Terrorism in Peaceful Sweden

by Jack

Remember this one? On 2/17/2017 President Trump was ridiculed over the weekend for apparently denouncing a terrorist attack in Sweden that had never happened — he said Sunday he was referring to a Fox News report on violence in Sweden allegedly perpetrated by refugees. Fox reported that street crimes and violence, including a surge in rapes, has been concurrent with the influx of Muslim refugees.

Well, almost routinely our liberals in the media said this was all wrong. They said Trump screwed up, noting that Sweden doesn’t even list the ethnicity of criminal suspects, so there was no way to say what part of their population was committing the “alleged” crimes.

According to the BBC, the number of reported rapes is indeed going up in Sweden – they reported recently, “…it’s almost trebled in just the last seven years. In 2003, about 2,200 offences were reported by the police, compared to nearly 6,000 in 2010.” So, something is going on, even if the Swedes don’t want to acknowledge it. Sweden now has the highest per capita reported rapes of any European country. Yeah, I would say that’s definitely something going on!

Then we have this story over the weekend which seems to contradict the deniers of Sweden’s immigrant problem – A 39 year old Muslim asylum seeker, with known ties to radical Muslims groups, was served notice he was going to deported. He went underground, presumably sheltered by other Muslims. When he surfaced, he stole a large truck and drove it into a crowded shopping center hoping to kill as many Swedes as possible. He killed 4 and injured 15. But, that wasn’t enough, he also made a bomb, but thankfully that failed to detonate and it was recovered by police. The suspect was also arrested hours later.

The crime situation in Sweden is obviously growing and the threat from terrorism is serious. The latest terror attack prompted Denmark to order their police in large cities to start carrying weapons, effective immediately! Peaceful Sweden doesn’t seem to be as peaceful as the USA Today story on 2/17/2017 would have had readers believe, now does it?

The deadly truck attacks have been repeated in Germany, France and now Sweden, but a brutal car attack recently killed 4 and injured many more in London. It was another enraged Muslim, armed with two large knives who attempted to crash the gates of Parliament. One unarmed uniformed police officer was fatally stabbed to death before the attacker was shot to death by a plainclothes security officer. In the past 12 months, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, England, Belgium and other European countries have all experienced Islamic terrorist attacks by Muslims they provided asylum too.

Look, I’m just reporting the facts here so don’t start yelling at me, OK? If I’ve printed something false, then fine, go ahead. However, as of right now these are the facts as I found them and if they are disturbing to some people, too bad. It is what it is folks and sadly my last story on this very subject was removed for some reason. I hope it was done in error or it was a system glitch, so I’m resubmitting the story again and we’ll see what happens.

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15 Responses to Terrorism in Peaceful Sweden

  1. J. Soden says:

    Over the past few months, the Daily Mail has published articles about the problems with violence in Sweden mainly from their new “immigrants” from the Middle East, and the refusal of Swedish authorities to take it seriously.

    With the latest vehicle attack resulting in deaths, Swedish authorities are now on the hot seat and can no longer ignore the problem. Hungary and Poland want no more refugees, and the EU is threatening them if they do not comply.

    Anyone who thinks these kinds of attacks can’t happen here is probably a LunaticLeftie. Kudos to TheDonald to increasing the vetting procedures1

  2. Tina says:

    Jack the latest attack in Sweden prompted the Prime Minister to declare their former refugee policy over forever:

    “Sweden will never go back to the [mass immigration] we had in autumn 2015 — never,” Löfven said on Sunday. “Everyone who has been denied a permit should return home. This makes me feel enormously frustrated. If you have been denied a visa you are supposed to leave the country.”

    He said refugees are bringing danger into Sweden. “Terrorists want us to be afraid, want us to change our behavior, want us to not live our lives normally, but that is what we’re going to do. Terrorists can never defeat Sweden, never.”

    It’s time for the world to admit that being “inclusive” does not have to include people that want to kill and oppress us.

  3. RHT447 says:

    Disturbing. Lord love a duck, I should hope they are disturbing at the very least. Press on, Jack.
    Warning—the image at the following link is extremely graphic and disturbing—


    I guarantee you this—not on my block, and not on my watch.

  4. Chris says:

    Jack, nothing you printed in this article is incorrect. The facts are as you’ve stated: rape rates in Sweden have risen.

    What may be argued with is what conclusions can be drawn from this. To get accurate conclusions we need to have all the facts. One relevant fact that is often left out is that Sweden broadened its definition of rape in the 2000s. They define it more broadly than any other country. That, plus a culture that takes women’s accusations more seriously, could account for much of the increase and the reason Sweden has the highest reported number of rapes in the Western world. Keep in mind that “rapes reported” is not necessarily the same number as “rapes.”

    This National Review article gives a good, balanced (but underdeveloped and too short) analysis of the issues. It also points out some of the factors that are influencing the lack of assimilation of Swedish Muslim immigrants–factors I would say don’t necessarily apply to our country. Muslim immigrants in the US tend to be wealthier and more educated than the general population, and are very assimilated. We should look to Sweden for lessons but we should also keep in mind differences between our countries and look at all the factors, lest we be swayed by fear alone.


