Media Misleading the American People

by Jack

“Trump is lying to the American People”  This is a headline from a news story today and it sound like a real blockbuster.  Instantly, I wonder what could they have on the Donald now?  But, as I read the story it’s turns out it was once again a nothing burger, it was absent any facts.  It was an opinion piece.

Summary:  A former stenographer hired by the Obama Administration quit the Trump Administration because Trump doesn’t like stenographers present during some of his high level meetings.   In the story she said she felt like Trump must have been lying in those meetings because he didn’t want a steno present.   She felt…. FELT?  For the news this equates to Trump [is] lying to the American people?  Good grief, if that’s the best the can come up with, then I think they (leftist news) are the ones lying to the American people.

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20 Responses to Media Misleading the American People

  1. Libby says:

    Ok, this is getting really sad.

    The words come out of his own mouth, are taped, then when he … and you … are confronted with the situation, you call it “fake news”, a “lie”.

    Have your brains ceased to work entirely? Because ours haven’t.

    I’m tellin’ ya, Old Hans Christian nailed it … that Emperor is Nekked !

    • Tina says:

      Oh please!

      “Trump is lying to the American people” is basically what you guys have said from the day he descended the stairs to announce his candidacy in one form or another…he’s a liar, he’s inept, he’s a liar, he’s dangerous…blah, blah, bah.

      Your media lie and spin so much there’s no room for information or facts. They lie to protect people like Hillary and Obama and they lie to smear and undermine what they see as “the enemy.”

      Where were your “brains” when James Comey read off an indictment of Hillary Clinton that would have resulted in arrest and trial and a jail sentence. What she did would have landed anyone else in jail…and has…but she was allowed to skate. Were your brains simply on vacation for eight years?

      Where was your outrage during the eight years of lies that even Politifact couldn’t deny while your media remained mostly silent and always supportive?

      You guys on the left have a problem. You’ve never cared about the truth. It’s always the end justifies the means.

      And we’ve got your number…so does Trump.

      Regarding Russia, what has Trump actually DONE? Do you even know?

      Trump expelled 60 Russian diplomats from the U.S. and sanctioned 19 individuals for election interference, closing two consulates.

      Trump has stepped-up military exercises by the U.S. in Eastern Europe as a show of force against Russian aggression and encroachment.

      Trump’s Treasury Department has issued new sanctions on numerous individuals and entities in Russia.

      Trump continued sanctions on Russia’s malicious cyber activity in response to election hacking

      Trump issued four statements condemning Russia’s poisoning of U.K. citizens on U.K. soil.

      Meanwhile the Obama administration had Hillary and her reset button and Obama assured the Russian government tat he would “have more flexibility” after his election in 2012. And it was the DNC and Hillary servers that were hacked by the Russians. They attempted to hack the Republcans and couldn’t get through their security protocols.

      And your media continue to lie and defend them to this day.

      So yeah, it’s been “sad” for quite some time now.

      • Libby says:

        Let’s see if this will burst that bubble … a little history lesson:

        Are you really going to continue to parrot your absurdly partisan bilge … and prove our oligarchs right?

        • Tina says:

          Well let’s see.

          The reality is that the old guard Dems today love a big bloated controlling federal government. They worked hard over the years to make it so.

          They also refuse to accept the out outcome of the election and work night and day with their media/entertainment pals to undermine the duly elected president. In the days of the founders what your party is engaged in would have been called sedition. Wikipedia: “In 1798, President John Adams signed into law the Alien and Sedition Acts, the fourth of which, the Sedition Act or “An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes against the United States” set out punishments of up to two years of imprisonment for “opposing or resisting any law of the United States” or writing or publishing “false, scandalous, and malicious writing” about the President or the U.S. Congress

          A bloated federal government is NOT what the founders had in mind when they wrote, “of, by, and for the people.”

          They also did not give us a democracy when they wrote the Constitution. They gave us a republic…and yes, it’s an important distinction. If any party is trying to explode “the great experiment” it is the Democrat Party that has for over seventy years operation as a socialist movement.

