A Timely Question…

Posted by Tina

Monica Showalter addresses a very timely question in her article at The American Thinker titled, “Why don’t the pervy pasts of Joe Biden and Bob Menendez get the same scrutiny as Roy Moore’s?”

Both Menendez and Biden are Democrats. Each of them either is on the cusp of winning power or already has it. Both stand to be useful to the Democrats.

And that’s why their sexual transgressions, disgusting in so many ways, and certainly in the arena of the current hysteria, are drawing no calls to resign, as in the case of Roy Moore.

As Showalter concludes, the double standard is astoundingly obvious!

Rush Limbaugh addresses the lack of media scrutiny on Menendez here: “…Senator Robert Menendez, who is currently on trial for corruption, financial corruption. He’s got a friend that runs sex rings or some such things in the Dominican Republic. The details here are sordid as they can be, and Menendez has profited immensely and paved the way for this big donor of his to avoid any number of apprehensions or being held accountable.”

LLoyd Marcus weighs in with an AT article about the attack on Moore that includes a reminder of a memo, written under the Obama DOJ in 2015, proposing to legalize “a dozen ‘perversions,’ including bestiality and pedophilia…”

“We’ve … found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They’re now going to go after 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal,” DeLay said Tuesday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV. … “Not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to go after the churches, the pastors and any businesses that try to assert their religious liberty. This is coming and it’s coming like a tidal wave.”

Isn’t that exactly what the left wing social warriors have been up to for the past three years in the public square? Gender identity is not at the forefront of social left expression by accident. Blur the lines and all sexual deviancy becomes the norm…who dare object? This is the party that expected Hillary to win in a landslide. The memo would likely have been translated to law had she not been defeated.

Marcus then goes on to list the Democrats that have either been given a pass or at the very least never became the focus of a relentless negative pounding and calls to “step aside” in the press. Even Anthony Weiner, whose disgusting behavior was quite evident on social media, was treated more like a pervy uncle…a tolerated embarrassment quickly removed from view. Here’s that list of pervy Democrat men:

Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, David Wu, Kwame Kilpatrick, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, David Paterson, Antonio Villaraigosa, Marc Dann, Paul J. Morrison, Gary Condit, Tim Mahoney, Roosevelt Dobbins, Neil Goldschmidt, Jim McGreevey, Bob Wise, Paul E. Patton, Mel Reynolds, Brock Adams, Chuck Robb, Gavin Newsom, Sam Adams, and Barney Frank.

As Marcus notes, these men were not deemed “unfit for office.” And that would include the standard bearer, Bill Clinton, who was defended while his accusers were ripped apart and pilloried as sluts and bimbos. His “toxic” encounters with Monica were deemed “private” and “none of our business.” They claimed his private sex life had nothing to do with his ability to serve and that, “…any man in a powerful position would say yes to sex with a starry-eyed young woman.”

But not Judge Roy Moore. Nope! He is being held to that politically driven different standard in the media.

So why, pray tell, don’t “the pervy pasts” of Democrats “get the same scrutiny as Roy Moore’s?”

A double standard that Democrats and their media allies were able to maintain for decades has been the reason. But we are experiencing what amounts to a major political earthquake. A giant shift means that every passing day finds Democrats facing their own hypocrisy. It appears that this corrupted perverted party is finally about to reach a moment of inevitable implosion…a moment so well deserved.

Despite the carefully worded, self-preserving rhetoric of the Republicans in Congress, I predict Roy Moore will win his election and live to serve another day as a Senator in the US Congress. The decision belongs to the people of Alabama. They will have the final word.

We citizens are beginning to demand ethical reporting…ridding ourselves of double standard reporting by exposing the phoniness of it will help to establish that goal.

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18 Responses to A Timely Question…

  1. Peggy says:

    I should have read this before posting my comment and article about Menedez to another article. Agree the double standards has circled around and is now biting dems in their backsides. Deservedly so.

    If you miss this yesterday it’s worth watching a again relevant to the double standard issue.

    WOW: Trey Gowdy to AG Jeff Sessions: Its NOT Appropriate for Trump to speaks on a Open Investigation


  2. Peggy says:

    I too predict Moore will win the seat. He’s currently up six points. Voters will in part be voting to unseat McConnell as Senate leader and against the GOP establishment swamp.

    I also predict that if McConnell gets the 2/3 senate vote to unseat him, which he will, there will be a major uprising of conservative republicans that will send the RNC into a similar state of demise as the DNC is currently undergoing.

  3. Peggy says:

    One of the best articles ever written, IMHO. Especially like #8 for how it relates to the Roy Moore election.

