Are You Ready for “Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT)?

Posted by Tina

Scientific medical breakthroughs are being made faster than most of us can keep up with them. We at PS will attempt to keep you informed when we can. A very exciting breakthrough by a Ohio State University team has me blown away. The uses for this medical tool could change how patients are treated in profound ways. We should begin to imagine them…my immediate thoughts went to battlefield wounds and skin wounds that plague paraplegics and quadriplegics. But the applications seem endless. The Telegraph has this exciting story:

Scientists have hailed a “breakthrough” technology capable of regrowing damaged organs and healing serious wounds with the single touch of a penny-sized pad. The new device uses nanochips to reprogramme skin cells which then generate any type of cell necessary for medical treatment. The non-invasive procedure takes less than a second and in laboratory trials was found to restore the function of badly damaged blood vessels within days. Dubbed tissue nanotransfection (TNT), the technique works by placing a small pad of nanochips over a damaged area. A small electric current then fires DNA into the skin cells, converting them into the specific building block cells of any other part of the body, such as arteries, or even organs like the heart. It promises to transform the chances of patients in need of complex reconstructive surgery, as well as those whose organs are prematurely ageing. The US researchers who created the technology say it could even be used as a weapon against neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The trials using mice and pigs have had a 98% success rate. Clinical trials on humans begin next week.

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5 Responses to Are You Ready for “Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT)?

  1. The Dark Side says:

    Fascinating and wonderful news. Now for the dark side of tissue. (“Non-viable” human tissue that is) …

    Tucker Carlson interviews former Planned Parenthood employee (broadcast 8/7/2017).

    Record it if you can. (This is easily done using the open source media player, VLC. Download and directions for recording on the web.)

    The next time some mindless, ignorant, heart of stone liberal defends Planned Parenthood, show the vile moron this clip.

  2. Al Lugass says:

    Urgent we need the chip. we have 5 millions with Inguinal hernia in the U.S. We need urgent a ship to repair the tissue holes to prevent from bulge out again. The mesh product and open surgery, are not preventable 100% and is painful to go through 3 surgery myself.

  3. Daniel Dean Sr. says:

    I was diagnosed with parkinson disease at age 28 im now 44. where do go to get in the clinical trials. I cant get nobody at ohio state to answer the phones. the barrows institute would like more information on this. they did not know it was ready for clicnicals yet. please help

    • Post Scripts says:

      Daniel there is a clearing house organization for clinical trials and your doctor should be able to connect you. You can also go online and use Google with the search words, clinical trial, parkinson, USA, this should also give you several ongoing studies. Best of luck.

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