Were Cops Targeted in Four States Due to False BLM Narrative?

Posted by Tina

Since the murders in Dallas, Texas shootings in three other states have occurred resulting in death and injury. In Tennessee a lone shooter took the life of a newspaper carrier and injured three others including a police officer. In Missouri a police officer is in critical condition after being ambushed and shot in the neck. In Georgia a police officer answered a reported call of a break-in that turned out to be an ambush…he was shot.

According to information posted by The Conservative Treehouse these murders have been a response to a false narrative perpetrated on social media by Black Lives Matter and picked up by main stream media:

The Falcon Heights, Minnesota police shooting of Philando Castile is based around an entirely false narrative. Castile and Ms. Diamond Reynolds (Facebook video uploader) were pulled over by police because Castile matched a BOLO Alert for an armed robbery suspect from four days prior.

Unfortunately, the false statements in the video – which have gone viral, and are being pushed by the mainstream media – have created a backlash against police officers. …

…Ms. Diamond Reynolds narrates the now viral Facebook video with several false statements.

Reynolds claimed they were pulled over for a broken tail light, false.

Ms. Reynolds also claims her boyfriend, Castile, was holding a concealed carry permit for a firearm that was resting on his left thigh. This also appears to be false.

According to a question presented to the local county sheriff who oversees the Concealed Carry Permit process, Mr. Castile had never requested a concealed carry permit from their office

Follow the link for full details. It’s the same old song and it’s beginning to play like an unwanted melody fragment in our heads.

President Obama needs to come clean, admit his error in pitting blacks against cops, admit that the problems blacks have lie within the black community, and act like a leader for once in his community agitating life. But he won’t. In my opinion this lack of responsible leadership illustrates an incredibly callous and cold attitude toward black lives in America. on the part of . What has the first black president done that has actually made black lives matter? Nothing but handouts…keeping the old dependency train running full steam and preaching hatred of white police officers.

Our thoughts are with the brave men and women in blue who are being targeted, their fallen brothers and sisters, and the innocent bystanders, some of whom were shot and many of whom are not part of the radical elements. There are reports of a Facebook posting where a group, “Black Power Political Organization,” takes responsibility, calling themselves “assassins.” Nothing official

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22 Responses to Were Cops Targeted in Four States Due to False BLM Narrative?

  1. Dewster says:


    Lets cut the crap and get to the nuts and bolts here. Let’s say he was a Murderer just to take the worst crime.

    The man was strapped in a seat belt. He identified he was carrying. He was asked for his ID. Then shot when he reached for it. Not once but 4-5 panic shots by an Idiot.

    What we have here is poor policing. We have an officer who does not have the intelligence to secure the firearm that so scares him. We have a man shot while strapped in a car. What did he do to deserve death? Comply? Would this have happened if he was white? Probably Not.

    You exhibit White Privilege at the least, A Racial Bias at the worst.

    You group all people than write narratives.

    Do you think White people are superior?

    Answer that My friend

    You are saying that a man wearing a police uniform no matter how stupid he is ……..can kill based on his own mistakes?

    If that man was a criminal he would have the same rights as he did as an Innocent man.

    But what we have here is…..

    An Innocent man dead for trying to comply with an Officer. NO EXCUSES

    You must hate the constitution

    • Tina says:

      Black men are automatically innocent.

      Cops are automatically stupid.

      And Dewey has all the answers.

      Yep that’s about how Dewey rolls.

    • Tina says:

      Geez Dewey are you anything other than attitude?

      You don’t want to know what I think, you’re too busy trying to prove I’m biased and “white privileged.”

      Do you have any idea what race I am or did you just assume? I’m actually a mutt. Grazier is a French name…it’s likely I have a little creole in my background. I’m also part Blackfoot. My cousin married an American Indian man so my second cousin is more than half American Indian (Blackfoot and Cherokee). My Grandkids have a black uncle and Hispanic cousins.

      No, Dewey, I don’t think white people are superior and you have no reason to believe I do.

      I think your”version” of what happened in the car fits into the same racial biases and bigotry toward white people and police officers you demonstrate when you ask such irrational questions and make such moronic pronouncements.

      Police officers that murder people are held to the same standard as any other person who commits murder. The biggest difference for him is that when he goes to prison he will face bigotry and hatred like no other criminal.

      Police officers in this situation face immediate suspension until it can be determined whether he’s committed a crime or not. So what is your problem?