    It’s also important to note that terrorism by white nationalists in Sweden has also become a big problem–and many of these terrorists have targeted refugees and Muslims. I wasn’t able to find a comparison on numbers of right-wing terror attacks vs Muslim terror attacks, but I would like to see that info.

    PS: Thanks for having me back.

  5. Dewster says:

    Sorry Trump was wrong. After he said that..

    Sweden’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, Catarina Axelsson, said “the government wasn’t aware of any “terror-linked major incidents”.

    We are still laughing at him.

    But Hey Spicer took the cake!

    He declared unequivocally that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons during World War II

    “We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,”

    Doubles Down

    He dug himself deeper when offered a chance to clarify a few minutes later.

    “When you come to sarin gas he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,”

    Come on Guys this is getting plain stupid

    But Hey you own these people….

    Good Luck on that

    Who will be the Next press Sec?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, you need to ready my article on this one just posted. Puts it in perspective. It’s not that big of a deal and Spice has fallen all over himself apologizing for his faux paux.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Re “It’s also important to note that terrorism b, y white nationalists in Sweden has also become a big problem.”

    Actually this convenient lie is just that, a convenient lie. So, of course, the prog ***hole deploys it. No, terrorism by white nationalists in Sweden is not a “big problem.” In fact it is rare and marginalized by the vast majority of Swedes.

    On behalf of all Swedes Chris, go **** yourself.

    • Chris says:

      Pie, I didn’t know you were Swedish. But thanks for speaking for all of them. Why don’t you tell me the number of white nationalist attacks vs. the number of Muslim terror attacks in Sweden, since you obviously are more informed on this than I am.

      • Post Scripts says:

        Chris you got my curiosity going, so I checked your challenge to Pie. How many white nationalist attacks have there been in Sweden recently?

        2013 – there was one small incident involving the Swedish Resistance Movement who threw some punches at demonstrators in a suburb of Stockholm. But, a demonstrator who stabbed one of the SRM was convicted of attempted murder and given a six-year prison sentence.

        2017, NRM members were arrested for involvement in two small IED bombings and a bombing attempt. There were no injuries to anyone.

        Islamic terror attacks:

        2010 – Stockholm bombings occurred when two bombs exploded, killing the bomber and injuring two people. Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, an Iraqi-born Swedish citizen, is suspected of carrying out the bombing. The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation described the event as the first suicide attack linked to Islamic terrorism in the Nordic countries.

        2011 – Gothenburg terrorism plot was alleged to target art festival and Swedish artist Lars Vilks, but was thwarted by police. Four people were arrested, three charged, and all three suspects were eventually acquitted, but it didn’t mean they were found NOT guilty.

        2016 – Terrorism plot by Aydin Sevigin was an ISIS-inspired suicide bombing using a homemade pressure-cooker bomb.

        2017 – Stockholm, a truck rammed into a crowd and hit a department store. 4 dead. One young girl died after her leg was pulled off and her lower torso mangled. The Muslim attacker is a 39-years-old Uzbek exchanged messages with ISIS supporters before and after attack.

        Note: There were also a number of Muslim terrorist attacks just outside Sweden in Norway and England, but zero from white nationalists.

        2010-2017, it should also be noted that there was sharp rise in violent crime concurrent with immigration numbers in Sweden. Germany experience a similar situation. Rapes spiked in 5 countries accepting asylum seekers. These may or may not be related to terrorism, but they are definitely serious crimes allegedly committed by Muslims in their host countries.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Thanks for the chuckle Chris, you are nothing if not amusing. Especially when you duck and dodge after shooting your mouth off.

        I encourage you to do your own research. Why should I rob you of the fun of backing up your bold statement? This is wonderful opportunity just begging for you to personally benefit from an eminently teachable moment. Seize the day!

  7. Tina says:

    Jack those who scratch there heads and wonder how we could see a problem developing in Sweden (and around the world) are a bit like the Europeans were during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi’s and we know how that turned out. The failure to notice caution lights will lead to disaster. In fact, something must be going on to change minds in the Swedish people when the Prime Minister comes out and says, “Sweden will never go back to the [mass immigration] we had in autumn 2015 — never.”

    That’s not a cautious statement. It isn’t a statement meant to appease or even to calm fears. It is an emphatic statement that targets (mass) immigration specifically as a problem. It suggest cultural issues at the foundation and values so at odds that there is no room for assimilation, compatibility, or even a welcoming spirit.

    Hard core open borders folk just don’t seem to get it. Looks like the Swedes are waking up.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thanks Tina, you summed it up brilliantly. It may take some time before there is consensus in Sweden because their liberals are heavily invested in their own rhetoric. To back down now would be too humiliating, so I am thinking more will have to die because of their ego.

  8. Tina says:

    Here’s an example to lend weight to your position Jack. Breitbart London, “African Migrants Brutally Rape Swedish Teen, Leave Male Friend with Brain Damage”

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