          Your party has apparently floated a new slogan for the upcoming election: “For the People”

          Trump is already delivering government “by the People,” and it’s going swimmingly.

          See the latest plans for education opportunities, job training, and a stronger economy here.

          There’s nothing partisan about approving of a leader that works hard every day for the people. Trump does that. It can be tracked. And it galls you.

          Your media also isn’t interested.

          Thankfully we don’t have to depend on them anymore.

          For instance, they’re trying to make big deal out of the “Russian spy” Maria Butina, allegedly seen in an oval office photo with Trump.

          Turns out it wasn’t her in the picture. It was Cari Lutkins, the WH’s deputy director of events.

          But someone did find a real clear shot of the “spy” walking arm-in-arm with Susan Rice and Barrack Obama. (All that’s missing in the friendly shot is Toto.)

          Schummer opened his big partisan mouth saying it was dangerous for Trump to talk to Putin.

          Right…he’s so concerned about Putin that he cozied-up to him in NY: “The photos appear to have been taken at a gas station owned by Lukoil — Russia’s state-run oil company — during a 2003 visit by Putin to New York.”

          See Schummer sharing coffee and donuts with Putin here.

          Your leadership are a bunch of angry sore loser hypocrites.

      • Chris says:

        Tina, Trump has badmouthed the sanctions in both public and private. They were not his doing, and if it were politically feasible, he wouldn’t have signed off on them.

        I’ll give him credit for signing them anyway, but one has to wonder: why does he seem to want it known that he doesn’t actually want them? Who is he trying to signal his disapproval to? It’s well known that Trump has often coordinated leaks about himself. Is he signaling to Putin? The Helsinki conference made it clear: Trump really, really wants Putin to think he likes him.

        (Also: can we agree on how stupid it is to publicly hold a private, no-witnesses meeting with a man one has been credibly accused of improperly coordinating with? The Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting was bad, and created the appearance of impropriety even if Bill didn’t try to pressure her to go easy on his wife; this is even worse. What was Trump thinking?)

        “Trump issued four statements condemning Russia’s poisoning of U.K. citizens on U.K. soil.”

        It’s actually funny how you’re conveniently leaving out why he had to give four statements in the first place: because his first three sucked. Even his strongest condemnation merely said that it “looked like” Russia was behind the poisoning. This is very similar to his constant equivocations on Russian hacking; even after his own party, including no less than Newt Gingrich pressured him to clarify his position after the disastrous Helsinki conference, Trump felt the need to say “it could have been others as well” after saying he accepted the intelligence community’s findings on Russian hacking.

        Aren’t you concerned about why he does this?

        • Chris says:

          “But someone did find a real clear shot of the “spy” walking arm-in-arm with Susan Rice and Barrack Obama. (All that’s missing in the friendly shot is Toto.)”

          Oh dear Jesus…


          That tweet from Stephen Miller is satirical. The woman in that photo is Samantha Power.

          You literally just criticized the media for mistaking someone for Butina (when it was one reporter who corrected it immediately) before mistaking someone for Butina yourself.

          I really have missed this place.

  2. Peggy says:

    As usual the left needs reminding that their president told so many lies he earned enough WaPo four Pinocchio and pants on fire award to win the “Liar of the Year” award.

    Left’s reaction to everything is based on feelings instead of facts. They wouldn’t know a fact if it was stuck to the end of their noses.

    Sarah Sanders delivers a double dose of truth right between the eyes of a WaPo reporter.

    • Libby says:

      … like when Sanders told us all that Kelly was disappointed in his breakfast?

      That was a good giggle, but NOT no double-dose of truth.

      I hear she’s leaving that sinking ship, but recovery from this little career misstep is probably going to take a while.

    • J. Soden says:

      And Obumble held that title for 8 straight years, even beating out $hrilLIARy! That’s the only legacy he has. He should be so proud!

    • Chris says:

      “As usual the left needs reminding that their president told so many lies he earned enough WaPo four Pinocchio and pants on fire award to win the “Liar of the Year” award.”

      This does not make logical sense on a couple different levels, Peggy.

