Lies and Deception: Lone Wolf or Known Wolf?

lone-wolf-orlandoPosted by Tina

Over the last eight years the fight to destroy radical Muslim Terrorism has been fundamentally transformed to fit globalist ideals held by the radicals this nation brought to power. Over the last eight years this brutal enemy has grown in strength and reach to threaten from within in our neighborhoods and in neighborhoods across the globe. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have created terrorist chaos in the Middle East and unleashed nuclear Iran. Because the administration failed to plan ahead to create safe zones in their war plans there are millions of refugees flowing into Europe and America. Some are and have been creating no go zones making law enforcement and investigations nearly impossible. This is hope and change that threatens not only our lives but also our way of life. Terror attacks, rapes, assaults, no-go-zones and the advancement of radical Islam is not change for the better. It is disaster of epic proportion! We are told this condition is “the new normal.” We are told we are making “progress.” We are told that these “lone wolf” attacks are just something we must live with and accept. We are told the FBI and law enforcement are doing all they can…but have their hands been tied through language, manipulation, and PC?

Our leaders are attempting to pull the wool over our eyes and excuse their failures. This administration and their media mouthpieces have lied to the American people over and over again and the lies are deadly. One such lie is that of the lone wolf. As Andrew McCarthy pointed out in his recent article, “DEADLIEST LIE: Without ‘Lone Wolf’ Lie, U.S. Could Have Stopped Nearly EVERY ATTACK”:

Virtually every time a terror attack has occurred, the actor initially portrayed as a solo plotter lurking under the government’s radar turns out to be — after not much digging – an already known (sometimes even, notorious) Islamic extremist.

McCarthy bases his assertions on the work of Patrick Poole who coined the term “known wolf”:

As we follow the ongoing news about the manhunt for this weekend’s NY-NJ serial bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami and his capture yesterday, we can already add Rahami’s name to the growing list of “Known Wolf” terrorists. Yesterday, Catherine Herridge of Fox News reported that Rahami was already known to law enforcement authorities…

This follows a pattern of denial and obfuscation that marks this administrations approach to governing in which language is altered to advantage and advance their own radical and extreme agenda. We are told again and again that what we see before our eyes is really something else. War isn’t war at all, it’s an overseas contingency operation. Terror attacks in America aren’t carried out by radical Muslims but are random acts carried out by troubled individuals, lone wolves that have no direct connection to (radical) Islam. We should not “rush to judgement” when those who commit these acts of war scream Allahu Akbar as they commit mass murder in the name of their god.

Hillary Clinton is one of the liars. She wants your vote. But her record in this flagrant package of lies and misdirection renders her ineligible for anyone who is tired of homegrown attacks, tired of the waste, death, and loss of progress in the war, tired of the horrific mess this administration has made. Given Hillary’s deplorable participation it isn’t surprising that the Army lists Hillary as a security threat! The administration has not just made our world more dangerous and chaotic they have deceived the people at every turn. Who better to deliver yet another batch of deceitful rhetoric and lies than a bunch of actors…really? They can stand on this stage and pretend Hillary Clinton represents the choice that will do better? Well that’s what actors are paid to do, right? They are paid to make you believe that a lone wolf isn’t really a KNOWN wolf and his attack unconnected to radical Islam and terror.

The wolf at your door is being enabled by globalist wolves who use this condition to their advantage and to advance their goals for unchallenged control. They must destroy the ideals of individual liberty and free speech and they don’t care what it takes…war, militant unrest, swarms of refugees or murdering the language! Up is down and down is up. None of what is happening is real. Everything is fine. The chaos and unrest is normal.

Do you buy it?

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23 Responses to Lies and Deception: Lone Wolf or Known Wolf?

  1. RHT447 says:

    And the trouble ain’t just here in River City. In comments elsewhere—

    “With reference to Kerry, in my opinion, it is much worse than that.

    The Russians were set up. The entire cease-fire was designed with one goal in mind: have an aid convoy “bombed by Russia” just before the U.N. met so that Kerry could become hysterical and force the Security Council to endorse a “no-fly” zone over Syria.

    Why were the terms of the cease-fire not published? Because Russia troops were guarding the Castello Road to permit the aid convoys to reach jihadist Aleppo. It would have appeared odd for the Russians to bomb there own troops.

    Without question Russia had nothing to do with the destruction of the aid convoy.

    Without question Kerry is a duplicitous self-promoter, who should/will go back to the salon and commiserate with his hair dresser.

