Today’s Funny

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21 Responses to Today’s Funny

  1. Harold says:

    And serving millions of Liberals

  2. Libby says:

    Soooo low brow … I mean, poop jokes?

    Now, this … is entertaining …

    • Post Scripts says:

      Yep, that’s pretty awful stuff. But, I appreciate you finding it for us Libs.

      You know who Trump reminds me of, sorta? Old George Patton. He does a lot of outrageous stuff, but he is a fighter. Man this guy is tough and never backs down. Yep, he has a lot of Patton’s faults, but maybe it takes a character like him to kick butt in the swamp? Lord knows they need kickin!

      • Harold says:

        Excellent comparison Tina and yes it takes someone like Trump to right the course American was heading in.

        If he has proven nothing else, he has shown thru his executive actions, once you get Government out of the way, American can not only recover, but grow even stronger thru self reliance.

    • Tina says:

      Slate says “The people want the Mooch?” Interesting.

      Hope Hicks was praised by a lot of her coworkers following this announcement for her competency and dedication. All through the campaign and Trumps first plus years she has worked long hours, sometimes juggling four phones at a time. The lady is young and talented. She has a bright future ahead of her.

      We don’t know the reason for her leaving. Anything imagined is pure speculation at this point.

      20 cabinet members resigned under Obama by 2014. (27 under Bush-24 under Clinton) What’s the big deal?

      • Libby says:

        “20 cabinet members resigned under Obama by 2014. (27 under Bush-24 under Clinton)”

        Source please.

        The first thing Google tells me is that there are 15 permanent Cabinet Departments. The second thing it tells me is that Obama had 32 cabinet members during his eight years, which makes the turnover about one per term. That sounds … normal.

        Now, the first thing we have to remind you, Tina, about is that the Communications Director is not a cabinet post. The second thing we have to remind you about is that Trump has had four of them in a year and 3 months.

        Not normal.

        • Tina says:

          I don’t recall the source I used. Others are posted below.

          It will be difficult to compare since some articles indicate only cabinet head departures and others count cabinet level positions as well.

          Smart Politics, “Obama Cabinet Turnover Rate Remains Historically Low (So Far)”

          VOA News, “Trump’s Firing of Cabinet Official Rare but Not Unprecedented ”

          This article (book review?) will serve as a reminder of Obama’s disastrous first year or so in office: NYRDaily. Excerpts of interest are below:

          Obama essentially surrounded himself in the White House with his campaign staff, or others he knew well, rather than finding people experienced in governing. … Barack Obama had an unfathomable inability, beginning in his early years in office, to grasp the difference between campaigning and governing—and for that he’s been paying a fearful price in his second term. … As for his promise that if people liked their health insurance policy they could keep it, former aides say that they were uneasily aware that it was misleading, or oversimplified. … They didn’t come clean that some people were going to lose out under the new plan. … Fateful decisions made in the first term reflected Obama’s lack of understanding of what it meant to govern. … As the health care legislation moved through Congress, Obama and his top aides became swallowed up in the details. Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first chief of staff, had much to recommend him: he’d served in the Clinton White House and been a member of Congress. But he was an inside man, buried in the maw of the legislation—and apparently unable to see the big picture. … Obama and his staff’s failures at governing led to the disastrous roll-out of the exchanges. Simply put: they went about it all wrong. Such a major part of the president’s signature initiative should never have been assigned to the multilayered bureaucracy … It remains unclear to this day who in the Obama White House was responsible for seeing to it that the program was on schedule and working as it should—or if anyone was. There’s no sign that the president’s serial chiefs of staff—after Emanuel, who left in October, 2010, and then Bill Daley, Jack Lew, and now Denis McDonough—were engaged in any meaningful way. …

          That last (highlighted by me) is pertinent to the question at hand…four Chiefs of Staff…the article is dated November 2013.

