Ford’s Testimony is Compelling, but is it Accurate?

by Jack

AP- “Christine Blasey Ford declared Thursday that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her as he and a friend shared “uproarious laughter” in a locked room at a 1980s high school gathering, recounting her allegations to the Senate Judiciary Committee and a riveted nation in a drama that threatens to derail Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.”

Did you listen to the hearing today? I caught about half of it and what I heard… and, well, Ford seemed credible. It did not bother me that there were some memory lapses in her story. That’s to be expected, sort of! But it would have been obvious if she tried to contrive something to fill in those memory lapses. Now in this context [credible] only means I think [she] believes what she was saying, but was she 100% accurate? Does it even matter that much if she was 100% accurate? It wasn’t much of an incident. And just how far back do we move goal post for accountability? I couldn’t believe the Senate hearing was actually examining Kavanaugh’s high school year book! That’s just pathetic, what’s next his Kindergarten evaluation?

It is obvious to me that both Kavanaugh and Ford are being exploited for the democracts political gain. The motivations couldn’t be more clear. This is about derailing Trump as much as it is about stopping a Supreme Court that has been drifting slightly to the right… Kavanaugh and Ford are just collateral damage in pursuit of the bigger agenda to damage Trump by any means necessary and block another conservative from joining the Supreme Court.

I have to admit, the democrats were masterful in linking this (alleged) high school incident to much greater crimes like child molestation and violent rape. That was no easy task since Ford’s (alleged) incident was not even in the same ballpark! But, that (disastrous) link between the truly victimized women and children has been made. Try to un-ring that bell!

Do you think it will register among the American voters that when two people tell vastly different accounts, the benefit of the doubt must go to the accused? That an accused doesn’t have to prove his innocence, that it is up to the accuser to prove his guilt? I once trusted the American voter, but after what I’ve seen them do to CA I’m not so sure.

Even though I felt Ford was being as honest as she possibly could be, if this was the single worst incident ever to happen in her life, I say big deal! And if it has emotionally damaged her, caused her to be claustrophobic and to suffer severe anxiety for the last 36 years, then I would say that part she must be faking! That’s just ridiculous as this contrived retro-anger the dems are selling us. People are not that fragile, if we were we would have all died out long ago. There’s more going on here if she is suffering from all these emotional maladies.

The worst part is this whole charade is that it wreaks of partisan politics. It’s dirty, mudslinging liberal politics. Anyone who can’t see that isn’t looking very hard.

One last thing, I don’t want to imply that I approve of the alleged behaviors at that party or the behaviors at most drunken teenage parties. We know it happens and of course it’s wrong, but I won’t over-value this wrong behavior and make it in any way on par with rape! I won’t seek to crucify the teenage perpetrator without regards to any reasonable statue of limitations or without respect to his decades adult service and moral behavior. I will leave that to the sleazy politicians who do far worse while in office and probably did far worse before they were in office. Those hypocrites are left to make whatever they can from Ford’s testimony. Nobody rakes the mud better than the democrats…. because that’s where they live.

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11 Responses to Ford’s Testimony is Compelling, but is it Accurate?

  1. Cherokee Jack says:

    “People are not that fragile…… “
    Yeah, Jack, I think people have become that fragile. All that’s required to be a victim who has earned retribution is to say “I’m a victim who has earned retribution.” There are magic words that will do the trick. Racism, sexism, bigotry, bullying, etc. You can make your own list. The victims are good at adding to the list. The only damage necessary is to the feelings of the victim.

    “…..if we were we would have all died out long ago.”

    I’m not so sure too many people will make it much longer. If sensitivity doesn’t kill ’em, a small change in the climate will.
    So far, you and I are outlasting a lot of the bastards. Maybe we still will.

  2. Tina says:

    Well said Jack.

    There are several things going on here. One is the Democrats orchestrated plan to delay the hearings and destroy the candidate. Another is the radical feminist that must be satisfied to keep them solidly in the fold and voting in November and 2020. A third is the assault on our legal process. A fourth is the long term effect this will have on future generations should the Democrats succeed in their evil plot. (Guilty as accused) A fifth is the damage this has done to both families; both have been harassed, hounded, and intimidated including death threats and threats against their children.

