Today’s Best Jokes





Will Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign get off the ground with all of the added baggage?

Will Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign get off the ground with all of the added baggage?

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3 Responses to Today’s Best Jokes

  1. Tina says:

    The second one is priceless! Hillary creates an accomplishment by bashing her predecessor and taking credit for “not doing that.” If that’s her greatest accomplishment she might as well have stayed home to do laundry or bake cookies.

    As for “remnants of prior administrations,” the garbage heap that has resulted from the administration in which she served will leave an infinitely more difficult and dangerous situation for the next administration…and that is the real extent of her accomplishment.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    My favorite too.

  3. Mary says:

    I hope Hillary doesn’t get it’ would be terrible have thisproven liar in office again.

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