    Trump or abstain. What a choice. But the Clinton side is certainly attempting to make it easier.”


  2. Libby says:

    I don’t suppose you can be blamed for trying to make this into something simple to deal with, but it isn’t. You don’t conquer ideologies with war or shut it out with walls.

    It’s damned distressing, the idea that a doofus like Ahmad Rahami can wreak such havoc, sourced by ebay, but we’re not going to shut the country down to prevent it, and to abandon our principals is to cede victory to the enemy. Why can’t you understand that?

    You need to watch “A Man for All Seasons”, a spiffy film. There’s a great scene where Thomas More’s ideologically reckless son-in-law says he’d cut down every law in England to get after the devil. And More asks him: ” … and when the law’s all laid flat, and the devil turns round on you, where would you hide? … I give the devil benefit of law for my own safety’s sake.”

    Mind you, this is a deep thought … and some of us are not deep thinkers. Your candidate positively is not.

    • Tina says:

      There is no intention to abandon our principles. Defending ourselves from aggressive, violent, barbaric tyrannical enemies has never meant abandoning our principles. We went to war to defeat ideologically driven tyrants in WWII: Hitler Nazi’s (Aryan supremacy) and Japanese Imperialism. The Japanese ideology was similar to ISIS in it’s reverence of suicide for the cause.

      We on the right have never suggested the problem is simple. George Bush said from the start the war would be fought in many ways on many fronts. And it is a war they say so.

      I’ve seen A Man for All Seasons Libby. Your attempt to make that passage relevant is silly. It’s based on false assumptions and, of course, your particular biases about who I am…who we on the right are.

      You believe you can pretend the devil away with soft gestures. You reach out…you appease…you change the language. You “manage” the “overseas contingency operations and then imagine it’s been effective, “We’re making progress,” when clearly it is not effective. Eight years later we are losing ground as they expand theirs: Three nations, Syria, Libya, and Egypt, in upheaval…half of Iraq given back…Benghazi and the rise and spread of ISIS…refugees pouring into Europe…the Iran deal in which the leaders of Iran smile and shake our leaders foolish hands (and then kick them in the arse every chance they get)…increased terror attacks on our soil and on European soil. The point in taking the war to Iraq was to fight them there and push their evil ideology into the sand. Abandoning that strategy proved to be really really stupid.

      But you go ahead and try to lecture me as if you and your choice for president (then and now) has done a bang up job (More fantasy). Hillary, as the better choice, is as delusional as are your notions that we think a wall will defeat the terrorists when in fact it is simply a tool. In fact it is a tool being used by European countries and countries in the ME.

      When you fail to know your adversary, when you make up silly ideas about them, you lie only to yourself. The obvious in this discussion, which YOU choose to avoid, is that the alternative to Trump is a woman who has already given this a shot and managed to make quite a big mess of it. She has already proven she cannot be counted on to make good decisions, to do the right thing in a crisis, to have the backs of the men and women she sends to war, to “reset” effectively, or to be truthful and forthcoming.

      Donald Trump is untried in the world of politics but he has already shown growth and signs of good leadership. He has already surrounded himself with good, capable people and demonstrates his admiration for their expertise. He listens to their advice and council.

    • Rick Clements says:

      You wrote:

      “I don’t suppose you can be blamed for trying to make this into something simple to deal with, but it isn’t. You don’t conquer ideologies with war or shut it out with walls.

      Wrong Libby. You don’t conquer religious Gods period. Ideologies however, they are pure popular or unpopular speculation. The United States had the opportunity to shoot down and kill the Emperor of Japan over the Pacific during the early years of WWII. After the losses human citizenship suffered at Pearl Harbor, Allies were frothing at the mouth for revenge. The U.S. Command directed the plane that could have easily shot down the Emperor’s transport, to stand down. The U.S. Military’s Generals and Admirals knew through their Academy training and War college studies, that never try and/or harm or kill a society’s God, an image that to the present day, the Emperor of Japan still portray’s, enjoys, and maintains. The Japanese Emperor as Japan’s leader, has and will always been regarded by the Japanese civilization as a God, their God. And if the Japanese society were to be given a choice, they would overwhelmingly fight their enemies or any other force of an invading Nation to the death in order to protect their image, faith, and life of their God whom they trusted their lives too.

