Huge Navy Scandal Underway

Posted by Tina

This is the type of news that delivers a stomach punch:

When then-Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations Bryan Clark saw the news about a couple of Navy officials caught up in a salacious bribery case with Leonard Glenn Francis, a Malaysian maritime tycoon nicknamed “Fat Leonard,” he knew it was the beginning of something far more serious than the colorful curiosity it appeared. …

… Four and a half years later, the never-ending Fat Leonard affair has led to the conviction of more than a dozen Navy officials, including the first active-duty admiral convicted of a federal crime. Hundreds of others, including as many as 60 admirals, are reportedly under investigation for their dealings with the rotund contractor.

Though Clark maintained the bad apples were a tiny subset of the 50,000-plus officers in the Navy, the Department of Justice (DOJ) appears to have struggled to find sufficient adjectives to describe the scope of the scandal, trying out “wide-ranging,” “staggering,” “massive” and “astounding.”

As if our nation didn’t have enough on it’s plate to overcome from years of bad management and indifference to ethics and the rule of law, now we find out our nation has been betrayed by Naval officers selling secrets for adult favors and perks:

Acting U.S. Attorney Alana W. Robinson said in announcing the indictment against the group in March 2017: “The alleged conduct amounts to a staggering degree of corruption by the most prominent leaders of the Seventh Fleet—the largest fleet in the U.S. Navy.”

Your thoughts?

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7 Responses to Huge Navy Scandal Underway

  1. RHT447 says:

    I wonder if some of the recent collisions at sea were so the fat guy could collect the insurance.

    • Jack says:

      Do we need to start teaching ethics again, starting in grades 1 thru 16? It’s hard to believe that corruption reached that far! This is unacceptable. A complete shakeup of the Navy leadership is required to get this controlled. A lot of brass will need to be relived of their command and some of them charged with major criminal offenses.

  2. Tina says:

    Or the result of over indulgence in some mind altering “perk.”

  3. Peggy says:

    Wonder if this is connected to or the result of Obama’s purge of military commanders.

    Obama purged military of those who sought victory:

    “It was not hyperbole when GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said that under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the U.S. military had been “reduced to rubble” and left floundering without a coherent strategy or meaningful capability to win wars. It is a fait accompli, engineered by our commander-in-chief to reduce America’s global footprint, an America he has profusely apologized for, and one he blames for all the world’s ills.

    Almost as soon as he took office, President Obama began a military purge not dissimilar to those routinely conducted by third-world despots, with the goal of eliminating voices that might oppose his withdrawing America from the world stage. As Investor’s Business Daily editorialized:”


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