Slow Voting on Election Day

by Jack

Voters up and down the State of CA reported agonizingly long waits to cast a ballot, in some case the delay was over 5 hours.  In Chico the typical wait time was about 1.5 hours.  But, why?

Didn’t the State just spend 200 million dollars on improved voting machine to make voting more accessible?

Well, yes they did, but the new machines were prone to breakdown and about 30% of them went down in minutes and could not be made to work again.  In other words the State spent a lot of money buying junk.  Can you believe that this state-wide system had not been tested before election day?

A lot of people involved in this boondoggle should have some explaining to do, but likely nothing will happen, because that’s just the way it is in CA.   Sure, some county officials are hopping mad and calling for an investigation…but, it will never happen.

The bottom line, the  system these machines replaced worked, the new machines… not so much.  200 million bucks wasted.

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16 Responses to Slow Voting on Election Day

  1. J soden says:

    Voting machines made in China???
    Or was it Russia……….

  2. Peggy says:

    Yet, Trump broke many records. In some states he had more votes than all of the dems combined. Voters showed up to show their support, even though they didn’t need to. Here are a few states.

    92.5% 1,529,882

    94.1% 1,889,006

    No. Carolina
    93.5% 747,038

    92.5% 599,816

    Sanders 33.6% 1,089,373
    Biden 25.2% 817,728

    Biden 34.5% 716,030
    Sanders 30% 622,360

  3. Peggy says:

    Trump’s Super Tuesday results: Broad appeal beyond a united GOP:

    “While some in the media spent much of Super Tuesday reveling in Joe Biden’s awakening from political death, they entirely missed the untold story of Super Tuesday: President Donald Trump’s record-breaking vote counts and turnout.

    Despite being an uncontested incumbent, President Trump managed to break several turnout and vote-count records in blue states and key swing states.

    In Vermont and Minnesota, Trump’s vote totals beat every past incumbent’s total in the last four decades. In Maine, the president’s vote total bested every primary candidate’s total since before President Ronald Reagan. In Massachusetts, the story was similar, with Trump aggregating a higher vote total than past incumbent Republicans since before Reagan.

    And in deeply blue California, with 82 percent of precincts reporting, President Trump collected nearly 1.4 million votes.

    • Chris says:

      Those numbers should be the subject of embarrassment, not pride. How has the conservative movement become so enamored of this graceless huckster?

      “You can’t turn your cheek,” says Trump:

      God’s not dead, but conservative Christianity is.

      • Peggy says:

        Ephesians 6:10-20

        The Fight against Evil:
        10 Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. 11 Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. 12 We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. 13 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day[a] comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

        14 Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor. 15 Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. 16 Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Let God’s saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God’s message that comes from the Spirit.

        • Chris says:

          Pie here: Yep, Post Scripts’ pompous, self-righteous troll is really on a rampage. It must be nice to be sooooo superior. 😀

          I’m sorry. You think this…

          “ Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!”

          …Is the “armor of God?”

          You’ve proven my point. You are twisting scripture to defend an evil man who by his own admission has never asked for forgiveness because he thinks he doesn’t need to.


          • Chris says:

            Pie here: Souza continues to have a conversation with himself and tells himself that Trump is EVIL. Yawn, you just can’t make this stuff up.

            Thank you for proving, once again, that you cannot rebut my points.

            Trump is an evil man who says he does not need forgiveness. That he has so much support among evangelical Christians is a disgrace. If you did not know this to be true, you would rebut it. Instead you call me “pompous.” Well, yes, I do get a feeling of superiority by watching people who should know better now down before a morally inferior man. My feeling of superiority is not the problem in that equation!

      • Chris says:

        Pie here: Oooooo, now Chris is espousing on my nerves! Sometime you just have to laugh. Is he on a rampage or not? I suppose he thinks he has struck a nerve. The nerve! 😀 I really do advise this pathetic, pathological troll get a life. He would be much happier.

        Pie, if you didn’t fully expose your nerves it wouldn’t be so easy to tell when I’ve struck one.

  4. Chris says:

    Election days should be state holidays and federal election days should be national holidays.

    That is, if we actually want more Americans to vote. Which is not what the Republican party wants.

    • Post Scripts says:

      In reply to Chris for this statement. “Election days should be state holidays and federal election days should be national holidays.
      That is, if we actually want more Americans to vote. Which is not what the Republican party wants.”

      Chris that is an absurd statement. The republican party has been and always will be, about recruiting informed voters and turning out for elections. The democrats found that populism, overwhelming an election by sheer numbers works for them. They could care less who votes, they would use communists, fascists, zealots, druggies, crazies, bums living under the bridge and pooping on the street… if their vote would give them leverage to defeat well reasoned, moderate voters who understand the issues.

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