Fire Dangers Posed by Homeless Encampments

by Jack

Around 10:30 pm last night, I was on my way to the store when I noticed number of fire trucks headed into upper Bidwell park.  This area is just a few blocks from my house.  Turns out, a fire had mysteriously erupted in dry brush.

The area is well known for illegal camping which has been going on for about 5 years under the nose of police and park rangers.  But, for reasons of manpower and politics, not much gets done about it.

For those not familiar with Chico, the upper park is the less travelled, less developed part of a park that runs for several miles thru the City.   For the last few years it has increasingly been both a dumping site and camp site for the homeless, much to the consternation of the legitimate neighbors living nearby.   The occasional police/public works round-up usually nets tons of trash and a few vagrants wanted on outstanding warrants.  Then the camping problem resumes within a few weeks.

But, the troubles from homeless encampments is rising to a whole new level when the massive park and adjacent homes are threatened by human caused wild fires.  California has been devastated by wild fires in the last few years, it’s cost lives and billions of dollars.

The countless wildland fires are often started by vagrants in camps elsewhere around this State, so it was inevitable it would also happen here.   In July of this year the Stoney fire rushed through upper park, threatening to explode in the same way as the disastrous and deadly Redding fires that still smolder.  However, this time we were lucky.   The fire was quickly contained and extinguished by fireman now experts at fighting wildland fires.   Thankfully the available units were based here, including a Cal Fire air attack base that provided a number of air drops of chemical retardant.

The cause of the latest fire remains undetermined, but when such fires start in remote areas, at night, as the weather turns cold, the probability of it being human caused is almost assured.

Chico’s homeless population ebbs and flows, but it seems to have levelled off at around 3000.  As winter nears that population will likely dwindle down a bit more, but not enough see any significant relief from the crime, trash, drugs and other burdens placed on the local taxpayers.

When do you think the politicians in Sacramento will wake up to the fact, there is a reason why over 25% of America’s homeless have now migrated into California?  There is a reason for the massive camps in big cities with all the human waste and needles on our sidewalks.  My guess is they will never figure it out.   They’re just idiots with an open-ended credit card that has them focused on trying to spend their way to a utopian society.

If there is a glimmer of justice here, it’s this:  SoCal has been the hardest hit by wildfires, disease, trash, drugs, and crime.  They also have the largest concentration of homeless camps, including illegals.  They also have plenty of sanctuary cities to compound the problems.  Thus it is proven once again…  people get exactly the kind of government that they deserve!



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25 Responses to Fire Dangers Posed by Homeless Encampments

  1. Cherokee Jack says:

    “…..people get exactly the kind of government that they deserve!”
    Come on Jack. There has to be another answer. It’s not my fault! I didn’t approve of any of this mess. I don’t think any my friends did, either.
    If I was into an organized religion, I’d say it was the devil that did it. Then I could rely on something out of the Old Testament to kick in and pull a Sodom and Gomorrah type retribution. As you mentioned, several of Moses’ plagues have already been visited on SF and LA, but they have been accepted and officially approved as normal.
    The scientists tell us the coastal cities will probably fall into the Pacific from either a major earthquake or global warming inundation, or both.
    I guess religion or science could be the answer. I agree it doesn’t look like politics will be any help.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Speaking of government, I got a canned call the other day telling me who the three conservative candidates for Chico City Council were. I haven’t been paying attention so I do not know. I need to figure this out in the next couple weeks.

      As such, I would like to hear from Post Scripts and Post Scripts followers, who are the conservative candidates and why you think they should get my (our) vote.

      By the way, good bye and best wishes to Mark Sorensen, you will be sorely missed.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Nothing will be done about the Bum (I refuse to refer to them as “Homeless”) situation until a member of the Chico City Council’s house is burned or one of their family is accosted, injured or infected with typhus.

  3. Joe says:

    “There is a reason for the massive camps in big cities with all the human waste and needles on our sidewalks. My guess is they will never figure it out. ”

    Well, you better get used to it. The homeless are here to stay and it will only get worse. The idiot politicians will make sure of it. Chico will become more like San Francrisco.

    So Captain Jack, I suggest you follow the advice of the old ’60’s hippie song…updated for the times…If you’re going to San Francrisco (or Chico)…be sure to wear some feces in your hair…then you’ll fit right in in the progressive paradise.

  4. Harold says:

    As Jacks and this article points out there is and has been steady increase in Chico’s crime.

    A lot of this problem is due to the homeless situation, These criminals ( a large portion of homeless fall into this category) who have time on their hands during the day because Chico feeds them,clothes them and houses them, so there is no real reason to find work to support themselves, just a lot of time to sit and observe your movements and figure out the best time to rob you.
    Why resort to crime, well this free lunch syndrome doesn’t give them a upscale lifestyle and to achieve some of those perks you have worked for it is just a simple answer, ‘Take it from those who have it”

    Do you stop and hand out money to panhandlers with signs proclaiming “woe to me”, wake up to the fact that if your involved in a crime against your property, it is your fault, more so then you realize.

    Wake up, you are your own worst enemy, you have contributed to the problem, and it will not stop until you stop financing it!, with handouts and expanding free services to attract more and more. We could have helped our own locals and had a better handle on crime, but no voters allowed feel good liberal politicians to infest Chico with this plight.