          While searching for sources I did find another article that I know you’d be interested in:

          Diversity Inc, “Obama’s Cabinet Diversity Record ‘Embarrassing as Hell’ – The president has surrounded himself with white male advisers. Aren’t there any women, Blacks, Latinos or Asians qualified to sit on his Cabinet?”

          That’ll teach you to send me off in search of a source! (tee hee)

          • Libby says:

            Pitiful. Tina, you make things up, and when called on it, you try and change the subject. Pitiful.

            Why can’t you just stick with the subject? There are legitimate defenses to be offered. White House Communications Director is a most politically vulnerable post. Lots of administrations have had several … but four in fifteen months probably is the record and you must face the fact,

            But you can’t, can you?

    • Tina says:

      1994, The Clinton WH: WaPo, “100 ON WHITE HOUSE STAFF LACK CLEARANCE”

      Foreign Policy, ”
      Obama’s Favorite General Stripped of His Security Clearance – The Defense Department has stripped Gen. James “Hoss” Cartwright of his security clearance, depriving the man once known as “Obama’s favorite general” access to classified data as the investigation into leaks of national security secrets continues. Multiple current and former administration sources told FP that Cartwright, the former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of …”

      Free Beacon, “Top White House Official Under Fire Over Denial of Security Clearance – Congress examining architect of Obama’s pro-Iran deal ‘echo chamber'”

      Ben Rhodes, a White House deputy national security adviser who handled the administration’s efforts to mislead the public about the terms of the Iran nuclear agreement, is being probed by Congress following disclosures the FBI may have denied him top-level security clearances.

      Lawmakers told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration has been obstructing formal efforts to obtain information about why Rhodes was initially denied FBI clearance and how he ultimately received top-secret clearances.


      The Trump White House has been accused of being too generous in doling out access to the nation’s secrets. But it was Obama officials who altered the guidelines weeks before they left office in early 2017 to provide additional mitigating factors for employees seeking clearances.

      The guidelines now allow staffers with dual passports, tax problems and suspicious lie detector test results to receive clearances. They may not seem like major changes. But John V. Berry, a Virginia lawyer who represents people going through the security clearance process, described them as “big,” saying they offer people more chances to receive waivers and conditional clearances than before. “They’re easier in my opinion,” he said. “I don’t think you can argue that they’re tougher.”

      And who could forget Filegate!

      The usual blame shifting, spinning, and denials followed but as we know the Clintons are corrupt and have no respect for the law or the rights of others.

      The Obama administration is fast becoming an equal.

      Quit acting like things like clearance questions or dismissals and resignations are unique to this president.

      We elephants have good memories!

  3. Libby says:

    Oh, Lordy …

    The world we live in …

    I mean, once upon a time, a fellow with The Donald’s (you name it) couldn’t get anywhere near the Presidency. Tina will try to obfuscate with Mr. Clinton. I will simply assert that while Billy-Boy was a somewhat tamer version, my critique still applies. Bill should have been sacked; I said so at the time … but way before the Monica debacle his character was well-known. The powers, and we do have powers, should have concluded amongst themselves: “He’s a bright boy, but he cannot keep his pants buttoned, and will cause nothing but trouble.” Why didn’t they find somebody who could?

    The Donald, however, is totally off the rails, and has been for some time. But the powers let it happen. Why?

    • Tina says:

      Before you go running off the rails you should consider the lengths to which the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and various high ranking officials at the FBI and DOJ were willing to go to ensure a Hillary win. Only because they failed, and had to scramble to try to cover their tracks, are we able to see the criminal, corrupt behaviors that ensued. Of course you won’t consider, not in the least despite the evidence piling up or the actual felonious revelations regarding Clinton herself and her emails. Can you spell desperation!

      This Tai person has just as likely been put on the payroll through the Clinton’s nefarious “diplomatic” channels. Look where she is…she has nothing to lose…and Hillary and her band of corrupt players do.

      Your party leaders are trashy liars and criminals lady. One day you might be brave enough to acknowledge the truth of it.

