Low Bar Already Established for Potty Mouth, Infidelity, Rape, Abuse, Bigotry and More

Posted by Tina

Those over forty need not rehash…but the younger generation should be aware…Democrats and their friends in the press established a very low bar for presidents and presidential candidates a couple of decades ago. The fact that alpha male, Donald Trump, brags and talks like a sailor, just like many other males do in private conversations with other men, just doesn’t matter. (Warning: Some content below is graphic, read on having been warned)

The Hillary campaign, the partisan gotcha media, some established Republicans, and lefty hacks are acting like Trumps low remarks are something new, shocking, and horrible. But as The Gateway Pundit shows in montage video, Trumps behavior isn’t new or even particularly remarkable. See also version 2 that includes a vile Obama statement here.

President John F. Kennedy (1960’s) “played” with young women and celebrities like Marilyn Monroe during a much more staid (respectable) era. His sordid activities were hidden at the time and explained and excused later.

But the sexual revolution and the women’s movement changed America after the Kennedy era. Everybody and everything came out of the closet. It was a time of “openness” and being “upfront.” Trump was a celebrity of the seventies and eighties, during that era of so-called liberation. Since that time the press has been very selective about who they shield and who they target. Until Trump ran on the Republican ticket this video remained in the archives on the shelves at NBC. Nobody cared.

The sordid details of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s lives in Arkansas have been well documented. People talk, and in Bill’s case, a lot of people have talked…in fact they are still talking. Women that suffered abuse by Bill Clinton when he was governor in Arkansas have come forward as have those in his security detail and people that worked with the Clintons. Bill’s long time Arkansas mistress, Jennifer Flowers, remarked in comments to the Daily Mail today:

‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know. ‘He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’

Flowers also said she will vote for Hillary in the election…says she feels a certain camaraderie with Hillary.

Bill had a history of abusing and using women in Arkansas and yet he was selected as the Democrat candidate for president. He was then elected to the presidency where he continued his sordid affairs and unwelcome sexual attacks. When it all finally blew up, Bill lied and Hillary defended him. The press covered the stories but the coverage always came back to a version of the mantra that lowered the bar: “What he does in his private life has nothing to do with his job” or “As long as Mr. Clinton is doing a good job, it’s nobody’s business what he does with his personal life.” or “That’s between he and Hillary” or the more sordid, “I’d stand in line to give him a BJ.” That last was uttered by feminists (and celebrities), demonstrating their extreme hypocrisy.

Hillary, the presidential candidate, who managed Bills “bimbo eruptions” both in Arkansas and DC feigned shock on Twitter: “This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president.”

The entire world should be asking, “Why the he77 not?”

Hillary “allowed”…in fact she helped to promote…her husband to the White House for a second term even after it was revealed to the public that he had relations with “that woman,” an intern serving under him in the White House, and had sexually assaulted others. The great enabler has ambitions of her own.

Which brings us back to the scandal of the day, Trump’s “horrific” remark. The reason Republican Congressmen should relax and simply make no comment is that we’ve all been here before.

The reason Trump supporters should not lose heart is that <i>we’ve all been here before</i>.

The reason the left media should stand down (they won’t), is that we’ve all been here before.

The press didn’t bother to vet Bill when he first ran for president. The press had Bill Clinton’s back way back then and they have Hillary’s back today. Therefore…a very low bar has been established. Bill Clinton was protected and later his “horrific” behavior was explained away. The man that was never vetted and ran against a field of qualified Democrat opponents in the primaries was selected to stand as the symbol of the Democrat Party. The American people had no idea they had elected a misogynist so a womanizing low life became the president of the United States. Later on, the sordid, criminal acts of this man were not only forgiven and brushed aside as irrelevant, they were championed. Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer with a history of rape and abuse, was held up as a real stud!

Juanita Broaddrick is still waiting for an apology. She was also on twitter: “How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things! HRC threatened me after BC raped me.”

We’ve “moved on” in other areas as well. Leaders are not held accountable for egregious breaches of official and personal conduct, especially when they are Democrats. The list is long: whitewater, Billy Dale, Monica and rape charges,private emails, destruction of government property, destruction of evidence, Benghazi, gun walking, lying to Congress, extortion, targeting opponents and citizens by government offices (IRS, DOJ, OSHA), failing to properly execute the duties of office (FBI, DOJ)…and on and on.

Donald Trump has released a video statement: “I said it. I was wrong and I apologize.” His eligibility for the presidency? The bar has been set. He’s eligible…case closed.

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12 Responses to Low Bar Already Established for Potty Mouth, Infidelity, Rape, Abuse, Bigotry and More

  1. Tina says:

    The beautiful and gracious Melania Trump is showing she would make a much better First Lady than Hillary…or Bill. In comments with CBS News she was honest:

    “The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” Melania Trump said in a statement released by the campaign Saturday afternoon. “This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader.”

    The former model, who has faced her share of controversy on the campaign trail, urged Americans to excuse her husband after he delivered a taped apology.

    “I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world,” Trump said.

    Now there’s an idea! Focusing on the important issues! Trump has demonstrated, once again, that he knows how to pick good people.

