

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Just when you thought that Obama could not have been any more disgusting and insane of a fool desperate to manufacture a “legacy.”

      Obama’s legacy is that he was a complete and utter disaster.

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