Trump VS The Mighty G7

by Jack

“The G7, the wealthiest western nations in the world held a climate change summit over the weekend. President Donald Trump’s disdain for the G7’s ideas on climate change, along with his trade demands and bombastic behavior, left the United States estranged from its closest allies. Or at least that was the take from the mainstream news.

Is the G7 really our closest allies? Depends on what they need from us, would be my answer.   They certainly were our allies during WWII, except for those backing Hitler. But, it’s been a “gimmee” relationship ever since.

What has been the G7’s wonderful contributions to climate change?  Well, most recently they pledged $20M to save the rain forest, which has been described as the lungs of the planet.  Yes, I said $20M.   Now that would be appalling if that was just one country offering it, but the 6 most wealthy in Europe?   Of course they were expecting the United States to jump and pledge billions, but we didn’t.  Now their token contributions really stand out.

They’re (G7) all about lip-service for climate change and I say that because their actions don’t match their rhetoric.   They don’t mind one bit if the United States cripples it’s energy independence,  limits our production might and we blow a fortune on dubious carbon credits.  But, when the spot light turns is turned on our bestest allies – they got nothing.  What hypocrisy!  And that’s why Trump would have none of it.

“President Trump’s wrecking ball approach to international diplomacy left him utterly isolated at the G7 summit,” wrote Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Scientists from the other six countries didn’t even try to paper over their strong disagreements with Trump on trade, climate change and other important issues,” Meyer wrote. Hmmm…we didn’t read a word about the paltry $20M six wealthy nations pledged to save the lungs of the world, did we?

FACT:  China is by far the world’s worst polluter and among the world’s worst for human rights.  About 1/3rd of the entire world’s pollution comes from China, why isn’t that being addressed?  Without reigning in China’s poison the USA could go to zero emissions and it would not make one whit of difference.  Yet, that is exactly what the G7 would like us to do, regardless of what havoc it would cause us.

The climatologists give kudos to tiny non-industrial places like Malta, Cyprus and Luxembourg as being the great leaders in the fight against climate change while bashing the USA.  Yet, we spend 1000 times more than the entire sum of this top 10 “A list” spends on anti-pollution measures….  and we get zero credit.


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10 Responses to Trump VS The Mighty G7

  1. Peggy says:

    Trump was right not to attend the climate change meeting. It was just another con job to get more money from US taxpayers. It’s documented Brazil has been setting fire to the rainforest since 1989, if not before.

    I heard Trump did great at the summit with individual countries. He’s a bilateral agreement leader instead of a multi-country treaty where it’s one size fits all that’s not the best deal for American. His deals with Japan took place there after just a couple of meetings. The agriculture agreement will help our farmers now, pre trade agreement. What can get better than that? Japan will meet in just a few weeks to work out a trade deal and before then they’re going to buy our surplus crops.

    China called and said, “Let’s make a deal,” before the summit ended. I’d say they realized Trump prefers bilateral deals and they’d best not wait until after the 2020 election to save their country from an economic collapse. The odds of Biden replacing Trump are not looking good these days. Their choice is to work a deal out now with Trump or after when he’s holding even a better hand.

    It’s nice having someone in the WH who is fighting for the people instead of letting the democrats, the media and foreign countries push us around and bully us into compliance. What happened to Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, the Tea Party and the IRS, Thomas and other conservative republicans going all of the way back to Reagan should not be allowed to happen again. A lot of us may not like his style, but wholeheartedly support his results.

    Raising awareness about fires in the Amazon? Share these photos, not dated stock images:

    “While the fires, and their potential dangers to the planet, may be real, the photos shared with these posts are often misleading. Some depict fires in the Amazon that happened years — or decades — ago, and sometimes don’t show the Amazon rainforest at all.

    One of the most prominent examples of this: French President Emmanuel Macron’s tweeted call to put the Amazon fires on the agenda for the G-7 summit in France this weekend.

    “Our house is burning. Literally.” Macron said in a tweet. “It is an international crisis.”

    Attached to the tweet: A photo available for purchase from stock image website, which has been published previously, including in a 2012 article published on

    The image was also shared by Fox News expert Walid Phares, Internet personality Rudy Mancuso and actor Leonardo DiCaprio.”

    The Amazon Is Burning
    Chelsea Harvey Jan. 24, 2015

    “A stunning data visualization from InfoAmazonia shows where forest fires have occurred in the Amazon rain forest between January 2012 and December 2014 using satellite data collected by NASA.”

    If they want us to believe them they need to stop lying.

  2. Chris says:

    Of course Trump once again stood up for his buddy Putin, requesting that Russia be allowed back into the G7, despite (or because of?) Russia’s attack on our election process that they undertook in order to help Trump get elected. You couldn’t ask for a more clear quid pro quo.

    He then offered to host the next G7 at his own Miami golf course. Gee, what a generous man, not at all trying to illegally profit from his office.

  3. Peggy says:

    FYI – Hint, buy warm clothes and stack that firewood.

    What Will This Winter Be Like? Farmers’ Almanac Releases Forecast — And It Isn’t Pretty.

  4. Chris says:

    What has been the G7’s wonderful contributions to climate change? Well, most recently they pledged $20M to save the rain forest, which has been described as the lungs of the planet. Yes, I said $20M. Now that would be appalling if that was just one country offering it, but the 6 most wealthy in Europe?

    This isn’t true. The $20 million was the total contribution of the G7, including the United States.

    President Donald Trump’s disdain for the G7’s ideas on climate change,

    The president thinks windmills cause cancer and allegedly wants to use nuclear weapons to fight hurricanes. Please explain to me why a person should be anything but embarrassed to share his views on any scientific issue.

  5. J Soden says:

    In that much-ballyhooed “Climate Accord” that Obumble pushed for and TheDonald removed the US from, China – the biggest polluter – got a complete pass!
    And those Amazon fires? The pictures floating around are from years past when the fires were worse – but the Fake News deliberately leaves that out.

  6. Libby says:

    Whine, whine … Snivel, snivel.

    You sound just like our President … who made a global jackass out of himself at the G7.

  7. Harold says:

    From a recent article about the Amazon forest and the new Brazilian Government.

    “The rate of forest destruction in the Amazon has surged since Bolsonaro took office last year. He campaigned on exploiting the rainforest and won the endorsement of the country’s agricultural lobby. His government has drastically reduced its enforcement of environmental laws. According to the BBC, the Brazilian environment ministry’s enforcement arm issued nearly 30 percent fewer fines this year compared to the same period last year. ”

    Yet Liberal bias can only focus on Trump because of his recognition of the ineptness of the G7, what a bunch of hypocrites!

    • Peggy says:

      Very little notice is given to the fact that Brazilians are burning the Amazon trees to clear land for crops. Why should G-7 send them one dime let alone $20m. That’s nuts.

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