NYSE and United Airlines both Went Down Within an Hour

by Jack

We’re waiting to hear what the final analysis says, however it was incredibly ironic that two symbols of American commerce went down about an hour apart.  The NYSE said their system was possibly due to an upgrade failure and United, well, they are not sure yet, but the system is back on line but flight delays are world wide and will take a long time to sort out.

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14 Responses to NYSE and United Airlines both Went Down Within an Hour

  1. Tina says:

    It’s reported that China is in trouble as well. Lots of shaky times ahead. After eight or nine years of left policy we’re stuck in a long non-recovery…but it’ obvious…the left does the economy better!

  2. Dewey says:

    I am not buying any explanation Jack. Something was up.

    There are so many drones in the air as well. Found it interesting there was one above the landing pattern to BWI Balt/DC Airport. What were they looking for?

    MZ Tina;

    The right does not get to block everything this president wants then blame slow progress on one side.

    The caucus room meeting and GOP Obstruction has been well documented. We are sick of the GOP Congressional obstruction.

    You have a Blue Dog DINO President who’s failure is yet to be passed – These trade deals that threaten our sovernighty, you have a GOP blocking every bill except these trade bills.

    Sorry Tina but you guys want to know why there is a political revolution forming? A real grass roots one not funded by billionaires?

    It’s because people have had it with these games.

    The GOP has blocked everything. So be proud of accomplishing the goal to hold the middle class
    hostage just to blame this president. One does not get to pretend anything else happened.

    “The Caucus Room Meeting”

    Name the great conservative policy accomplishment after GW Bush? Losing 750,000 jobs a month? or the wars on a lie? Maybe the market crashes due to De-regulating them?

    The left is not some enemy and the right are certainly no saviors

    Right now it’s the people against the billionaire class, multinational corporations and the banks for a good fair system that works for all.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, the real problem is we’re divided as a nation, and I mean really divided. It’s never been this bad. The left is vilified and the right is vilified…its like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s on a grand scale. Dirty tricks abound. It doesn’t matter that one side is 10% more guilty than the other side, it’s that it needs to stop and sensible, reasonable discussions need to take place centered around doing one thing…. doing what is right for America and true to the values that founded this nation.

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey please explain how the right has “blocked” what this president wants to do with great success?

    This president has worked outside of our Constitutionally created system more than any president before him! He has a “phone and a pen.” His agency leaders have taken on powers that were never given to them. His fellow Democrats created the ACA behind closed doors, through bribes and deceit without debate in Congress and without a single opposition vote. In the process they have given huge powers to unelected officials to tax and regulate at will!

    The nature of our political system produces and supports the airing of disagreement which is a good thing unless you’re someone who wants more government control…more power vested in the elite few!

    Obama is not our king or dictator.

    The opposition is supposed to “oppose.” Reagan was opposed yet he managed to work with the opposition and still get at least some of his ideas passed into law. Same with JFK and Bill Clinton.

    The point is not whether the left is an enemy or the right saviors. The point is which side has solutions that create outcomes and opportunity that support strong, self sufficient, contributing Americans and which party creates dependency and the big federal government needed to collect taxes for that dependency.

    Historically left ideas have produced expanded government and the debt that inevitably follows. It’s ideas create dependence on government and suppression of small business…while the rich get richer. The left is supported by billionaires as well as very rich special interest groups: education, unions, greens, gays, and left religious groups. Most despicably, they have garnered the support of people of color who they lie to and use like chattel.

    The right’s ideas expand the private sector and create plenty of opportunity for the people to uplift and enrich themselves and their families…while the rich get richer. The right is supported by billionaires as well as special interest groups that believe in big government control, lower taxes, workable regulation, and more power vested in the people at the personal and local level.

    The rich, like the poor, will always be with us. The rich are not any more or less evil than any other group…they are people. Most are decent people who care about America and the plight of the less fortunate. The rich are successful people, the bulk of whose money is invested in the economic engine that creates opportunity for others in the form of jobs, loans, and investment. They use their own dollars to create this opportunity, rather than your tax dollars. Their investment not only provides provide opportunity for others it funds innovation.