  4. Libby says:

    Oh, Lordy …

    The world we live in …

    I mean, once upon a time, a fellow with The Donald’s (you name it) couldn’t get anywhere near the Presidency. Tina will try to obfuscate with Mr. Clinton. I will simply assert that while Billy-Boy was a somewhat tamer version, my critique still applies. Bill should have been sacked; I said so at the time … but way before the Monica debacle his character was well-known. The powers, and we do have powers, should have concluded amongst themselves: “He’s a bright boy, but he cannot keep his pants buttoned, and will cause nothing but trouble.” Why didn’t they find somebody who could?

    The Donald, however, is totally off the rails, and has been for some time. But the powers let it happen. Why?

    • Tina says:

      John Hinderocker of Powerline comments and fills in the untold part of the story…the part Libby doesn’t want to hear…an excerpt:

      Vashukevich says — so far without proof — that she can link the Kremlin to Trump and Manafort, who worked for Deripaska a decade before Trump hired him.

      Even Navalny told the AP on Wednesday he has “certain doubts” that Vashukevich has any evidence about alleged direct ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.

      “I think such statements are made because of fears for her own life because they have been detained in Thailand,” he said, adding he believes her fears are well-founded.

      Navalny’s report made no claim that Vashukevich knew anything about a Russian campaign to influence the U.S. election, and she has produced no evidence that she does.

      In other words, the AP is telling us that there is no story here. So why are they reporting on something that isn’t news?

      We know the answer to that question. It’s the same reason Libby is so quick to buy the story.

  5. Libby says:

    Slate says “The people want the Mooch?” Interesting.

    What? … you only “get” poop jokes? Tsk.

    Here! … explain this one away …

    This has to be the most flagrant bit of grafting we’ve seen in quite some time. I believe the former governor of Illinois is in jail for this sort of thing.

    • Tina says:

      Explain what away? An accusation that has not been thoroughly investigated for which there is no clear hard evidence?

      And there is this from his lawyer as reported by your article from the incredibly dubious CNN: Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Kushner’s attorney Abbe Lowell, did not deny that Kushner took meetings to “hear about ideas for improving the American economy” but said the senior adviser has had no role with Kushner Companies since joining the Trump administration.

      “He has followed the ethics advice he has received for all of his work, which includes the separation from his business and recusals when appropriate,” Mirijanian said.

      If it turns out he broke the law then appropriate steps should be taken to litigate. He should at least be held as accountable as were Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, or Hillary Clinton, et all thus far.

  6. Peggy says:

    From the horses mouth himself.

    WATCH: Schiff Concedes There Is Still No Proof Of Trump-Russia Collusion:

    “Rep. Adam Schiff conceded Thursday there is still no evidence President Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia to win the election, and made a point of distancing himself from any charges of treason against the president.”

    • Tina says:

      Thanks for sharing Peggy.

      I just hope and pray there are enough good guys doing the work needed to expose the extensive corruption of the former administration, the Hillary campaign, and the DNC. We need to restore faith in our government and unless justice is done this level of corruption will continue and grow worse.

      • Peggy says:

        The truth must come out now, not 20 years from now for this country to survive. We’re entitled to know if our laws were broken and who broke them. Those who broke them need to be held accountable so everyone knows there are not two sets of laws for one group over another.

        Agree, this corruption must be stopped to prevent it from growing even worse. It has become the Chicago crime machine with rumors of but no evidence of it being run Al Capone and mayor Richard Dailey style.

  7. Tina says:

    Libby: “Lots of administrations have had several … but four in fifteen months probably is the record and you must face the fact, But you can’t, can you?”

    Sure I can.

    Can you admit that it’s a pretty lame thing to be concerned about given the criminality being investigated (and excused) by members of the FBI, DOJ, DNC, and Hillary campaign?

    Of course not.

    And by the way, expanding the discussion by referring back to former administrations is NOT changing the subject; it’s adding a bit of perspective.

    Also, adding the somewhat unrelated lack of diversity cabinet story about Obama is an example of the type of humor you delight in using as smack down…go pound sand!

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