    Who is responsible? Number one answer: Democrats sitting on this panel that have behaved unethically from the beginning and turned a thoughtful hearing into a kangaroo courtand it isn’t the first time they’ve stooped this low. There are no explanations or excuses that would mitigate the damage from the dastardly plan they executed in pursuit of denying Trump another court nominee.

    The stench from DC is toxic…even the guys in the hazmat suits couldn’t clean up the odor.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Kavanaugh came out swinging – and he connected. So did Lindsay Graham!
    And voters are angry about the way Kavanaugh has been treated – with NO evidence to back up Ford’s claims.
    The Despicable Demwits deserve every bit of scorn voters can heap upon them. Especially Feinslime for sitting on that letter for 2 months!

  4. Tina says:

    “Ford’s Testimony is Compelling, but is it Accurate?”

    Holy cow…two men confess!

    Monica Showalter at American Thinker cites an article in USA Today and writes:

    Is the nightmarish miasma of increasingly flimsy charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about to come to an end? Sure looks like it, as two men step forward and say they were the ones who assaulted the woman who charges Kavanaugh with the assault 37 years ago. It’s as if O.J. Simpson really did find “the real killer.”

    According to USA Today:

    WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee has questioned two men who say they, not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, had the disputed encounter with Christine Blasey Ford at a 1982 house party that led to sexual assault allegations.

    The revelation was included in a late-night news release by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the top Republican on the committee. The release includes a day-by-day view of the committee’s investigative work over the last two weeks since allegations surfaced targeting Kavanaugh.

    Oh, my. You wouldn’t expect the real attackers to come forward just to keep Kavanaugh from having to bear an improbable accusation of sexual predation and having to defend himself alone. How often does anyone see someone take a bullet based on his own actions to at least ensure that someone innocent doesn’t take it? They would have had nothing to gain from this, yet they came forward, signaling that they eventually grew up. Incredibly, it has happened.

    Something like this has potential to end the whole nightmare for Kavanaugh. …

    This has to be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in politics.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Certainly the most disgusting. The Democrat Party has become a depraved political circus of vile clowns. They have turned confirmation hearings into a national disgrace engineered and led by Senator Frankenstein.

  5. Peggy says:

    I recorded and watched the whole hearing. I found both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh to be truthful. I found inconsistent, conflicting and confusing statements from Ford and logical believable statements from Kavanaugh.

    Ford’s inability to remember so many of the details that took place before, during and after the alleged attack are troubling. Especially, how she got home after she left the house, which was miles away from her home. Hard to believe there is no witness to verify they drove her home or saw her on the street and offered her help.

    Her inconsistent statements about her not being able to fly because of the trauma she still suffers today from the alleged attack was debunked, since facts show she’s flown from coast to coast and to Hawaii numerous times. In fact the Dems’s lying about her needing time to travel from Calif. to DC by car was exposed by her own testimony. She was already on the east coast attending her grandmother’s funeral. The Dems used her to delay the process for their political gain. Kav. had to be kept off of the court at all cost, even if it meant using and destroying the lives of Dr. Ford and Judge Kav.

    Last observation was I believe there is something wrong emotionally with Dr. Ford. I do believe she was attacked by someone, but not Kav. or she believes she was attacked when she wasn’t. Even allowing for the stress of being at a hearing she made too many inconsistent statements and many that made no sense. One was she didn’t know how to contact her senator for the reason she sent a letter to her House rep. It’s reported she’s been active in campaigning, so this makes no sense that a Phd would not know how to call one of her two state senators, Feinstein or Harris. Her running into one of the attackers at Safeway and walking up to him to say hi is not the action of someone toward her attacker. She said HE looked uncomfortable. Why did she walk up to her attacker?! She said she didn’t want to enter the store with her mother and chose the wrong door. A normal reaction would have been to stop dead in your tracts, turn and run to get her mom and say that’s the guy to attacked me. But, she didn’t. She said he looked uncomfortable. Makes NO sense.

    Shame on the Dems for using her and turning this process into a circus. Hopefully, Dr. Ford will get the psychological treatments the prosecute from AZ suggested she get.

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