The Democrat Model Destroys Freedom, Equal Rights, Rule of Law, American Unity

by Tina

The standard in America is “freedom and justice for all.” It represents the ultimate in the importance of every individual citizen. It is a standard that is not always met but should always be held up as the value we strive to uphold, as the model we use to evaluate our policies, attitudes, and behaviors. Unfortunately there is a powerful coalition that seeks to undermine our standard in favor of a model that divides our nation into groups and creates policy based on managing outcomes to favor those groups. This model inevitably creates inequality for individuals. Within this context merit and achievement do not matter. Individual effort does not matter. Right and wrong do not matter. Only the power of the few at the top matters. The fate of individuals is in the hands of the elite who decide who shall be rewarded and who shall be oppressed according to their group status. In the headlines today we find manifestations of the divisive, power at the top model.

Breitbart reports on a meeting held by Obama and Biden with representatives of several police forces across the country. After Biden informed the police officers that both the President and he had made statements in support of police officers the President told them how it is (smack down):

But you also have to recognize that there is still institutional discrimination. That doesn’t just exist in policing. It exists in many other areas, hiring, housing, etc. And you’ — and so, then they started talking, and said, ‘Well, maybe we, the law enforcement organization, should reach out and say, look, we understand why you may be concerned about how we deal with you, but here’s — let’s have a conversation, tell us what it is specifically.

The President has decided the group “minority” is more important that any individual regardless their race and he wants to control how officers operate within the context of group rights. The group is more important than any achievement or criminal activity made by individuals within that group. The group, or more accurately, the federal governments ability to manage outcomes to reward that group (and stay in power) takes precedence over “freedom and justice for all.”

The President laid out a plan to federalize our local policing forces and control how they do their work. He admonished those present to get on board with his plan:

Final Report of the President’s task force on 21st century policing

7.1 Recommendation: The President should direct all federal law enforcement agencies to review the recommendations made by the Task Force on 21st Century Policing and, to the extent practicable, to adopt those that can be implemented at the federal level.

7.2 Recommendation: The U.S. Department of Justice should explore public-private partnership opportunities, starting by convening a meeting with local, regional, and national foundations to discuss the proposals for reform described in this report and seeking their engagement and support in advancing implementation of these recommendations.

For recommendation 7.3, the COPS Office should consider taking actions including but not limited to the following:

Create a National Policing Practices and Accountability Division within the COPS Office.

Establish national benchmarks and best practices for federal, state, local, and tribal police departments. (emphasis mine)

A new national police authority isn’t the only card progressives will play in the run up to the election. But it is representative of the Fascistic control Democrats want. It is the type of socialism implemented by oppressive regimes like those found n Cuba, Nazi Germany, China and the USSR.

The leadership of the Democrat Party does not trust American citizens, the many civil rights laws we have already passed, or the rule of law itself. The leadership of the Democrat Party has been in power throughout much of the last five decades and still their goals have not been realized. The groups they claim to be victimized seem never to make any “progress.”

It should begin to occur to the American people that it isn’t just the left policies that have failed these groups; it is the model itself that fails.

Our founders wisely rejected power at the top models in favor of the individual. They believed individual freedom supported by the rule of law would empower and release individuals to be the masters of their own fate, to rise or fall on their own merits.

A vote for Hillary this November will be a vote against both individuals and groups. A vote for Hillary will be a vote to destroy freedom, equal rights, the rule of law, and American unity. If 50-70 years of progressive solutions bring us to what we have today,divisions on class and race, failed schools, a failed economy, high unemployment among the poor,greater and greater deendency, failure to uplift the poor, and the same political complaints every four years, isn’t it time to turn away from the progressive model and return to the model that made America a powerhouse of achievement and opportunity? Isn’t it time we placed our trust in the people to grow the economy, to help our neighbors in need, to advance new ideas, and to sort out local problems? I say it is.

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14 Responses to The Democrat Model Destroys Freedom, Equal Rights, Rule of Law, American Unity

  1. J. Soden says:

    There’s a difference between Democrats and Demwits.
    The current Demwit party is not the party of our fathers. It’s tilted so far left that those folks can’t even make a right turn when driving!

    Those who are registered as a “D” should take a long hard look at what their party has become, where it’s headed and what it represents. Don’t make excuses or blame others – be honest when you ask yourselves if this is what you stand for and where you want to go.

  2. Tina says:

    Very good advice J.

