American’s Used to Be More Disciplined and Civic Minded

by Tina

Americans were once, overall, a disciplined society in terms of keeping the environment pristine and cleaning up after ourselves. Our parents taught us very early not to litter and to clean up the messes we made. Our parents made faces of disapproval at those who spit on the sidewalk or threw trash out the car window. Defacing the property of others was strictly forbidden. In school we were encouraged to take care our own belongings, respect the belongings of others, and take extra care in Smokey Bear’s forest. It’s a lot different today. Exceptions can be found in any culture but in general Americans were once much more respectful of others and conscientious about keeping surroundings neat and clean.

Anyone who’s deplaned following a flight across the fruited plain realizes that the exception has now become the rule…Americans can be real pigs. Gone are the days of civic duty and respect for ourselves and our neighbors. Our cities are filled with graffiti, trash, and even human excrement. People are often rude or pushy. Wildfires, some set by criminals but some through irresponsible citizen activities have ravaged our forests. Monuments have been defaced and knocked down. Citizens stalk and harass those with whom they disagree. We’ve seen stores trashed and people beaten to a pulp as forms of youth entertainment. In some circles defacing or destroying property is considered brave, or noble.

One of the most striking examples of this sloth and indifference is the mess Obama’s supporters left on the DC Mall at the 2009 inauguration. You’d think the pride of that historic moment would have induced more responsible behavior. But social responsibility is no longer part of the overall American fabric. Trash was everywhere at the end of that day…and the grass had to be replaced, at great expense, it was so badly damaged.

Americans could take a lesson from Japanese following following a recent soccer loss. Pride and civic duty, not to mention good sportsmanship, show the pride they take in their nation and it’s culture:

Following a devastating 3-2 loss to Belgium — where Japan took a 2-0 lead in the second half before losing in stoppage time — the Japanese players made sure to leave their dressing room at Rostov Arena completely spotless.

They even left a note saying “thank you” in Russian.

And while the players and staff cleaned the team dressing room, the Japanese fans made sure to do the same in the stands — just as they have after every other match throughout the tournament.

Wow! The Japanese soccer team and it’s loyal fans showed the world what it is to be a good citizen in practice and not just words.

You know we are failing each other when we don’t even have the good sense to feel ashamed about the trashy ways we and our neighbors live. Artificially induced feelings and caring have replaced responsible living when it comes to personal comportment and our immediate environment. Donations to green causes absolve too many of us regarding everyday responsibilities. Way to many of us have adopted an attitude of entitlement that suggest we can do whatever we want, especially for a cause, and someone else can take care of the mess left behind. And…there are too many in the adult community and in positions of power that encouraging and condone such behavior.

Personal civic responsibility and pride is dying in America. A poll out today suggest that a fairly high percentage of Americans are indifferent and lacking in pride about our country. Only a third of Democrats say they are extremely proud to be American (Three quarters of Republicans see themselves as extremely proud).

How much does this indifference, incivility, and sloth affect the way we experience our life in America? It’s difficult to say which came first, the lack of proper training or the indoctrination substitute that’s rendered our citizens self-interested and irresponsible. The remedy lies in raised awareness today and better training of future generations.

As we approach the Fourth of July celebration of our independence it would be smart to become more mindful of the importance of civic duty, a concept that even the smallest child can learn to appreciate, respect, and carry forward into their everyday lives!.

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11 Responses to American’s Used to Be More Disciplined and Civic Minded

  1. Tina says:

    Once again, as if on cue:

    Daily Wire, “North Carolina Social Justice Activist: Boycott July 4, Crash Other People’s Cookouts”

    The sore loser miscreant mob will be out there tomorrow…keep a sharp eye.

  2. Tina says:

    A story that keeps on giving?

    SF Gate, “SF’s appalling street life repels residents — now it’s driven away a convention”

  3. Libby says:

    “One of the most striking examples of this sloth and indifference is the mess Obama’s supporters left on the DC Mall at the 2009 inauguration. You’d think the pride of that historic moment would have induced more responsible behavior. But social responsibility is no longer part of the overall American fabric. Trash was everywhere at the end of that day … and the grass had to be replaced, at great expense, it was so badly damaged.”

    You are sometimes just sooooooo full of it:

    Yes, Jack. 1.8 million people will kill a lawn, whether they mean to or not. And if only 10 percent of them drop their water bottles, you’re gonna have one hell of a mess to clean up. My nephew could figure it out: how much ground would 180,000 water bottles cover?

    I did, however, wonder why the ground was so white, under the 800,000 who showed up to marvel at the sight of a Reality-TV-Star-cum-President. Our National Park Service does real work.

    Our erstwhile President signs pointless pieces of paper:

    • Libby says:

      Ooops. It really did sound more Jack than Tina.

    • Tina says:

      A very good effort Libby but you inadvertently let the cat outta the bag when you said, “if only 10 percent of them drop their water bottles, you’re gonna have one hell of a mess to clean up. ”

      Therein lies one difference, If a conservative dropped a water bottle they would lean down and pick it up. If for some reason they couldn’t someone else would for them.

      We posted a contrast in pictures after the big Tea Party rally. Except for some overflow around trash bins, and a bot of trash near fencing the mall was spotless! People took their trash home of they couldn’t find a bin…it ain’t that complicated.

      In the video, here, we see that clearly the people who attended Obama’s inauguration were not of that mindset.

      “…pointless pieces of paper.”

      There you go again, proving me right! You don’t get the value in organization that eliminates waste and conflict. (Cleans up the mess) Streamlining government to cut the cost and eliminate regulation headaches for taxpayers and gov’t employees is, to you, pointless…you wouldn’t lift a finger.

      And it sounds to me like the great innovations the park service uses now to protect the mall (your article) came as a result of the damage from Obama’s indifferent, careless, clueless (green preaching) supporters.

      You really don’t think a bit of education and peer pressure could restore at least some civic conscientiousness?

      Why did you think it would work on your issues, tobacco, environment, row v wade…

      Unless you like the filthy streets, the crime, the chaos?

    • Post Scripts says:

      I found the comparison to the trash on the ground that the Tea Party folks left (none) and the Obama supporters left ( tons) a convincing picture of what civility, respect and pride mean to certain people.

  4. J. Soden says:

    At the risk of offending any Lunatic Lefties out there, am wishing everyone a Very Happy Independence Day and God Bless America!!!!!!!!!

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    This is what Libby, Maxine Waters and the rest of the lunatic progressive hate creeps who advocate, preach, defend and apologize for violence have wrought —

    VIDEO: Teen attacked at Whataburger for wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hat

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