      • Dewster says:

        Tina I do not care about your genealogy. It is your comments and bias that is insane!

        Saying I might have creole in me? Do you get pulled over for driving while Black? Is that what you are saying?

        Fact is you do not even see your white Privilege. You do not fear being harassed by a cop cause you are black.

        yet you sit here and write propaganda and refuse to see what the real problems are. You sit in a one horse town beautiful as it is and try to dictate what is happening to the whole world. from that little seat in CHICO CA.

        You do realize how we all think about Chico in Norcal right? I could not take living there. People are generally clueless to the world.

        try reading the racist cop blogs. They were back to it when the heat was low, they may refrain now.

        Try admitting white supremacists are embedded in the Police and Military ect.

        They proudly announce it, you proudly ignore it.

        Then there is the shadow gov that wants racial divide to keep people distracted.

        The Political parties that keep a false narrative going while they raid American Assets.

        United We stand, Divided We Fall

      • dewster says:

        My Version? OMG There is a video……..

        It is documented and the cop holds the gun on a Dying man rather than help him. He is freaked out trying to change his story…He is amped up. He is unqualified mentally to be a Police Officer.

        Want to see some good police action? Ones who are not afraid of a Crowd?

        Man pulls gun on crowd of Portland protesters

        The guy who pulls the gun has a site calls Liberals cowards, He is laughing at Liberals as he freaks out……… He is the coward who went there to capture footage. He reaps what he sow.

        Some people are not qualified to have guns as they are mentally unstable.

        Those scary Black people threaten them

  2. Dewster says:

    Black Lives matters will continue to protest because the one incident I mention is just 1 day in America.

    People Like you are the reason they are in the streets. You support the problem

    No Justice No Peace


    WHite People who support BLM

    • Tina says:

      “No justice” is a BIG FAT LIE. It is a manufactured “crisis.” Anyone who buys it is a dupe…including, in fact in particular, many white people that support BLM.

      Why do the people in BLM accept the schools in their neighborhoods?

      Why do the people in BLM love Democrats that vote against school vouchers?

      Why do the people in BLM put up with the gangs in their communities and the violence and death they perpetrate?

      Why do BLM think so little of themselves that they accept permanent dependency on government as a designated lifestyle?

      Why are there no leaders in these communities to address the local problems that are the source of young boys and girls copping attitudes and turning to drugs, gangs and criminal activity?

      Why are the people in the BLM movement surprised when criminals and petty criminals with attitude end up dead in a confrontation with the police?

      If people behave responsibly the cops have nothing to do. How about BLM making that their cause!

      • Dewster says:

        Tina Tina Tina …..OMG!

        They do not accept the schools which are being defunded by Tea Baggers.

        School Vouchers? OMG! Screw for profit charter rip offs and your stupid vouchers. WHy are you so set on destroying Education in America?

        Why is every tax dollar suppose to go to someone to rip off the people for their own profit?

        Conservative politics has been the problem. And Yes the Clinton’s are republicans that carry out These crimes.

        Why are there no local Leaders?
        WHy do you not know their names?

        Compile your writings and call them “Clueless in Chico”

        Cause you are a product of conservative blogs and clueless to facts

      • dewster says:

        And you believe in unicorns and fairies too?

  3. J. Soden says:

    Let us not forget that the BLM thugs were invited to the white house and were told they were “doing a good job” from a leader that has done almost as much to trash race relations as the KKK.
    Dr. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

  4. Libby says:

    From “The Atlantic”:

    Yet there may be reason for hope. Ethan Zuckerman, the director of the MIT Center for Civic Media and a scholar who has done much thinking and writing about online activism, has written about the importance of monitoring what he calls the equitability of activism in both the digital and physical realms.

    “‘Monitoring’ sounds passive, but it’s not—it’s a model for channeling mistrust to hold institutions responsible, whether they’re the institutions we’ve come to mistrust or the new ones we’re building today,” he wrote in a blog post last year. “When the Black Panthers were founded in Oakland, CA in the late 1960s, they were an organization focused on combatting police brutality. They would follow police patrol cars and when officers got out to make an arrest, the Panthers—armed, openly carrying weapons they were licensed to own—would observe the arrest from a distance, making it clear to officers that they would intervene if they felt the person arresting was being harassed or abused, a practice they called ‘Policing the Police.’”

