Left Activists Engaging in Threats, Intimidation, and Violence Against the GOP

by Tina

Trump has been accused of dividing the country and inciting violence by the losing party. What a crock, as Bruce Sessions used to say. The community organizer president (Obama) ran on and governed by the politics of division and used rhetoric that incited violence before and while he was in office. Organizations that support Democrats are tolerated, included, and encourage as they use intimidation, threats and violence against opponents and their supporters. The SEIU, the New Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and the SPLC are just a few such organizations.

Trump supporters were attacked at Trump rallies even before he was elected. protesters at a rally in San Jose was particularly vicious. One woman was trapped in front of locked doors and threatened as trash was thrown at her. A young man was chased down and accosted in the street. Local police allowed it to happen.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were accosted in a restaurant. She has received credible death threats, prompting the need for a secret service detail. Sanders is the first press secretary ever to require a security detail. Maxine Waters jumped on the event to suggest Dem supporters should accost Republicans wherever they are seen and let them know “they are not welcome.” Other members of the Trump administration have been threatened and accosted as well.

The shooter that targeted Republicans at a baseball practice in DC, ending in several being wounded and Steve Scalise severely wounded and near death, comes back to mind s the mid-term elections heat up…this blue wave of intimidation and violence has been accelerating toward tsunami. Consider:

A man in Castro Valley, CA pulled a switch-blade and attempted to stab Republican congressional candidate Randy Peters at a local festival. He failed i his violent mission only because his weapon of choice failed. The attacker, 35-year-old Castro Valley resident Farzad Fazeli, “approached Peters at his booth in an aggressive manner and made disparaging, profanity-laced remarks about the Republican party and President Donald Trump.”

A pressure campaign against Maine Senator Susan Collins threatens to give over a million dollars to any future opponent unless she votes against confirming Brett Kavanaugh. Creating a go-fund-me style Pac of intimidation was only the beginning, she’s also receiving abusive vulgar phone calls and shipments of wire hangers. This type of “politicking” is reminiscent of the MOB!

Pro-life TownHall and FOX News contributor Denise McAllister has gone into hiding after receiving death threats: “They are threats outside of Twitter, stating they know where I live,” McAllister said. “Threats of rape and strangling. I spoke to the police. I am on home watch.” Denise is a rape survivor.

The Daily Mail reports today that DC police are investigating after an anonymous Democratic Socialist on Twitter threatened to shoot up a Trump rally in the Trump International Hotel: “am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies,” the account wrote, referencing MAGA.

Even in a low population state like Wyoming Republicans are fair game…a newly opened GOP office fire is considered an act of arson and will be investigated by the FBI. A “Make America Great” sign was hanging in a window that was broken during the incident.

Violence and intimidation began in this country long before Trump entered politics. It escalated during the last administration and has only gotten worse since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. The bottom line is that we, Republicans or supporters of President Trump, will be allowed to live in peace as long as we remain silent, as long as we keep our opinions and thoughts to ourselves, as long as we get our minds right and vote along the Democrat/Socialist Party line…the bottom line is that the Democrat Party machine will intimidate, threaten, and assault their opponents as a means of enforcing their will…”if they bring a knife we bring a gun.” – candidate Barack Obama.

Intimidation and threats are practiced by radical Islamic terrorists. This is same the attitude that’s been used by every tyrant in history to establish absolute control. look at many of the nations South of our border. Look at all of the nations established by communists. This is not the American way…but it is the way of many of the nations whose residence now seek to live in America and it is apparently the way of Americans who refer socialism. We cannot let them change our culture.

The media and the fundamentally transformed Democrat Party actively engage in pointing fingers for verbal contention and violence at Donald Trump…but Trump is responding to the firestorm of violence and intimidation pointed at him, his administration and his supporters. This is a well know strategy. It’s often used to deflect attention away from the bad behavior of the accusers. This attitude…this strategy…must be exposed and roundly defeated if ever we are going to reclaim the right to free speech, civility, and equality in our country.

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11 Responses to Left Activists Engaging in Threats, Intimidation, and Violence Against the GOP

  1. Libby says:

    “Trump has been accused of dividing the country and inciting violence by the losing party.”

    No, no, no … violence by his own party:


    • Tina says:

      Get real Libby. It was Chicago.

      Cries of “We dumped Trump! We dumped Trump!” rose inside the University of Illinois at Chicago pavilion where the event was held.

      An opposing group yelled: “We want Trump! We want Trump!”

      Outside the pavilion, chants of “We shut it down!” rippled through the crowd on news of the cancellation.