    As for political funding, ever heard of George Soros? If you think your little “revolution” hasn’t been totally conceived and funded by he and his minions you are indeed naive.

    Jobs have been “lost” in the last seven years because the people who produce jobs have been discouraged through stifling taxation and regulation…all a result of leftist policy. The recession ended in the Spring of 2009. Since then Obama and the Democrats have had the power to BLOCK any substantial republican policy and ideas. Veto power and this presidents arrogant king like “rule” has shut out republican ideas and participation. The left has had near absolute control as we experience the worst economic period for the average American since the Great Depression.

    Big banks are embraced by Democrats and left policy has encouraged big bank expansion and blunted their ability to loan to the little guy…totally in support of monopolistic corporate formation and collusion with government. The health Insurance industry has been equally pressed toward monopoly and collusion with government.

    No system will ever create fairness or equal outcomes for all. The best system the world has ever known was the American constitutional system which the left’s ideas have been tearing apart and dismantling for over seventy years. They have done it through legislation passed into law, our educational system, the courts, and the media.

    Sadly, you have no appreciation for our constitution, freedom, or the value of embrace and support of individual effort. You lack the perspective and knowledge to create more power vested in the people. You slavishly follow the path the left radicals have provided you (The fight is against the 1%) without bothering to expand your knowledge or open your mind to the deceptions and propaganda. It’s a da*n shame because you represent a huge portion of the population that was never fully educated and will vote against their own self interest while being distracted by false crisis.

    It’s a sad day for America, the best hope in the world for people here and across the globe.

  4. Chris says:

    I agree with Jack at #3.

  5. Chris says:

    Tina: “His fellow Democrats created the ACA behind closed doors, through bribes and deceit without debate in Congress”

    This ridiculous meme needs to go away. The ACA was subject to endless public debate. Ezra Klein writes:

    “After the Senate’s Health and Finance committees drafted versions of the Affordable Care Act, Reid did combine them in private before bringing them to the floor. But the idea that the law wasn’t written in the public eye is ridiculous. Both the committee processes were endless and, with the exception of Max Baucus’s sojourn into the “Gang of Six” process, quite open, and Reid’s effort to combine the bills mostly preserved the committees’ work. After the law came to the floor, there was both a long period of public debate and an extremely open amendment process — you can read the many, many amendments that got voted on here. As someone who had to cover that process and thus spent almost six solid months watching C-SPAN, I’ve little patience for those who suggest it was all conducted behind closed doors.”


    Blogger Jonathan Bernstein gives more context:

    “Essentially, there are four or more stages to most major bills that get considered in the modern Senate. They are drafted; they get considered and passed by one or more committee; negotiations take place to find a version of the bill which can receive 60 votes on the Senate floor; and then there’s actual floor consideration.

    It’s absolutely true that the first and third steps of that process take place away from the fully public, CSPAN-available committee rooms and Senate floor. That’s not new! There was nothing particularly special about the ACA in that regard.

    Indeed: there was nothing particularly special about the procedures under which the ACA was drafted, considered, and passed. At all. The one procedural wrinkle that might be in the current edition of Barbara Sinclair’s Unorthodox Lawmaking (I’m one edition behind, so I don’t know what she added) was the dual final passage using reconciliation, but even that wrinkle was only a normal adaptation of normal techniques for an unusual situation. In other words, it’s exactly the kind of ad hoc departure from the textbook Congress that Sinclair notes is standard procedure in the current Congress.

    Combining pieces of a bill from the work of multiple committees, however, has been the way that Congress does its business for decades now. So are negotiations with individual Senators between committee action and the Senate floor. Mitch McConnell surely knows that, and he certainly knows, or at least once knew, that plenty of Republican amendments to the ACA were considered both in committee and on the Senate floor.

    Again: nothing unusual about the procedures under with the Affordable Care Act was drafted, considered, and passed.”


    “and without a single opposition vote.”

    Yes. I’m not sure why you think that reflects worse on the Democrats than the Republicans.