      “It’s damned distressing, the idea that a doofus like Ahmad Rahimi can wreak such havoc, sourced by ebay, but we’re not going to shut the country down to prevent it, and to abandon our principals is to cede victory to the enemy. Why can’t you understand that?

      Libby, you sound like you are really advocating a path to correct, heal, or completely eliminate the Liberal mindset of political vehicular suicide; encompassed with their : “I own this lane I’m driving in”. “And no I’m not moving over to let you in MY lane” mindset.

  3. Libby says:

    That scene is entirely relevant, and the fact that you can’t see it is the chief problem we got in this country.

    “The chaos and unrest is normal.”

    It is. This happy state of Western World Order you purport never existed, and in all probability never will. If this last 10,000 years of human evolution are any indication, the next 10,000 (always supposing we don’t extinct ourselves) are unlikely to bring about a huge improvement.

    Thomas More was an early humanist, a big believer in the rule of law. You wanna know what “law” is? It is the most excruciatingly refined version yet conceived of crackin’ the other guy up the side of his head and takin’ his stuff.

  4. Tina says:

    Okay Ms Smart@$$, tell us in detail HOW it is relevant! Expose that ridiculous mind of yours for once instead of just issuing endless innuendo!

    I don’t know who you are quoting when you write: “The chaos and unrest is normal.” It appears to be your own position. If so then my reply would be: Chaos and unrest is “normal” but only when a progressive is in charge. When GWB was leading against this particular brand of “normal” your hair was always on fire. You are inconsistent as he77…a huge phony! Not once in my memory have you uttered a single complaint.

    Human “evolution” is a giant lie. We humans have always had the capacity, as individuals, for good and for evil. Our choices determine the state of the world. The problem for you progressives is that you have to pretend we can evolve so you can deny the need for God in our lives. You make yourselves gods…some more “evolved” (elite) than others and then attempt to order the world through oppressive mandates, like changing the meanings of words, creating “safe” zones, and oppressing groups who disagree with you.

    Humans are intelligent and creative, which means that we have invented things to make life more comfortable and interesting. But it also makes it possible for some to use those talents and gifts for evil purposes. Thus we have a chaotic world. So on the wisdom side we have used our gifts to create laws and systems to handle those who create chaos, unrest, and war. In America we have done this and given the individual freedom and power to direct his own life. We agree as citizens to honor each others freedoms. Anyone engaging in chaotic activity is subject to our law and the consequneces of his action.

    You are wrong that we must settle for the level of chaos this enemy (and our current leaders) have wrought! We have the means to defeat the enemy and re-establish what we have always called a reasonable level of civility.

    It is delusional to think that these terrorists can be tolerated. They are religious zealots driven by a serious edict to oppress the (inferior) Kafir and establish Islamic authority over the entire world. They are not going away.

    (funny you find this religion tolerable but Christians you can’t abide)

  5. Harold says:

    Tina, To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Hammers can only do one thing: whack .

    Libby, the often irritated self-anointed spokes person for the Liberal indoctrinated, is once more the ineffectual hammer

  6. Dewster says:


    “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

    “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

    -Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

    Only a handful of Germans in the Reich had the slightest conception of the eternal and merciless struggle for the German language, German schools, and a German way of life. Only today, when the same deplorable misery is forced on many millions of Germans from the Reich, who under foreign rule dream of their common fatherland and strive, amid their longing, at least to preserve their holy right to their mother tongue, do wider circles understand what it means to be forced to fight for one’s nationality.

    -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

    The Nazi Party has risen in America and this time it is against Muslims

    In the end the bankers win and the religious types lead people into destruction

    The world wars were very profitable for the bankers nothing changes as the elite fight for power and profits

    • Tina says:

      Dopey Dewey strikes again.

      Please post a similar statement from any person in America so we can see how your nutty brain makes an enemy where none exist.

      “The Nazi Party has risen in America and this time it is against Muslims”


      Sane Americans favor defending the world, including Muslims, against religious tyrannical zealots, radical Muslims, whose forebears aligned with Hitler, as they wage war.

      Has it ever been more apparent that many people on the left are incapable of discerning who the bad guys are? Up is down, left is right, American patriots who favor FREEDOM are Hitler. Our nation has raised a gaggle of stooooopid folks! Boggles the mind.

  7. Libby says:

    “I don’t know who you are quoting when you write: ‘The chaos and unrest is normal.'”

    Now, this is interesting. I’m quoting you … in your original post … you have forgotten?

