Released Gitmo Detainee Suspected of Playing a Role In Benghazi Attack

Posted by Tina

The Weekly Standard writes about a Washington Post bombshell report:

The Washington Post reports that U.S. officials suspect Sufian Ben Qumu, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, “played a role in the attack on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya, and are planning to designate the group he leads as a foreign terrorism organization.” Ben Qumu is based in Derna, Libya and runs a branch of Ansar al Sharia headquartered in the city.

U.S. officials have found that some of Ben Qumu’s militiamen from Derna “participated in the attack” and “were in Benghazi before the attack took place on Sept. 11, 2012.”

Ben Qumu was fingered early on as a suspect in the Benghazi attack, but his name dropped out of much of the reporting on the assault for more than one year.

In November 2013, however, THE WEEKLY STANDARD reported: “U.S. intelligence officials believe that Sufian Ben Qumu, a Libyan ex-Guantánamo detainee, trained some of the jihadists who carried out the attacks in Benghazi.” Ben Qumu, TWS reported, “has longstanding connections with al Qaeda leadership.”

Wasn’t it someone here who kept saying, “Let those poor “boys” go home”?

Those poor boys are men…religious extremist men bent on murder and mayhem. It’s time to quit thinking of them as boys. And its time to quit thinking they will come to the peace table. War may not be the answer but fiddling certainly isn’t.

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4 Responses to Released Gitmo Detainee Suspected of Playing a Role In Benghazi Attack

  1. Libby says:

    “Wasn’t it someone here who kept saying, “Let those poor “boys” go home”?

    I hope you’re not talking about me, cause I never said any such thing. I have always said: “Convict them of something or turn them loose.”

    Those are the rules. You don’t like ’em, you can go take up residence in North Korea, or Somalia, or any number of places on this planet where the rule of law do not apply.

    I don’t think anybody ever thought that, after being imprisoned and abused for umpteen years, many of them were going to go home and take up knitting. Some of them may … but some of them are out for revenge, and I can’t really blame them.

  2. Tina says:

    Libby you are simply wrong regarding the rule of law:

    Under the law of war, a country at war has the legal authority to detain individuals who have engaged in combatant actions, including unlawful belligerence, until hostilities end. This basic principle is widely accepted around the world. And since 9/11, the United States Supreme Court has upheld the right of the United States to detain enemy combatants for the duration of the conflict.

    If you don’t like it you can lump it.

    And yes I remember distinctly that you once referred to these vicious killers as “boys” in an appeal to let them go home. I notice you have had zot to say since the messiah took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Apparently detention under the one is just peachy.

    You guys on the left are such phonies.

  3. Libby says:

    “And since 9/11, the United States Supreme Court has upheld the right of the United States to detain enemy combatants for the duration of the conflict.”

    Which was altogether craven of it, and we’re not done with this yet. Because by this sort of logic, an adminstration can declare “war” on any organization whose aims it don’t like (Tea Partiers, for instance) and lock them up indefinitely, and we’re not having that.

    Again, if this is the sort of state you want to live under, this is not the country for you.

  4. Chris says:

    Tina: “Under the law of war, a country at war has the legal authority to detain individuals who have engaged in combatant actions, including unlawful belligerence, until hostilities end. This basic principle is widely accepted around the world. And since 9/11, the United States Supreme Court has upheld the right of the United States to detain enemy combatants for the duration of the conflict.”

    That may work in a traditional war, where enemy soldiers are easy to identify. But in a war on terrorism, it simply doesn’t work. It’s how innocent men like Khalid El-Masri and Maher Arar end up being imprisoned and tortured for no damn reason.

    Now, I get that you personally don’t have to worry much about being mistaken for a terrorist, imprisoned without trial or access to a lawyer, tortured, and forcibly sodomized by government officials…but that’s why human beings have a little thing called empathy, which allows us to imagine the circumstances of other people and try to make the world a better place for them too, not just ourselves.

    “I notice you have had zot to say since the messiah took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Apparently detention under the one is just peachy.”

    Either you’re lying, or senility has kicked in. Libby has objected to indefinite detention just as much under Obama as she did under Bush.

    “You guys on the left are such phonies.”

    Says the woman who claims to be against big government and claims to love freedom, yet is willing to drop those ideals in a hot second as long as it’s not her freedom being violated. And the thing is, the men who made these laws know that they can count on unthinking sheep such as yourself to trade in those ideals for the false sense of security provided by indefinite detention and torture. You are such an easy target. You ADORE Big Government when it suits you, and you’ll defend it to your dying breath.

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