Trump’s Innauguration

by Jack

For many of us in America, Trump’s inauguration could only have been eclipsed by another grand event… Obama’s departure. And rightly so, we’ve been waiting for 8 years for Obama to leave; we’ve only been waiting a few months for Trump to be elected. And today was finally it, an end to Obama regime! Yippee, this uncloseted leftist is finally gone! In the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!”

Trump seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself today an so did his hundreds of thousands of supporters! Of course the democrats tried to spoil it, but they failed miserably. 60 plus Congress people boycotted this event because they couldn’t accept the election results! What a joke. They wanted a do-over…these pea brained cry-babies. They looked so foolish too, because they have openly disrespected the system that has served us well for over 241 years with a smooth transition of power. That’s pretty remarkable. 8 years ago, I didn’t like the fact that Obama was elected, but the idea of boycotting his inauguration never crossed my mind, nor any GOP representatives that I ever heard of! Well, this stunt made the democrats look immature and petty. Fortunately, Trump could have cared less if they were there or not.

The usual 1% of alt lefties hurled bricks at cops and broke windows, as if this has ever worked to win over the hearts and minds of voters? This happened in a number of places, , from D.C. to Portland. But, as usual it only served to make the fringe left look pathetic and irrelevant. Other than that, I thought Trump’s big day went over quite nicely.

I’m told his speech was one of the shortest in the last 4 decades, but in his 16 minutes at the podium, he managed to serve fair notice that Congress better get off their duffs and do some work. Trump sounded exactly like what he is, a true third party candidate who ran under the republican banner. He wants to hold both party’s accountable now and he is expecting to get results or the slackers are going to be in his cross-hairs!

Trump made a point of reminding the people, Congress is owned by us, we all have a duty to make them responsible! Trump wants us to join him in making better schools, more efficient use of our tax dollars, rebuild a stronger military, finally get a secure border and a balanced budget. He is demanding better security at home and he wants to put America first in all concerns, be it trade, jobs, business or diplomacy. Who could not want that? Okay, the alt left, but other than that, who wouldn’t want that?

If you would like to read what he had to say word for word, click here.

In closing, let me just say, I’m going to be thrilled if President Trump can accomplish a fraction of what he wants to do over the next 4 years. It will take a master negotiator and a strong leader to pull it off, because nobody in Congress really wants to cut anything! You name the target for reform and it’s always somebody’s sacred cow. Besides that I have serious reservations that they are competent enough to do it, even if they wanted too. Worse yet, you must remember this bunch of cheats and liars are addicted to “bribe money” aka campaign contributions, and that keeps them busy passing worthless legislation (aka crap) while the nation’s pleads for serious reform! It’s been like that for as long as I can remember. What have they ever done right for things like healthcare, national security, tax reform, crime, etc.? In general terms, what have they done to reform this growing, bloated bureaucracy that we’ve all come to know and loath? Obviously, I don’t like them and I don’t trust them to do anything that Trump has on his agenda. But, for the sake of this country I hope Trump brings us wins, we sure need it.

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16 Responses to Trump’s Innauguration

  1. Dewster says:


    Question if Obama went into the oval office later in inaug night and signed executive orders? No one really knows what is in them? Would you be calling it illegal and him a tyrant?

    One thing they seemed to contain was to stop the reduction of mortgage ins rate making it more expensive and that of course will hurt the middle class.

    You speak of cuts? So can we look at corporate welfare? Excess Military spending waste?

    It also has been reported the executive orders suspended all regulation. What that means no one knows…Can The Koch Plant in GA now spew more than the 66 million gallons of toxic waste into The cancer rivers here? Can we pollute all we want now?

    Sad there are more anti Trump people going to DC than pro. He did not get the most votes. The mall was not full. A very poor turnout.

    America was a fascist country Before Trump got there, Dangerous times ahead.

    You can spew your joy but we are in very big trouble. Your taxes will not go down the 1% will get more tax cuts and we will get less for our tax dollars as they sell off and privatize everything. Remember you are for this as they sell off America to foreign corporations.

  2. Dewster says:

    And also Will conservatives pay for his wall and let the rest of us be free of the debt? He wants to use our tax dollars and you know very well the elaborate tunnels at the border are the problem. What is that wall really for? Why the hurry? Next up a Canadian wall? Blocking us in?

  3. Harold says:

    Good Article on Trumps inauguration, and I too was happy to see Obama board the helo and depart as well.

    It seemly was a good day for most in attendance, except for the rioters arrested and the merchants effected by their vandalism. Liberal protesters have to be taught that the 1st Amendment does not provide for acts of violence.

    America who will benefit greatly from the change of a divisive divider like Obama to Trumps understanding that reuniting people of all backgrounds and ideology to flourish benefits everyone in America, even when opinions differ.

    Trump is faced with a lot of problems he first needs to correct, from Obamas feckless vision (especially the hurdles Obama created/or fueled in his last days in office, all the while claiming political BS of a smooth transition of power) and I do not expect any help from the other side of the isle early on, possibly even minor opposition from the conservative side as well, but in time possibly Trumps ability to structure working deals may just be the be answer to both sides coming to understand their obligation to country first and those who hire them, so basically it means Congress pitch in, work hard to make it so or quit.

    That will be the message of Trump, who understands America needs to be one nation for all.

    • Tina says:

      ” Liberal protesters have to be taught that the 1st Amendment does not provide for acts of violence. ”

      Most of the 230 arrested will apparently be charged with felony rioting and face possible $25K fine and 10 years. It’s too bad these kids are not taught that it is their responsibility to protest peacefully and respect property. Now they have to face the music for their ignorance and the misleading and damaging teaching of those who agitate or pay to rile them up. Some professors at respected colleges are among the latter.

      Trumps executive orders have the left in a tizzy. Most don’t understand the ways they will benefit without any harm being done. Fear and hate makes these people ignorant and blind!

      • Dewster says:

        Those are not Liberals my dear. They are the people in the DMV area who have had it. Know your groups and your geography. I know I was there when it started.

        The peaceful people were gassed and wronged. That group destroyed, ran and got away.

        you follow the worst news mediums

  4. J. Soden says:

    Peggy Noonan has a great take on TheDonald’s inaugural speech:

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The Reign Of Error is over.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    ‘We were called the most vile names I have ever heard.”

    Gold Star Family says anti-Trump protesters spit on them before veterans event

    • Tina says:

      By the most vile people of the lot.

      Trump is moving so fast it’s difficult to keep up.

      He killed TPP today and not a peep from Dewey on the subject.

      Interesting perspective in Asia Times, “Donald Trump, American hero – Sinner though he may be, Donald Trump is this generation’s incarnation of John Bunyan’s pilgrim, writes David P. Goldman. Like a character from Sinclair Lewis or Frank Capra, he stands as a lone wolf ready to avenge the injustices of globalization”

      • Dewster says:

        Tina. Trump will bring it back to suit his business interests. diff name, diff deals.

        Trump took much of our platform. He had no idea what was in it. But that is good for now.

        Trust me he is working on the Koch version.

        You have no clue how bad the things he is dong will be.

        But it is We the People that took TPP down. Some people voted for him to hold his feet to the fire on it. It was that important. YOU never were against it.

        Now he also promised not to privatize or cut Social security well….He is on track to do just that. It is in the Budget.

        heritage foundation Koch agenda.

  7. Dewster says:

    In fact Tina, You never bothered to actually read the leaks on TPP> Just read what your bloggers thought. Never came out against it as I warned you.

  8. Tina says:

    What’s the matter Dewey did one of your conspiracies fizzle and disappear into the ether?

    Instead of hating Trump and the Kochs why not love them?

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