President Trump’s National Security Speech Today

Posted by Tina

The President made a major speech today addressing his national security strategy of peace through strength: “Competition does not always mean hostility, nor does it inevitably lead to conflict – although none should doubt our commitment to defend our interests. An America that successfully competes is the best way to prevent conflict. Just as American weakness invites challenge, American strength and confidence deters war and promotes peace…”

You can view the entire speech on You Tube

Asia Times offers commentary based on an advanced transcript:

The contrast with the two previous administrations is stark. The Trump report praises American values and institutions but betrays no ambition to remake the world in America’s image after the fashion of George W. Bush. Nor does it accept the slow decline of American influence into a geopolitical mush of multilateralism per the “soft power” conceit of the Obama Administration. It is centered on the American economy, the American homeland, and American interests, but it proposes a rough-edged activism where American interests are threatened that will make the world a less predictable place during the next several years.

The report admonishes China and Russia on a number of grounds. Beijing and Moscow will take the report in stride, gauging carefully where Washington might alter the strategic balance. But the new report will cause alarm in Tehran. For the past dozen years – since Robert Gates replaced Donald Rumsfeld as America’s Defense Secretary in 2006 – American policy has sought to include Iran in the regional security architecture. The Trump Administration’s strongest language is directed towards Iran, and the Shi’ite regime’s response is incalculable. Some analysts believe that Iran already is inclined to go to war with Israel, and the new report may prompt the militaries of several Middle Eastern nations to raise their level of alert.

The report embraces the term “America First,” by which Trump means that national security depends first of all on fixing what is wrong in America: a shrinking industrial base, disrepair in infrastructure, sagging innovation, inadequate scientific and technical education, and an excessive federal debt burden. Although the report promises a crackdown on forced technology transfers, intellectual property theft, and other forms of “economic aggression,” it identifies the problem and its solution in domestic US policy: tax reform, deregulation, innovation policy, budgetary controls and education.

Early press coverage already has misrepresented the report as a trade-war screed. It is nothing of the sort: on the contrary, it repudiates the complacency of the past several administrations who presided over a gradual deterioration of America’s competitive and strategic position.

Trump eliminated “climate change” as a national security threat (duh) and emphasized that American prosperity and security strategy would lead the world toward greater peace and prosperity.

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7 Responses to President Trump’s National Security Speech Today

  1. Tina says:

    American Greatness:

    Trump’s “America First National Security Strategy” is organized around four key ambitions:

    To protect the American people, homeland, and the American way of life by securing our borders, protecting our critical infrastructure—cyber as well as material—and developing and deploying a “layered missile defense system.”
    To promote American prosperity by insisting on fair and reciprocal economic relationships with our trading partners, by advancing and protecting from theft our technological innovation and intellectual property, and by exploiting our enormous energy resources.
    To promote security by rebuilding and upgrading our military, including our space and cyberspace capabilities and by encouraging our allies to shoulder their fair portion of the costs of their defense.
    To promote American influence abroad by supporting the rule of law and private-sector-led economic growth among our allies and trading partners, acting generously while also avoiding policies that encourage dependency.


  2. Libby says:

    Commenting on your own post.

    What does that tell you? … if you could hear it, that is.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    It was an excellent speech.

    • Tina says:

      It was excellent. It was also presidential. Trump is taking the political world on and showing them how to get things moving in a positive direction. It will be interesting to see how many learn from his example.

  4. Peggy Harrington says:

    It was a fantastic speech not in just what Trump said, but also the heartfelt emotional words said by Orin Hatch and Tim Scott for Trump and his leadership that contributed to making it possible.

    For the first time in a decade it was like watching a team finally come together as one. The awaking of pride for their party and America when they realized they could get off of their knees and fight alongside their leader with pride for themselves to victory instead of another defeat.

    What we saw yesterday was a pivotal point and what we’re hearing today is the democrats realizing it too. They are loosing control because Trump has turned the table on them by using their own Alinsky rules against them. Trump has obviously read the book too and with all of his military schooling and military advisers he’s laid out a strategic and tactical plan to win for the people and the country to Make America Great Again. Love it!

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