    Woman’s “Top 10 Reasons I Am No Longer A Leftist” Goes Viral:


    • Tina says:

      Wow Peggy what a find! I started to collect a favorite quote or two to comment on but I found there were too many. So glad to have this person in our ranks. Like David Horowitz she knows from which she speaks.

      • Peggy says:

        Glad you were impressed with her as much as I was. Her own life experiences were the influences that changed her way of thinking and not just the opinions of others.

        Thank God there are more like her and David Horowitz who have also made a similar transition. Let their voices be loud and clear to prevent America from suffering the same fate as ancient Rome and modern day Venezuela.

        When I read this a couple of thoughts came to mind. They were:

        1 Corinthians 13:11 – “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

        Winston Churchill – “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain.”

        Thomas Jefferson’s letter to his nephew prior to his first year of college.

        Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr:
        Paris Aug. 10. 1787.

        4. “Religion. your reason is now mature enough to examine this object. in the first place divest yourself of all bias in favour of novelty & singularity of opinion. indulge them in any other subject rather than that of religion. it is too important, & the consequences of error may be too serious. on the other hand shake off all the fears & servile prejudices under which weak minds are servilely crouched. fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear … I repeat that you must lay aside all prejudice on both sides, and neither believe nor reject any thing because any other person, or description of persons have rejected or believed it. your own reason is the only oracle given you by heaven, and you are answerable not for the rightness but uprightness of the decision.”

  4. Chris says:

    LLoyd Marcus weighs in with an AT article about the attack on Moore that includes a reminder of a memo, written under the Obama DOJ in 2015, proposing to legalize “a dozen ‘perversions,’ including bestiality and pedophilia…”

    “We’ve … found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They’re now going to go after 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal,” DeLay said Tuesday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV. … “Not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to go after the churches, the pastors and any businesses that try to assert their religious liberty. This is coming and it’s coming like a tidal wave.”

    I truly cannot imagine how stupid a person would have to be the believe this garbage.

    Tom Delay never provided a scrap of evidence for this deranged conspiracy talk. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. And you just…believe him? You believe Hillary Clinton would have signed pedophilia into law? How blinded by hatred can you be?

    I must also ask this: What exactly do you like about Roy Moore? Even before it was revealed that he dated numerous teenage girls in his thirties, it was already known that he was a theocrat who repeatedly broke the law and was found unfit to do his job as a judge as a result. He says homosexuality should be illegal. Not gay marriage; homosexuality! He has argued that the federal government should kidnap the children of gay people and put their parents in prison. He sided with a physically abusive father against a lesbian mother in a custody case simply because the mother was a lesbian. When asked whether gays should be executed, he replied he “doesn’t know.”

    That’s who you want representing Republicans? That’s the hill you want to die on?

    Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, I don’t support Biden or Menendez either. Biden’s touching creeps me out, but I don’t think he’s been accused of anything like what Moore has. You know I am agnostic on the truth of Clinton’s accusers. But Moore should be opposed for more than just these allegations. He fundamentally does not believe in the U.S. Constitution or the rights therein.

    • Tina says:

      “I truly cannot imagine how stupid a person would have to be the believe this garbage.”

      Of course you can’t. Because you haven’t watched the evolution and cannot imagine a person with such a goal in mind. I assure you they exist and they are well placed in positions of power and influence, including in the offices of those who define mental health terms:

      Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

      Diamond is a distinguished lecturer for the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. The IASHS openly advocated for the repeal of the Revolutionary war ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

      The IASHS lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that includes “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another right is to, “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The organization also says that no one should be “disadvantaged because of age.”

      Sex offender laws protecting children have been challenged in several states including California, Georgia and Iowa. Sex offenders claim the laws prohibiting them from living near schools or parks are unfair because it penalizes them for life.

      See also <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Advanced_Study_of_Human_Sexuality:

      Charles Moser, chair of IASHS Department of Sexual Medicine, has argued that paraphilias and BDSM should be removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

      I would never have believed (prior to 1990) that a Bill Clinton appointed Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders, would recommend teaching school children about masterbation or suggesting we hand out birth control in high schools either, but it happened.

      At a 1994 U.N. Conference on AIDS, the U.S. Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders, was asked if “a more explicit discussion and promotion of masturbation” could help limit the spread of the virus. Elders said she was “a very strong advocate” of teaching sex education in schools “at a very early age.” She added, “As per your specific question in regard to masturbation, I think that it is something that is a part of human sexuality and it’s a part of something that perhaps should be taught. But we’ve not even taught our children the very basics.”

      Much like our president, she had a propensity to say whatever thought came into her head…no filter. I think she meant well but as a person who grew up in an era when parents taught their children about sex and the schools only addressed biology, her suggestion was pretty outrageous. Now we are inventing terms of sexual orientation that simply defy science and logic…it’s not happening organically…it’s being taught and promoted.