    I have suggested before that when it comes to policy, you are programmed, on auto-pilot … do I now have evidence?

    • Tina says:

      Libby you are misquoting me. I wrote:

      Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have created terrorist chaos in the Middle East and unleashed nuclear Iran. Because the administration failed to plan ahead to create safe zones in their war plans there are millions of refugees flowing into Europe and America. Some are and have been creating no go zones making law enforcement and investigations nearly impossible. This is hope and change that threatens not only our lives but also our way of life. Terror attacks, rapes, assaults, no-go-zones and the advancement of radical Islam is not change for the better. It is disaster of epic proportion! We are told this condition is “the new normal.”

      This condition is not normal. This condition was created when the Obama administration walked away from a strategy that was working to rid the planet of the current insane tyrannical threat and implemented a haphazard, disjointed non-approach that has enabled this horrific enemy and made them stronger.

      You have zero evidence. In fact you expose yourself. You have a very unusual idea of what is considered normal in a civilized world…as do Hillary, Obummer, et al.

  8. Libby says:

    “Human ‘evolution’ is a giant lie.”

    My god in heaven … you cannot possibly think this is the finished product?!?!?

    Do you really? You Calvinist you. Whoa. That explains a very great deal.

    Well, you just sit there being God-like and “finished”.

    The rest of us are moving on.

    • Tina says:

      “you cannot possibly think this is the finished product”

      No I don’t think this is the finished product, I believe in salvation.

      Here on earth I don’t think that man has evolved into something “more,” more elegant, more empathetic, more humane. The creativity factor means we have discovered and adjusted along the way…we have moved beyond an empty fire pit to electric and gas stoves. Big deal. We are still, as individuals, just as capable of turning into a monster. We have created a system of laws but we have not, and will not, “evolve” into perfected being. None of us is capable of being perfected, of living a life void of what Christians call sin…lying, thieving, coveting, murdering, etc., because we are born with the capacity for good and evil. Free will is what we wanted and free will is what we got. The ability to “play god” in our own universe…to choose, moment by moment.

      You go right ahead and “move on”…you will move exactly nowhere.

      • Libby says:

        “No I don’t think this is the finished product, I believe in salvation.”

        Any supposed afterlife is not at issue. The world you propose to leave to your progeny is.

        Even more interesting … do you propose to savage the planet in some psychotic bid for a good spot in this supposed afterlife?

        That’s charming of you. Don’t let the kids see this thread.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Ahmad Khan Rahami should be declared an enemy combatant, detained, and interrogated, and never released.

    • Libby says:

      You want to make him into something more than the doofus he is? To enhance the appeal and prestige of ISIS?

      That’s patriotic of you.

      • Tina says:

        He not a doofus…he’s the willing follower of truly evil men.

        Reducing him to a doofus, stooopidly, gives them power and makes you, Hillary, Obummer, et all, feckless, weak, laughable adversaries to be mocked. (And they DO!)

        • Libby says:

          Only a doofus puts a bomb in a dumpster. Only a doofus uses a cell phone with his pictures on it as a timer … on a bomb inadvertently disabled by thieves.

          I’m sorry, but ludicrous is the only word.

    • Tina says:

      And placed right there at Gitmo.

      (Where Obama is releasing men who are even more evil and dangerous as we speak)

  10. Dewster says:

    Quoting You
    “Our leaders are attempting to pull the wool over our eyes and excuse their failures. This administration and their media mouthpieces have lied to the American people over and over again and the lies are deadly.”

    Agree with the exception of…… Is it just a failure?

    Which of these attacks do they know about? They certainly were aware of 911. False Flags feed their agenda by fearmongering.

    Who knows that answer?

    The father had turned him in and they knew he was going back and forth to these countries. The father told FBI their son was radicalized.

    All we need to know. Yes they lie to us over and over. Regardless of who is President.

    • Tina says:

      “They certainly were aware of 911.”

      No Dewey. They were aware of chatter that pointed to a threat using planes. The awareness at the time was that they Hyjacked planes and used the captured citizens to make demands. And since Jamie Gorrelic had erected “walls” to block sharing of information between the FBI and the CIA (to protect Bill Clinton) whatever information they had could not be coordinated to track more accurately what might be in the planning stages.

      The “they’re all crooked” line is too easy, Dewey. None of our leaders have been the same nor have the departments under them behaved in the same exact manner. Bit even if what you say is true…you still have offered no solutions, Dewey. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein sure aren’t the solution.

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