Yuge – Trump Wins Indiana

Posted by Tina

Early returns suggest Donald Trump will win Indiana in a landslide. The “callers” have called it:

With just about 15 percent of the vote in, the New York real- estate mogul had a commanding 20-point-plus lead over the Texas senator, and a far larger margin against also-ran Gov. John Kasich. …

… As of early Tuesday evening, Trump had 1,041 delegates, Cruz had 565 and Kasich, who stayed on the sidelines during the Indiana race as part of a deal with Cruz, had 152.

Bernie won the vote count 229,184 to Hillary’s 203,525. He had greater support from men (56%-44%) than Hillary and by a bigger margin than her support from women (51%-49%).

Senator Ted Cruz is suspending his presidential campaign following his loss in the Indiana.

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19 Responses to Yuge – Trump Wins Indiana

  1. Chris says:

    So, barring a miraculous recovery by Kasich, Trump will be the Republican nominee.

    I never though this would be possible.

    I am ashamed of every single person in this country who allowed this to happen.

  2. Chris says:

    No, and neither will 99% of the people who say they will.

  3. Chris says:

    Some conservatives are waking up:

    “I’m done with that now. Albeit a bit too late.

    I’ll never be like the indignant pricks I’ve dealt with on the right who judge harshly anyone who doesn’t automatically parrot the Republican leadership. I’ll also never be like the virtue-signallers who feel the need to put rainbow flags over their avatars to prove how socially progressive they are.

    But my days of watching crazy people gain readers & listeners right in front of me are over.

    Ann Coulter, Gateway Pundit, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin, Breitbart News, Matt Drudge, and scores of others, too many to list here. They are all people that at one time or another caused me to bury my face in my hands. Caused me more than once to say “wait…we ARE the stupid party?”

    I’m done with it and I’m done with all of them. They are in this for money and power and influence and they think Donald Trump is their ticket. Hell, they may be right. And I’ll go down in flames with my principles before I join them.”


    • Pie Guevara says:

      Interesting, you are like everything you say you are not and then some. Perfect comment.

      Bury your face in your hands? How is that possible when you have your head stuck so deep …

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re: “But my days of watching crazy people gain readers & listeners right in front of me are over.

      Ann Coulter, Gateway Pundit, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin, Breitbart News, Matt Drudge, and scores of others, too many to list here.”

      Yeah, we all know you goose-stepping, extreme left-wing useful idiot stooges hate these people. Good little brain-washed twit. You have no principles other than those associated with character assassination and libel.


      Please feel free to drop dead at your earliest possible convenience.

      • Chris says:

        You are illiterate, Pie.

        The writer I quoted (see those quote marks? They mean I didn’t write that) is a conservative who writes for Red State, not an “extreme left-wing useful idiot.”

        The people he called out are all Trump supporters. You should reject them just as you have rejected Trump himself.

  4. Tina says:

    The bigger question is, when will people wake up with respect to the slimy, deceitful, corporatist Democrat leadership?

    Stupid is as stupid does and the Republicans have played the game of politics stupidly.

    There’s little redemption, however for a party of pandering deceivers and manipulators that have pushed this nation into a state of division, social engineering, class warfare, economic ruin, and international disgrace. This is a party that undermines the very things that make America great but more importantly offer the entire world the best hope for true equality, opportunity and peace.

    • Dewster says:

      Tina when will you wake up? They are all brands of corporatist’s. We are a fascist ran country. The multi national corporations and banks run the country. Period.

      Sorry dear but there are no unicorns and fairy dust.

      If you really think these GOP slimeballs care about the constitution as they tear it apart you have not a clue.

      This country has become exactly what the founding fathers tried to avoid.

      The DNC and GOP and bought out Media are money laundering scams.

      Interestingly Trump has complexly collected the worst of the worst and really given the GOP a rubber stamp……. The grand Wizard loves Trump!

      The Dems have accepted GOP style cheating as moderate Republican Clinton brings socially responsible fascism compared to Trumps Authoritarian Fascism.

      Next up the lessor of 2 evils headlines.

      Happy Voting! Oh that’s right… The rest of the country decided for you!

  5. bob says:

    If Trump wins I sure hope he does something about crime.

    I would like to see people with concealed carry or open carry permits allowed to shoot criminals they catch in the act of committing a crime. (Not trying to be rude but police are pretty much useless in stopping crimes in progress. What’s the old saying? When seconds mean everything police are minutes away? To be fair they obviously can’t be everywhere.)

    The crime rate would plummet over night and society would rid itself of the human waste which costs it hundreds of billions of dollars and untold suffering.

  6. Chris says:

    You are downright scary, Bob.

    I’m not sure why you oppose Trump. You share his authoritarian, violent ethos.

    • bob says:

      “You are downright scary, Bob. ”

      A plummeting crime rate is indeed scary for criminals and liberals alike.

      • Chris says:

        No, the idea of making it legal for vigilante citizens to shoot people in the act of a crime is scary.

        Shooting someone in self-defense, defense of one’s property or defense of another person’s life is a different story; since that’s already legal, the only plausible interpretation of your comment is that you think we should be able to shoot people for lesser crimes. What are you saying we should shoot people for? Shoplifting? Selling drugs? Money laundering? Regardless, you are proposing fascism, and yours is exactly the type of rage-fueled ignorance that has gotten Trump this far.

        • bob says:

          Shooting someone in self-defense, defense of one’s property or defense of another person’s life is a different story
          What are you saying we should shoot people for?

          Mostly just those. Have you seen the police crime logs? I checked one for a month for Chico. There were several hundreds of crimes for things like stealing cars, smashing windows of cars and stealing things out of them, vandalism, assault, rape, armed robberies, home invasions. The list just went on and on. And this is just the reported crimes. The majority of crimes are NEVER reported. And this is just for some very small city in the middle of nowhere.

          Imagine if just a few of these criminals were shot committing their crimes. Imagine if everyone knew that committing such crimes could result in getting shot. Crime would plummet overnight. An armed society is a polite society!

          • Chris says:

            bob: “Mostly just those.”

            Then why did you say people “should” be “allowed” to do something they’re already allowed to do? Do you just not think about what you’re saying before you say it?

          • bob says:

            If you shoot a person who is in the process of breaking into your car you will be prosecuted.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris is scared of Bob. poor Chris. Someone give him a bed to hide under.

    Ann Coulter writes about the Trump phenomena

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