      1) The “Lie of the Year” award is not based on the number of lies one tells, but about the size of the particular lie chosen for that award.

      2) Trump has been rated four pinocchios by WaPo more times than Obama.
      Trump has also been rated “pants on fire” by Politifact more times than Obama. If you actually think those are good measures of someone’s honesty, then you should be more upset about Trump than Obama.

      But you don’t actually think those are good measures of someone’s honesty, and it’s unlikely that you will react to these facts by adjusting your beliefs.

  3. Cherokee Jack says:

    1. Every politician lies. It’s part of the job description
    2. Every country in the world uses whatever means available to try to influence the selection of the leaders of every other country. The US has always done so, often with great success.
    3. If Russia helped get Hillary defeated, we owe them big time. (they didn’t, we don’t)
    4. Getting the Supreme Court back to its original function, so that it stops making law, is the greatest achievement in many, many, many years.
    5. Getting North Korea to the table is something six other presidents couldn’t manage.
    6. It’s a relief to finally have a president with the huevos to tell our friends to stop sponging off us, and start paying their share of their own defense.
    7. We finally have a president who wants us to start enforcing the immigration laws that have been in place for years.
    8. People are back to work.
    9. Many of the bureaucracies are finally getting their unelected butts kicked.
    10. I prefer having a talking relationship with Russia over any of the other options.
    10. If the guy responsible for all the above wants to wear Groucho glasses and dance naked on the steps of the capital building, I’ll be happy to have Amazon send him some crème pies to throw at Congress members of his choice.

    • J. Soden says:

      WELL SAID!!!!!

    • Cherokee Jack says:

      Oops. make that capitol. Damn spell checker must have got it wrong

    • RHT447 says:


      At #8, I would tack this on under ‘See, here’s your problem’—

      “She said that she spent several months looking into it, but she would need permits, licenses, inspections, and so on. I pointed out that it has been a barber’s shop for years, so the inspections, permits, and so on would already be done. She said that it would be a new business, and she would have to pay for all that to be done over again. She spoke with attorneys, accountants, and consultants to help wade through all the red tape – some of the same individuals that her husband had just consulted. She soon realized that the start-up costs were more than she was willing to gamble, so she got a job with a chain.”

      Read the rest here, along with the solution—

      On a personal note, the other day through normal circumstance, my youngest son had left his side arm locked in the safe at a friends house in a town down the road. He was at our house and explained the situation. He asked to borrow one of mine. “Sure” I said. “Want to use the Springfield 1911?”. “Yup” was his one word reply. I also suggested he use the Wilson mags, which he did.

      As long a handgun is concealed in your vehicle, it’s perfectly legal.

      God bless Texas.

    • Chris says:

      “5. Getting North Korea to the table is something six other presidents couldn’t manage.”

      It wasn’t something the conservatives here WANTED previous presidents to manage. When Obama talked about wanting to meet with Kim Jong-Un, Jack and Tina pilloried him for it, because their conservative media told them to. I haven’t been around here in a while, but I will PayPal each of them twenty dollars if they can show me that their positions on this issue have remained consistent since then. More likely is that they were praising Trump for meeting with North Korea after years of talking about how stupid Obama was for wanting to do that, because that’s what their conservative media told them to think.

  4. RHT447 says:


    “Here’s the Congressional Record transcript of an exhaustive speech Representative Louis Gohmert (R-Tex) gave on the floor of the US House of Representatives about the penetration of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail system.”

  5. Pete says:

    I too was drawn by this article‘s title and found out quickly that it had no facts in evidence.

  6. Chris says:

    ““Trump is lying to the American People” This is a headline from a news story today and it sound like a real blockbuster.”

    Unless the Hill has changed the title since you posted this, this is simply not true. When I click the link, the headline is this:

    “Ex-White House stenographer: Trump is ‘lying to the American people’”

    That headline makes it clear that they are putting forth a statement from an ex-White House stenographer. That does not make this an “opinion piece;” the writer of the article never gave their opinion. By your logic, every article that focused on quoting one source is an “opinion piece.”

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