    “Historically left ideas have produced expanded government and the debt that inevitably follows. It’s ideas create dependence on government and suppression of small business…while the rich get richer.”

    Tina, at what point in time do you think economic inequality was at its lowest in America? Who was president at that time? What was the tax rate on the wealthiest earners during that time? What was the role of unions at that time?

    As for debt, well, see here:


    Debt as a percentage of GDP skyrocketed under Reagan and Bush I, went down under Clinton, then went up again under Bush II and Obama. The growth in debt-to-GDP under Obama has actually been less than the growth under Bush.

    “The left is supported by billionaires as well as very rich special interest groups: education, unions, greens, gays, and left religious groups.”

    It is a myth that gays are a “rich special interest group.” In fact, the poverty rate is higher among gays than the general population. It is estimated that 40% of homeless youth are LGBT.


    “Most despicably, they have garnered the support of people of color who they lie to and use like chattel.”

    This statement strikes me as demeaning as slightly racist toward left-leaning people of color. You are implying that the majority of POC who are left-leaning are simply gullible and easily fooled. This is not surprising, since you once said the same thing about no less than MLK Jr:

    “MLK was boondoggled by the young radical Democrat Marxists as well as the southern opportunistic Democrat racists of the day that could see the writing on the wall and posed as friends to the black man for their own selfish political ambitions.”

    You said even worse about the rest of King’s family, who according to you, “embrace the Democrat lies about black history. They carry water for the Democrats because they promise them freebies…some of them have sold their souls and sold out the black community in the process…enriching their own lives without real concern for the quality of life blacks have under Democrat policies.”

    Note that this was after you had falsely claimed that MLK Jr. was a registered Republican.


    So it’s not surprising to see you demean POC Democrats in this way, it is no less immoral, and you should stop doing it.

    “Jobs have been “lost” in the last seven years because the people who produce jobs have been discouraged through stifling taxation and regulation…all a result of leftist policy.”

    I’m not sure what you mean when you say “jobs have been lost.” We have had 64 straight months of private sector job growth.

    “The recession ended in the Spring of 2009.”

    Then why are you still arguing as if this is 2009?

    “The left has had near absolute control as we experience the worst economic period for the average American since the Great Depression.”

    No, the worst economic period for the average American since the Great Depression already happened, back in 2008-2009. It’s over now.

    I know you wish it wasn’t, but it is.

  6. Tina says:

    Chris: “The ACA was subject to endless public debate. ”

    But none from the right in Congress where all laws are supposed to be debated and written involving every representative of the people. It certainly isn’t supposed to be written in secret behind closed doors with the result that the Speaker was wont to say, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it away from the fog of controversy.”

    The public debate was about what might be included and whether the administration’s ideas would work for all Americans. Republican representatives in Congress were not permitted to contribute in the writing of the actual law! Outrageous!

    “I’m not sure why you think that reflects worse on the Democrats than the Republicans.”

    Well you wouldn’t. Take a look at legislation passed in prior terms of Congress. Most bills enjoy support from the opposing party or at the very least enjoy inclusion of the oppositions ideas and participation according to the system outlined in the constitution.

    Your statements about the state of our economy are limited and pointedly targeted.

    Two percent growth (And less) is not representative of a strong recovery. New employment figures that don’t even keep up with population growth don’t represent a strong economy. Higher numbers of people requiring assistance from the government in the form of food stamps does not represent a strong economy.

    Debt to GDP records are available for viewing here. In 2006 it was 63.3%. In 2008 it was 64.8% prior to the crash. The crash saw fixes that raised the percentage to 76%. In 2010 it grew to 87.1%, 2011 to 95.2%, in 2012 to 99.4%, 2013 to 100.1% and 2014 to 101.53%. The sharp rise in debt to GDP from 2010 represents expansion of the federal government and a diminishing of private sector growth.

    I know you wish it was different but the policies of this administration and the long term redistribution programs introduced and pushed by the radical Democrat Party are ruining the country. The last seven years represent the worst management of the economy ever in recent times by either party.

    Have to go; will address the rest later.