    I try to remember to distinguish between Americans who happen to be registered as Democrat and those who are now in charge of the party. I’m not sure a great number of them understands there is difference. Since this leadership is very good at cloaking their intentions, at covert deception, it can be difficult to see that they are destroying this nation at it’s foundations. In fact it can seem like those who try to call attention to their radical ideology are crazy or conspiracy nuts. That’s why I often invite people to investigate for themselves.

  3. Peggy says:

    Had to share.

    Another Hillary scandal in the pipeline.

    “A federal judge told State Department officials to work through the weekend if they have to to deliver documents related to Hillary Clinton’s decision to award military contracts to a defense manufacturer guilty of lying to government officials.

    The State Department missed a key deadline last week, saying they needed until October 17 to gather the documents.

    BAE, one of the largest defense contractors in the world, allegedly committed 2,591 violations of arms control regulations. They pleaded guilty in March 2010 to only one count of conspiring to mislead the government regarding their compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. According to the Justice Department, BAE lied about a series of payments made to Saudi Arabian officials between 2000 and 2002.

    After a $400 million settlement with the Justice Department, BAE lobbied the State Department in 2011 and 2012 through the Podesta Group, a powerful D.C. firm with close ties to the Clinton family. The State Department debarred the company from receiving defense contracts, but at the same moment rescinded the debarment, the Wall Street Journal reported at the time.”

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Another federal power grab from authoritarian progressives. Given the federal record on border control, IRS corruption, EPA abuses, and the latest outrages from the FBI and the Justice Department over blatant criminal negligence by Hillary Clinton, do we really want federal control of any form over local police departments?

  5. Libby says:

    “Unfortunately there is a powerful coalition that seeks to undermine our standard in favor of a model that divides our nation into groups and creates policy based on managing outcomes to favor those groups.”

    Unhappily, as long as you continue to deny that racism is endemic to the species (i.e., you and I and every other member is so inclined), and as long as you continue to deny that African-Americans are particularly impacted (a young man who tickets parking violations for a living gets reported to the police for breaking into cars), remedial measures will continue to be necessary … we will continue to point out to you examples of bias … and I am afraid that your resentment of the situation is your problem to be worked out by you alone.

    And a first step might be to eschew media that exist to feed it.

    • Tina says:

      Libby you live in a free country. We all do. How any of us feels or thinks, regardless his race, cannot hurt people unless they want to be hurt. If anything we have too much pathetic self-flagellation when it comes to race…we have too many people who have been convinced to feel like victims. We have more “victims” now than we ever have in our entire history.

      “a young man who tickets parking violations for a living gets reported to the police for breaking into cars”

      If the crime rates were not so high in the black community this might not happen at all. People fear and are suspicious of what they know. Will you consider that people’s perceptions are colored by this reality? No. To you it has to be that we are hateful rather than concerned and worried. I feel for anyone who’s life is impacted by the behaviors of others…but is it fair to blame white people for this reality?

      Did you watch the video of the black woman who did the NRA commercial? She spoke of the criminals and drug dealers that are in her building terrorizing the good people who live there…is she also racist or is she scared and concerned?

      Narrow thinking is what’s causing a lot of the division in this country. Claiming real concerns are about racism, and denying the other problems in the black community, is getting in the way of finding solutions.

      Give up your narrow bigoted opinion and maybe we can talk about this productively.

  6. Libby says:

    “The leadership of the Democrat Party does not trust American citizens, the many civil rights laws we have already passed, or the rule of law itself.”

    No. The Democratic Party sees room for improvement. For example, the Supreme Court scotches a portion for the Voting Rights Act, and IMMEDIATELY a fat fistful of states set about enacting voter suppression laws and some uproarious gerrymandering. Nasty. And definitely an area ripe for improvement.

    • Tina says:

      Gerrymandering…Ha! Maybe to correct the outrageous gerrymandering done by democrats! Have you seen the ridiculous shapes on the maps?

      And in the last eight years your “improvements” are just about all we can stand as a country. Please…STOP!

  7. Steve says:

    To Democrats prosperity is not as high a priority as equality, and liberty not so high as security. They will deny it when campaigning, but in their closed circles and the back of their minds they know freedom must die to usher in their leftist totalitarian utopia, ever convincing themselves that the past attempts at said utopia only ended in disaster because the wrong people (not them) were in charge. Don’t worry, I’m sure Hillary will be a much better leader for tomorrow’s proletariat dream. Just don’t ask where all the chocolate went.

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