      I’ve seen the changes and I’ve observed how they have been accomplished. Not everything has been positive and a great deal is harmful. STD’s in the teen population for instance. Teachers having sex with students. The guardrails are being demolished one by one.

      “And you just…believe him? ”

      His words are believable because of what’s happening. Go ahead and pretend everything in the alternative realm is about happiness and rainbows and being honest. Pretend there are not those with self serving evil intent.

      My position has nothing to do with hate either. That is your way of avoiding the uncomfortable parts of discussion.

      I believe Hillary changes her talking points depending on her own selfish interests alone, as did her husband:

      Hillary Rodham Clinton’s views on same-sex marriage have evolved in the almost 20 years since her husband, Bill Clinton, then the president, signed the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, saying that he had “long opposed governmental recognition of same-gender marriages.” This week Mrs. Clinton, who is running for president, said she hoped that same-sex marriage became a constitutional right.

      1996: “My preference is that we do all we can to strengthen traditional marriages, and that the people engaged in parenting children be committed to one another and to the child. We also have to be realistic and know there are others who can do a good job, as well, of raising children,” Mrs. Clinton told The San Francisco Examiner.

      2000: “Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman,” Mrs. Clinton said while running for the Senate in New York.

      Like most (all?) progressives, Hillary has no basis for her moral positions. She will evolve and support whatever she believes will give her votes, power, and control.

      I am not a Roy Moore constituent nor an Alabama voter. I have simply decried the 30-40 year old allegations timed to smear the man from a period in our history when the sexual revolution was in full bloom, kids were turning on, dropping out, and living in the streets as a means of defying their parents, and “free love” was in the air.. In a “he said, she said” situation it is just as likely that the teenager lied about her age, bragged about “dating” an older guy to her friends, and encouraged sexual overtures by flirting…like Monica Lewinsky did. Now that little memory from her teen past becomes a convenient political hammer. (Who can prove otherwise?) But why, if it’s true, was it not wielded before in the state as he took public office? Why now? I believe the answer is obvious, but obviously I cannot know the truth.

      (I do know the accused Duke La Cross players were finally acquitted after going through hell for over a year).

      “He fundamentally does not believe in the U.S. Constitution or the rights therein”

      That’s a matter of opinion rather than the words of the Constitution. The left has thrown out the concepts of live and let live and decided the government should decide morality, thus they find a “right” to an abortion and a “right” to marriage for those who choose an “alternative lifestyle.” But you will not find such rights spelled out in the Constitution. They have been socially engineered and then run through the legal system in defiance of the Constitution, which clearly, clearly, states it is the legislature’s job to make law. I hope you will read the article. It’s one of the reasons Moore, with his controversial views, is being considered in Alabama.

      As long as you insist these views are hate driven, rather than principled, you will address the issue on an emotional basis alone and never see that not everyone who pushes for these court rulings have good intentions.

      I don’t know the source(s) of your accusations against Moore or their legitimacy. How certain are you that they are true?

      Moore still has a right to his beliefs, as any American does, whatever they are whether or not you agree. You lefties seem to think there is only one way to look at things…your way. Too bad, people aren;t like that. Thankfully our founders appreciated the fact.

      “That’s the hill you want to die on?”

      Such drama. You are dying on the H. Clinton, B. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Maxine Waters, et al, hill every day. Are you delusional enough to think I appreciate their views…or behaviors?

      I know you like to put your personal stamp of approval on each and every player and that’s fine, but you don’t get to be in charge of everyone’s choices, thoughts or beliefs. The people of Alabama will decide and the choice will have nothing to do with what you or I think.

      • Chris says:

        Tina, you are so bad at realizing when your sources are bad. This is from your first one:

        Diamond is a distinguished lecturer for the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. The IASHS openly advocated for the repeal of the Revolutionary war ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

        How is that detail necessary to the main point of that article, which is that the professor is in favor of child pornography? All it does is reveal the writer’s own extremist conservative ideology. Allowing gays to serve alongside straight people is the moderate position; it is in no way connected to tolerance of child porn. The writer is trying to morally equate the two, which leads me to believe he could be misrepresenting Diamond’s position.

        I can believe that any individual is capable of anything. The idea that the Justice Department was willing to publish a memo legalizing pedophilia is a bridge too far. There is no evidence of that whatsoever.

        Every claim I made about Moore has been reported on by major news sources. How can you even write about him without being aware of these things? He’s entitled to his beliefs, but the problem is that he’s broken the law to impose those beliefs on others!