      Chicago activists had spent the week leading up to the rally planning how to disrupt it.

      They planned it…they planned to have people inside and outside to “disrupt”…we’ve seen what’s meant by disrupt. It can be anything from yelling to pushing and shoving, to filthy names, to throwing bottles and garbage, to trapping someone, to stealing their belongings and ripping up their signs…to burning down the city and looting businesses.

      Funny how this s#*t happens at Republican events…you’d almost think it was planned that way!

      You lefties have no workable ideas and can’t debate issues on merit. Behaving badly, calling names, labeling, harassing, threatening… is all you’ve got…so juvenile…so hostile…so stupid.

  2. Libby says:

    What’s more, our House Dems (call them leftist activists if you like) are, in fact, engaged in campaign to curb this violent and racist mindset, or at least to prevent our government from making it policy:


    • Tina says:

      Somebody has to combat the multicultural mindset that uses “hate” policy like the SPLC does to target groups they don’t like and with whom they disagree. These concerns about “hate” are laughable when hatred for whites is on the rise in America because of that idiot PC idea “white privilege.” Christians have become the targets of hate because of their religious beliefs…you can;t just live and let live you have to shove your ideas down everyone’s throats. There are no examples of real bigotry or racism in this country…you manufacture t!

      Ten Comandments. Words so simple, yet clear,they fit on a page. We derived the notion of equality and freedom and treating others as you would like to be treated and more from those words. All the other stuff is just an attempt to blur and cloud the issues and create excuses for grievances, divisions and chaos.

      Look at your party!!! All you do is spew hate and pit people against each other. Just because you do it in the name of some cause or another doesn’t make it any more workable or inclusive…or or peaceful…or right!!!

      Look at that women’s march…Madonna dreaming an awful lot about blowing up the WH and that actress, Ashley Judd, with her nasty, bloody, Gone with the Wind delivery of some poem she imagines has relevance to the people she does not know yet brands as racist.

      Words…protest words, if you will…do not create jobs and opportunity for poor minorities. That’s the one thing that will do them the most good…that an better education which your party has failed to deliver with the teachers union control.

      Keep those causes alive and you’ve got yourself a party but it’s a party that lives on discord and division.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    I so miss Bruce. Back in the 80’s and 90’s he was such a great and wonderful local voice. When he retired for the last time he complimented me for being his unofficial producer. I wish I had saved all those emails. What do we get from KPAY radio these days? The horrid Baca.

    • Tina says:

      Were you listening when Bruce and Clark were doing the show together…if so, do you recall an emailer named Tina? ‘Twas moi. Bruce read my emails nearly every day. I miss his show too…good guy.

  4. J. Soden says:

    The increasing calls for violence from the Lunatics on the Left will hopefully create a backlash in the voting booth for those Demwits who make excuses and promote it.

    Have done my own unofficial polling and so far haven’t found anyone who is going to vote for a Demwit. Have to wait and see . . . . . . .

    • Tina says:

      All fingers and toes crossed, J. If they win the House all the good stuff comes to a halt and the impeachment circus begins. At that point they will be looking to do damage for 2020…don’t give a bleep about the people.

  5. Peggy says:

    Candice Owens goes nuclear! Foul language warning.


  6. Libby says:

    “Somebody has to combat the multicultural mindset ….”

    Tina, what is the difference between “multicultural” and “melting pot”? You (i.e., the right) used to brag on our melting pot. What happened?

    • Tina says:

      Still love the melting pot!

      Multiculturalism is not about the melting pot. It is a mindset that refuses to discern between legal entry and illegal entry, between criminals and decent people. It is a mindset that dreams up the notion of white privilege and makes it a thing to use as an excuse for bigotry and redistribution. It is a mindset that wants open borders without giving any thought to the downside just because it feels nice. It’s a mindset that can’t tolerate disagreement about the law or the border and labels anyone who disagrees a racist. How is it they cannot get the distinction…or is it that they will not? The word illegal does not compute with a multiculturalist…they see no crime…they see no possibility of the destruction of our culture including our constitutional guarantees of freedom, equality, and the rule of law, they don’t care about the expense or burden on healthcare, policing, and schools…astounding!

      I welcome people from other countries regardless their race or religion. My preferences…come here legally and if you decide to stay, assimilate, learn the language, become an American.

      We have a right to choose who we allow into our country based on several factors: the willingness to assimilate and abide by our laws, the intention to become gainfully employed, for instance. We should not have to be the waiting room for expectant mothers or bear the burdens that other government should be pressured to provide. We’ve been treating the leaders of other countries like children…it’s nuts!

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