    This kind of monitorial citizenship, he says, benefits hugely from technology—whether it involves building a dedicated website for counting fatal shootings by police, forming an organization to videotape crime, or leveraging digital networks to share footage of a deadly police confrontation. As Zuckerman puts it in his blog post, “it allows many people working together to monitor situations that would be hard for any one individual to see.”

    “The one stance that’s not acceptable as far as I’m concerned,” he added, “is that of disengagement, of deciding that you’re powerless and remaining that way.


    You can tell yourselves all the stories you like. The truth is still out there for anyone who cares to see it. And not one of your stories will make it go away.

    • Tina says:

      Yes Libby and many of those videos do not include the entire encounter, do not include all aspects of the situation, and do not record the audio…they can be very misleading. I’m sure the professor thought the Black Panthers were a marvelous group. Everyone knows their anger and militancy was always right. Blacks can do no wrong; they are by default innocent. That they also have been known to murder each other and innocent people along the way, well, they must have had a good reason, end of story.

      The truth is out there Libby and if it weren’t for the people who are willing to dig deeper than the main stream media we actually can find out what actually happens…and it’s not the one-sided hateful narrative race baiters and people like you float.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re : “Were Cops Targeted in Four States Due to False BLM Narrative?”

    Why is this in the form of a question? This is the direct result of radical professional agitators from extremist, progressive, racist and race-baiting organizations like Black Lives Matter (they do not, especially to blacks, read the crime statistics), the Black Panthers, Black Muslims and the Black Power Political Organization.

    These are terrorist organizations who spread hate, fear, and division, with a nod from Obama and Hillary.

    So, yes Dopester, let us cut the crap from you and yours.

    I find it disturbing that, when in an age where racist white supremacist organizations — the most significant of which was the Democrat Party created KKK — are marginalized and shunned by society at large, Hispanic racists like La Raza and MEChA and these black racist organizations are embraced by progressives and Democrats.

    Go figure.

    • Tina says:

      Why is this in the form of a question?

      I guess I keep hoping it might cause some people to observe from a different angle and think outside the narrative de jour.

      “I find it disturbing that…”

      I do as well. And let us not leave George Soros out of the mix:

      Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

      In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

      Wealthy celebrities are also donating to this protest movement.

      it’s disturbing on another level too. The “peaceful protest” call attracts the militant elements and the peaceful folks get hurt in the process…these are not like MLK events. A black woman in Dallas was on the news last night. She was shot in the leg and after her experience with the police officers who helped her she had nothing but high praise for the cops.

      There is a false impression, a false narrative. The President has helped to create it. It’s an election year and it helps his political goals to make white guys the “enemy.” The left is slime.

  6. Pie Guevara says:


    The Democrat party inspired race war is on. Just look at Obama’s record and Hillary’s latest announcement — Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men

    • Libby says:

      Pie, have you not been listening to my instruction of Tina with regard to psychological projection? It is you who are panting for that which you dare not own to, and so project it upon the other party.

      Own it.

  7. Libby says:

    “… do not record the audio…”

    Yes, one of them does, the one that records all six shots, and it does not reflect well upon the officers.

    “Blacks can do no wrong; they are by default innocent. That they also have been known to murder each other and innocent people along the way, well, they must have had a good reason, end of story.”

    This reflects a total refusal to think seriously about the situation. You just apply your racist tropes and go along your merry way, only it’s not so merry, is it?

    “… and it’s not the one-sided hateful narrative race baiters and people like you float.”

    More of the same. If Louisiana law enforcement had murdered 37 whites this year and 37 Asians this year, you could maybe make a case. But they have not, and you can not.

    • Tina says:

      It doesn’t record everything the perp has said or done!

      This is incomplete evidence. Might as well just call for a lynching cause that’s what you armchair, the cop is guilty as sin, fanatics are basically doing. Do YOU hear yourself?

  8. Dewster says:

    Again we have views from a white Privileged small town crowd dictating to the world they have not lived in.

    #BlackLivesMatter #EveryHumanMatters #StopRascism

  9. Libby says:

    “It doesn’t record everything the perp has said or done!”

    Again, cops are supposed to be 1) vetted for the emotional wherewithal to withstand a potty mouth, and 2) trained to arrest people who don’t want to be arrested. Neither the potty mouth, nor the recalcitrance are reasons to haul off and shoot the man dead. They aren’t even grounds to thrash him, which cops often do anyway, and we can pass on a little bit of that … but the murders have got to stop.

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