    This afternoon Trump tweeted: “The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly – I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! #MAGA

  2. Libby says:

    Closed, my Aunt Fanny.

    Although I admit … that was a first … no weaseliness, no braggadocio. I did not believe he truly wanted the office. If he truly does, this next debate might be apocryphal.

    Another ratings buster anyway … I will be on the edge of me seat.

  3. Tina says:

    The case is closed, Libby. The bar has been set extremely low by your side, including the partisan press. Trump is eligible by that low standard.

    I too will tune in. The big winner in this gutter race will be the media and let’s face it they don’t deserve it. The big question for me is will the moderator continue to act as a personal team player for Hillary or will Hillary finally be challenged?

    • Libby says:

      Poor Tina … it’s sad that the WikiLeaks material could not quite distract from the crotch-grabbing material.

      And you may rest assured that the powers have it in for your boy. Who paid who how much for that tape? … of which, gleaned from thirty years of privileged A-hole behavior … there has to be lots more. I shudder to think what they’ve got cued up.

      It’s right creepy, having Karl working our side.

  4. Tina says:

    Has anyone else seen the video of a mysterious man at the end of the last debate? The man is walking on stage behind the candidates, taking an envelope from Hillary’s dais, walking back off stage and then walking back on stage toward Holt where it appears he may have handed him an envelope? There are other things about her dais that are different from Trumps. See fourth video in particular.

    Trump Towers teaming with supporters…Trump emerges to thank them personally. NYPD also show Trump support.

    The people are really fed up. Bernie was also an indication of just how fed up we are.

  5. Tina says:

    Another great take on these remarks here:

    …“If Mr. Trump had told Billy Bush, whoever that is, earlier this year that he was for open borders, open trade, and executive actions in pursuit of gun control, we would certainly be rethinking our support for him.

    If he had admitted to Mr. Bush that he had profited privately by allowing the sale to Russia of 20% of US uranium deposits or that he had amassed his personal fortune not by hard work in the private sector but by selling favors to foreigners on the American taxpayers’ dime, we would certainly be rethinking our support for him.

    If he had argued that he needed both a public and a private position on issues facing the American public, we would certainly be rethinking our support for him. And finally if Trump had serially terrorized and silenced the victims of violent sexual assault whom he feared could damage his political career, we would most definitely be rethinking our support for him….continues

  6. Peggy says:

    11 years ago Trump was a democrat hanging out with Bill Clinton, who was elected twice as our president. Clinton’s legacy ranks him amongst one of the best, even though he was impeached for lying about his sexual relations before congress.

    It really is interesting to see the hypocritical statements by democrats for one of their own versus a republican who was once one of them. If Trump had remained a democrat his behavior would have been acceptable and expected, but with an R after his name now he’s cast as the scum of the earth and unfit to serve as our president.

  7. RHT447 says:

    More bar lowering. So this is what it has come to. Something wicked this way comes? No, it’s here.


  8. Tina says:

    A typically smug talking point of the left has been that the Republican Party had so many candidates who were much more worthy and presidential than Trump. One of those candidates was Ted Cruz. Today Teds Cruz shoots down that smug hypocritical point with a simple question in a Tweet: “NBC had tape 11 yrs. Apprentice producer says they have more & worse. So why not release in 2015? In March? Why wait till October?”

  9. dewster says:

    This is not a game. There are no sides. Americans loose. This is he battle of the Donors and we the people will loose. WW3 is on it’s way along with a massive financial crash.

    That said After years of the GOP acting like they are better than other with their “Family Values” crap, when they have scandals appear all they do is stick up for the pig in question? LOL Even Newt’s adultery against his sick wife was OK for republicans.

    That is who Trump is, That is who Bill is. They both are on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane list. They are not the only high profile men on the list, Sex-capades and even pedophilia is not taboo to those with money and power. it’s funny how people excuse it in their Red and Blue parties.

    I find the hypocrisy golden. LOl

    Now on the fist lady deal? Hum will we hang pictures of Bill with his ladies of past or the Nude Model pics of Melania?

    Certainly I know you rather the nude pics of Melania with her original H1-B visa while The Donald said :

    “I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions,”

    Source? trumps website in March.

    So is it fair to say now that “Conservative family Value junk can be dropped from election Propaganda?

    Or is it that Republicans have a different set of rules?

    So a foreigner is the best First lady… Remember that I am sure the subject will come up again.

  10. Tina says:

    Dewey please explain how “family values” are crap. Can you name a few of them? Which do you find so offensive? Our readers would like to know. Also…

    What makes hypocricy “golden?”

    We all live under the conditions (taxes-visa policy-imigration policy) that our leaders have given us. Why should Trump be held to a different standard? And…my all time favorite…

    What are your solutions? What alternatives do you suggest?

    You trash talk and giggle like a teenager. Is this supposed to represent the alternative you’d prefer?

    • Libby says:

      “Dewey please explain how “family values” are crap.”

      That’s not what he said. He is alluding to the propensity of GOP members to pander to your “values”, which they, themselves, do not hold, do not value, and certainly do not live by.

      He is wondering how long you are going to cut them all this slack? … let the hypocrisy slide? (i.e., continue to make this unreasonable distinction between Bubba and Donald).

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