Economic Impact of Car Wrecks

Ever wonder why your car insurance is darn high, even though you haven’t had an accident or ticket in 20 years?

Stats from the website Safer America.   

The Economic Impact of Car Accidents…..

101 The annual economic cost of car accidents in the United States is an estimated $242 billion.

102 From 2007 to 2012, the average claimed economic losses (such as medical expenses and lost wages) increased by 8 percent among personal injury claimants and by 4 percent among bodily injury claimants.

103 In 2013, the average automobile liability claim for property damage was $3,231. The average liability claim for bodily injury was $15,443.

104 In 2013, the average collision claim was $3,144. The average comprehensive claim was $1,621.

105 Private insurers pay about half of all car accident costs, while individual crash victims pay 26 percent, and third parties pay 14 percent.

106 In 2010, the cost of medical care and productivity losses due to injuries from car accidents was more than $99 billion – nearly $500 for each licensed US driver.

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