  7. Tina says:

    At #4, the following,

    “The right is supported by billionaires as well as special interest groups that believe in big government control…”

    but should read:

    “The right is supported by billionaires as well as special interest groups that believe in less big government control…”

    What a difference a word makes!

  8. Chris says:

    Tina: “It certainly isn’t supposed to be written in secret behind closed doors…Republican representatives in Congress were not permitted to contribute in the writing of the actual law!”

    Well, now you’re just repeating the same lies I already debunked, so it’s absolutely pointless to talk to you.

  9. Chris says:

    Here are the many Republican contributions to the ACA:

    Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
    (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), “Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act”)
    Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
    (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))
    Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
    (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))
    Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
    (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )
    Mechanisms to improve quality.
    (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))
    Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
    (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)


  10. Tina says:

    Chris: “It is a myth that gays are a “rich special interest group.” In fact, the poverty rate is higher among gays than the general population. It is estimated that 40% of homeless youth are LGBT.”

    I didn’t say all LGBT people were rich. They do have a very wealthy group that participates as a special interest lobby:

    ‘Top 50 OUTstanding in Business List’ Looks At LGBT Corporate Industry Leaders

    Gay donors fuel President Obama’s 2012 campaign:

    Professional gay men, with a personal stake in politics and less likely to have children or college funds that would consume their disposable income, have long been key to Democratic fundraising. A rarely told story of Howard Dean’s 2004 rise, for instance, was his early, blockbuster fundraising from gay donors who appreciated his support for civil unions, then a cutting-edge policy.

    “This statement strikes me as demeaning as slightly racist toward left-leaning people of color.”

    For decades the majority of POC have slavishly voted for Democrats…blacks were particularly targeted and cultivated with lies and deceptions first in the sixties under LBJ:

    “When Blacks Voted 80 Percent Dem, Malcolm X Called Them ‘Chumps'”

    When blacks gave 80 percent of their vote to the Democratic Party in 1964, black activist Malcolm X called them “political chumps.”

    White voters, X said, “are so evenly divided that every time they vote, the race is so close they have to go back and count the votes all over again. Which means that any bloc, any minority that has a bloc that sticks together is in a strategic position. Either way you go, that’s who gets it.”

    Yet Democrats, said Malcolm X, failed to deliver on a promised and much anticipated new civil rights bill, knowing the party could still count on their blind support in the next election.

    “You put them first,” said Malcolm X, “and they put you last. ‘Cause you’re a chump. A political chump! … Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party — you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.”

    What would Malcolm X say about today’s 95 percent black vote? Did the Democratic Party keep its promises to promote family stability, push education and encourage job creation?

    The black community, over the last 50 years, has suffered an unparalleled breakdown in family unity. Even during slavery when marriage was illegal, a black child was more likely than today to be raised under a roof with his or her biological mother and father. According to census data, from 1890 to 1940, said economist Walter Williams, a black child was slightly more likely to grow up with married parents than a white child. What happened? (continues and worth the read)

    Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote – Why keeping blacks ignorant of history remains crucial to the Left’s future.:

    Older black voters sometimes explain they’re opposed to Republicans because of the “racist” Southern strategy. But Richard Nixon speechwriter Pat Buchannan, credited with inventing the “Southern strategy,” considered the Democratic Party the party of the racists. Buchanan said: “We would build our Republican Party on a foundation of states’ rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the ‘party of [Democratic Georgia Gov. Lester] Maddox, [1966 Democratic challenger against Spiro Agnew for Maryland governor George] Mahoney and [Democratic Alabama Gov. George] Wallace to squeeze the last ounces of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice.'”

    But before that, another pivotal event occurred that helped the GOP-as-racist meme. In 1960, during the presidential campaign, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested following a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in Atlanta. Hundreds of other protestors were released, but King was jailed on a trumped-up probation violation for failing to have a Georgia driver’s license.

    King’s aides reached out to then-Vice President and Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon. They also reached out to the Democratic nominee, John F. Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy called the Atlanta judge handling the case. Shortly after that call, the judge released King. Nixon, according to Harry Belafonte, a King supporter, “did nothing.” Is that true?

