Interesting Essay Jeff Foxworthy


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9 Responses to Interesting Essay Jeff Foxworthy

  1. Libby says:

    Geez … if you find these other political states so very admirable, you can always emmigrate.

    But if you insist on staying, you will be obliged to live down this little bit of shame and disgrace:

    • Tina says:

      Trump is simply enforcing the law.

      I hope you’re prepared to live down the shame of aiding and abetting lawlessness in our immigration system as well as the failure of Congress under Democrat control (super majority) and Obama to do anything about this when they had the opportunity. According to your article there’s more to this story than meets the eye:

      he lost his permanent resident status in the early 1990s, after moving to Brazil for three years with his wife. When he returned, Adi tried to apply for a new card, but was rejected.

      Immigration officials accused him of having a sham marriage with his American ex-wife.

      His ex-wife had signed a statement alleging marriage fraud. According to Adi, his lawyer and multiple media interviews with Adi’s ex-wife, she was coerced into making the statement after immigration officials showed up at her door.

      In 2007, she signed an affidavit retracting her statement and denying the marriage was fraudulent.

      Despite the affidavit, he was unable to gain legal status. In 2009, he was issued with a deportation order. (2009…who was the president then, I forget!)

      While Adi’s deportation order was issued in 2009, ICE did not proceed with the deportation. He was, instead, required to routinely check in with the agency, which he was diligent about, according to his lawyer David Leopold. In 2013, Ryan (Tim Ryan – OH) presented a private bill — legislation specific to a person and not affecting overall policy — to Congress, which would get him a more thorough review of his case. He has presented the bill several times since then.
      Having the private bill in motion meant Adi was granted a two-year stay. Under Trump, though, ICE reduced the deportation stay to six months, according to Ryan.

      Last September, an ICE field office put an ankle bracelet with a GPS monitor on Adi. He was then told to make arrangements to leave the US, according to his lawyer. …

      …In a statement to CNN, ICE said that he would be allowed to return only if the bill is finally passed.

      “While ICE acknowledges Congress’s authority to pass legislation providing immigration benefits to non-citizens, alien beneficiaries need not be present in the United States for a private immigration relief bill to be introduced, considered and/or enacted. An alien who is granted relief through the enactment of a private immigration bill can lawfully travel back to the United States,” the statement read.

      After conducting a comprehensive review of Adi’s case, ICE said in the statement that it has chosen not to grant a stay of removal.

      Over the past decade, (Obama) Adi’s immigration case has “undergone exhaustive judicial review at multiple levels of the nation’s courts, including before the immigration courts, federal appeals courts and U.S. district court. In each review, the courts have held that Adi does not have a legal basis to remain in the US,” ICE said in the statement.

      Better get busy making more post cards to send to Congress.

    • Dan says:

      Retard, if an idiot stays here THAT long and doesn’t buck up…F@#K EM!!!!

    • Robert says:

      Did you really miss the point? Or, are you just so brainwashed by the lefty liberal machine that you will insist that wrong is right. The joke is on the American taxpayers whose money is used to support many people who come here, not to become Americans, but to take money away from this country and send it back home to “their” country. I doubt if you’d be okay with someone cutting the line at the movies, (and having you pay for their ticket), and the show sold out when you’re next in line. It appears that you have a warped view of reality or you’re just not thinking for yourself, but falling for the politicians bull. The politicians are just trying to buy votes using taxpayer’s dollars to support people that have broken immigration laws and are not supposed to be permitted in this country.

  2. Tina says:

    Jack who cares if Jeff Foxworthy actually wrote the piece or simply re-posted it. The important thing is he forgot to add “A LAWYER” to the lost of goodies available!!!

    The sarcasm is not lost on those of us footing the bill.

  3. Peggy says:

    Note the Federal cost is not included.

    NEW MAP: Cost of Illegal Immigration, By State:

    “A new map posted by breaks down the economic toll of illegal immigrants state by state, and their findings are extremely troubling.

    Using information gathered from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, How Much’s map shows how much money illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers on a state-by-state basis.

    California is most devastated by the heavy toll, with a whopping $23 billion in that state alone.”

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