    Stop tying the hands of Chico’s police, let them protect the community, this can only be done with a City council that directs, no demands them to do so, and it is dependent on your vote to install such a council.

    Take it one step further and vote to put a stop to Sacramento’s’ current failed administrations as well, California has lost it way with to many liberals contributing to this problem as well.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    MUST SEE —

    Tonight (10/14/2018) was the last in a series of 4 shows from Ben Shapiro on Fox News. I will miss him and hope to see him as a regular guest or guest host on Fox. The opening monologue of the last show is a must see.

    Ben Shapiro Nails Democrats and the Left on Uncivil Violence and Inciting Mobs

    I follow and highly recommend —
    The Daily Wire

    YouTube channels

    The Ben Shapiro Show

    The Daily Wire

    Podcasts The Ben Shapiro Show

    (Note that the above recommended links have redundant content The podcasts are great for when you cannot or do not need to watch but can listen at low bit stream audio rates and keep your bandwidth consumption down.)

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Of Topic Again…

    Ashe Showe is a brilliant young reporter and conservative opiner. I have seen her on everything from CSPAN to the Heritage Foundation, to the Washington Examiner.

    Here is a short, to the bone, brilliant piece from her on the Daily Wire —

    The Worst-Run States Have This In Common

  7. Libby says:

    Rogue Killers and Evil Twins?

    Your obsession with local $h!t piles is, in the circumstances, understandable. They are, at least, corporeal … real … unlike the work of the Gaslighter-In-Chief. Check this out:

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Too funny Lippy. Eric Holder should have said, “When they go low, we go psycho-babble.”

      Now there is a winning ticket! You go girl!

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Lippy, I hope you step on a pile with a needle in it. Then maybe (just maybe) you will get it.

    • Cherokee Jack says:

      Thanks for pointing out the Politico article on the Snowflake Generation. It describes how all those poor fragile daisies run to their therapists when hurtful things reach their delicate ears.
      As a child of the Greatest Generation, I’m glad most of them aren’t around to see the dysfunctional misfits that have grown out of the world they saved. Trump could be the best thing that ever happened to these neurotics. They’re being forced to face reality for the first time. How’s it going for you, Libby? Got enough Prozac for a second Trump term?

      • Libby says:

        You didn’t finish, guy … you’re in there too.

        And here … have we, or have we not, spent the last two years moaning up a storm about Hils and Barry and Eric, none of whom are currently in office … creating little anxieties to distract you from the big one … the unhappy fact that you, the lower middle-class, white Republicans, have been screwed over again … that The Donald plays you like a tuba … and you can’t do diddly-squat about it … except, of course, find something else to moan about.

        • Cherokee Jack says:

          So this is what virtual reality is all about?

          • Libby says:

            Hey, it’s on the page … what are you gonna do?

            “‘Conservatives are hurting, too,” she said. “I view this anxiety as collective in a very strong sense. They’re hurting in part because they feel they don’t have permission to share their real views, or they feel conflicted because they agree with things that the president is doing but they’re uncomfortable with his language and tactics. … And they feel alienated and isolated from friends and family who differ from their views, as if there’s not permission to view it in a different way in D.C.’”

            So you obsess over Hils and Barry’s
            “language and tactics”.

        • Cherokee Jack says:

          Hey, it’s on the page … what are you gonna do? Conservatives are hurting, too,….”

          Back up Libby. See your posts above and below. You’re assuming facts not in evidence. I never mentioned conservatives. I was talking about generations of snowflakes. I don’t discriminate.
          You assumed I’m white. Where do you think I got my nickname? I’m a couple of generations closer than Elizabeth, plus the town I live in was named after me.
          (back in 1850)
          Lower middle class? My trailer is the classiest one in the park.
          Can you show me where I obsessed over “Hils and Barry?” I can only recall laughing at them, sort of like Joanie and Chachi.

          • Pie Guevara says:

            As is Lippy’s want, assuming facts not in evidence. It is her MO.

          • Pie Guevara says:

            I am 1/2048th African on my third cousin’s side and 1/1024th on my fourth removed cousin’s side. This makes me a black Nez Perce. I identify as a black Nez Perce. You cannot accuse me of cultural and ethnic appropriation.

            (But today I dipped a corn dog in salsa and after eating felt deeply the pang of black Nex Perce guilt. My sincere apologies to Mexicans and Poles. I promise to seek therapy.)

    • Tina says:

      re: Pompeo meets Saudi King…”Rogue Killers and Evil Twins”…

      Is that what you thought then?

      So phony, Libby!

      • Libby says:

        What are you talking about?

        Your crew promotes the Evil Twin theory to absolve K (even though he says he didn’t do it at all, which is even more weird).

        Your crew promotes “Rogue Killers” when, alas, the Turks taped the whole thing (while imprisoning their own journalists … is it dawning on you why I am so cranky lately?).

        I think your crew, your Donald, are sickening, absurd to a sickening degree and beyond belief. I have always thought this.

        • Pie Guevara says:

          That Kavanaugh was affirmed — and there were no facts in evidence from the very people who were claimed to have been present — really grates at you, eh Lippy? Its over. You and your fellow low-life liars and manipulators tried to destroy a good man and lost. All you have reaped is a deep and abiding disgust at your despicable politics-of-personal-destruction tactics. Works for me!

          Keep the spittle-flecked screams coming, Lippy, you and your manic maenads are doing a great service.

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