    Nixon, it turns out, had a much closer relationship with King than did Kennedy.

    In the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, Calif., records show considerable handwritten notes and correspondence between Nixon and King. This includes a 1957 letter from King acknowledging their previous meetings, which thanked Nixon for his “assiduous labor and dauntless courage in seeking to make the Civil Rights Bill a reality,” and praised him for his “devotion to the highest mandates of the moral law.” (continues)

    “I’m not sure what you mean when you say ‘jobs have been lost.’ We have had 64 straight months of private sector job growth.”

    If you’re not sure what I mean perhaps you should at least consider that I know what I’m talking about. As I wrote job growth hasn’t even kept up with the numbers of people seeking full time work. Considering the high numbers of workers that have given up looking for work, the high numbers of workers being displaced by foreign workers, and retiree aged people unable to leave the work force making room for the younger generations as previous retirees did, job growth is pathetically inadequate! Many of the jobs are only part time too…this is not a robust economy by any measure, except for the wealthy. they’ve done quite well with the government printing money to prop up big players and keep inflation artificially low. The biggest number of actual jobs created in the last even years on monthly basis didn’t top 400. Most months have seen job creation between 200 and 300 jobs. Under the Reagan economy, once his business and entrepreneurial friendly policies took hold, one million jobs were created in a single month. The economy soared along with the opportunities for the middle class and poor.

    People can survive a sudden crash (2008-2009) but surviving a long drawn out recession with high unemployment that threatens to end in another, bigger crash, out of control inflation and even higher unemployment is nothing to brag about. You should give it up.

  11. Tina says:

    What you have done is dismiss participation in Congress by Republican representatives as irrelevant because Democrats borrowed a few ideas and chose to include them in the bill. The bill does include a few good ideas but it also has some very bad ideas. It is thousands of pages long and extremely complex. It has provisions that allow new regulation and taxation by unelected bureaucrats. This was not a bill that would cause Republicans to vote yes. It was not a bill that a few Democrats would support either. They switched their votes because they were coerced with bribes. Most of the Congress was left out of the process, Democrat and Republican, and none had the opportunity to read and understand the bill before voting. It was shoved through Congress by a few elites in the Dem Party through deceitful means…period…no excuses!

    Remember this photo? Since then thousands of new regulations have been written. It’s a monster!

    And if this piece off trash law manages to perform even half of whats been promised I’ll be surprised. It will be as unsustainable as MC and SS are. The opportunity for fraud and abuse is also very high. The amount of paper required to comply with the regulations is something that should make the greens take up arms!

  12. DEWEY says:

    Tina seriously?

    “Dewey please explain how the right has “blocked” what this president wants to do with great success?”

    DO you watch Congress? Are you not aware of the planned obstruction?

    Come on now it is PUBLIC INFORMATION and even Newt said yes we did plan to block everything Obama does , it’s what we do.

    Robert Draper- Do Not Ask What Good We Do. January the 20th 2009. Key Republicans meet at the Caucus room in Washington DC. The Guest List of about 15 people included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.) Newt Gingrich, Frank Luntz.

    Draper quotes in the book “If you act like you’re the minority, you’re going to stay in the minority,”and McCarthy – “We’ve gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign.”


    Do you know what the powell memo is Tina? The plan for a corporate takeover?

    This is not just a glitch folks. The question remains who and what was setting up the wall street computers.

    I have no doubt the eminent crash may be set off to affect the upcoming election.

    There is no such thing as the Free markets and I will never let the no regulation crowd blame anyone but themselves

    That shutdown is an attack, question is by who

    • Post Scripts says:

      DEWEY!!!! You numbskull, how can you buy into this partisan liberal BS? “Come on now it is PUBLIC INFORMATION and even Newt said yes we did plan to block everything Obama does , it’s what we do.” Then explain why we supported Obama on the Transpacific trade pact? Look Dewey, the two party system is part of our check and balance system, and the Republicans have no incentives to play games, they’re focused on looking like a party that can govern. Why should they support Democrats that are pushing socialism or bad ideas for America? Please explain…no on second thought just forget it.

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