        As for the idea that the girls lied about their ages, Moore signed one of their yearbooks, so that is out of the question. It’s come out that, like Harvey Weinstein, “everyone knew” of Moore’s preference for underage girls.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, conservatives don’t need any help when it comes to chastising those who have fallen morally short of their expectations. They do pretty well policing their own. The hypocrisy and double standards lies mostly on the side of the leftists. That’s the real take away from this story. Until very recently, the left seemed more than willing to ride any train that would taken them closer to their goals. Denyl, obstruct, vilify and undermine, were common tools of the DNC and they are barely admitting this has been a problem, even as we speak.

  5. Peggy says:

    Turns out we already have members of congress who are sexual harassers and we’ve paid out $15 million in hush money to keep them quiet so we won’t know who they are. Since it’s our tax dollars I think we have the right to know who they are and if they’re still our representatives.

    Dose McConnell really not want another pervert in the Senate or could there be another reason?

    Rep says Congress paid out $15M to silence sex harassment victims:

    “Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told MSNBC that the millions have been doled out to alleged victims of harassment from congressional members over the past decade.
    “There is about $15 million that has been paid out by the House on behalf of harassers in the last 10, 15 years,” Speier told the network.

    She did not disclose which members of Congress have been accused of sexual misconduct.

    Also during her testimony, Speier didn’t name the two current members who are accused of impropriety — except that one is a Republican and the other a Democrat.

    “There are two members of Congress, Republican and Democrat, right now, who serve, who have been subject to review, or not have been subject to review, but have engaged in sexual harassment,” said Speier.”

    Female members of Congress describe sexual harassment by male lawmakers:

    “Four current and former lawmakers recall incidents ranging from repeated unwanted come-ons, to lewd remarks and even groping on the House floor

    For years, Republican representative Mary Bono endured the increasingly suggestive comments from a fellow lawmaker in the House. But when the congressman approached her on the House floor and told her he had been thinking about her in the shower, she had had enough.

    She confronted the man, who she said still serves in Congress, telling him his comments were demeaning and wrong. And he backed off.

    Bono, who served 15 years before being defeated in 2012, is not alone.

    As reports flow almost daily of harassment or worse by men in entertainment, business and the media, one current and three former female lawmakers tell the Associated Press that they, too, have been harassed or subjected to hostile sexual comments – by fellow members of Congress.”

    If Moore does win his seat and McConnell brings him before the ethics committee to have him removed then those who are currently serving with sexual harassment charges against them should also meet the same fate.

  6. Peggy says:

    When is a picture worth more than a thousand words? When it’s of democrat Al Franken grabbing the breast of a reporter. The Ethics Committee needs to act on this asap and remove Franken from the senate.

    ‘Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent’:


  7. Peggy says:

    It shouldn’t have, but this made me laugh out loud when I read it.

    Which party someone belongs to really does make a difference. Here’s proof hypocrisy from the party of Kennedy, Clinton was going strong back when Moore was a member.

    RUSH: Roy Moore was a Democrat when he was supposedly attracted to underage girls…

    Rush Limbaugh appears to have some doubts about the allegations against Roy Moore. Now I haven’t listened to his entire show, but that’s the gist I get from these clips.

    In this one clip, Rush just tosses out there that Moore was a Democrat before 1992 when he was ‘supposedly’ attracted to underage girls, and nobody said anything:

    This was one of those things Rush likes to do at the end of a segment and just before the break. He had discussed earlier in his show that many of these sexual harassment and assault allegations that are coming out of the woodwork are against Democrats and I think this was his attempt to harken back to that and to the apparent hypocrisy of Democrats on this issue, especially when it comes to Bill Clinton.”


  8. Tina says:

    Peggy, I laughed when Rush pointed out that it was Franken, launching the failed left-wing Air America on radio who threatened to take Rush, Hannity, O’Reilley and others down. Read about it later at The American Thinker…there’s video.

    I haven’t heard allegations about Moore that aren’t decades old have you?

    • Peggy says:

      No, I haven’t heard anything about Moore that wan’t 40 years ago.

      Want another laugh? Moore was a Democrat 40 years ago. So, when he was supposedly doing this he was just following his parties leaders.

      Except for the 14 year old all of the others have been in their late teens when he was in his early thirties.

      To tell you the truth I really don’t believe anything the dems come up with during an election year. I’ve heard the sexual allegations against every republican candidate for as far back as I can remember. They’ve cried wolf way too often. Even the governor is voting for him.

      Wonder how many others will too since Alred won’t release the yearbook until there’s a congressional hearing. He’s not a senator, yet, so why would the senate hold a hearing? Doesn’t make sense.

      The yearbook accuser’s, forgot her name, own stepson came out against her today. And records show he wasn’t the judge of record who presided over her divorce. He only dealt with one issue of it, which is where his signature came from.

      The whole thing just reeks of stinky fish.

      Now, Franken should resign since he is a senator and I want to know who the members were that the hush money went out for.

      Heard the Ethics Committee is a joke. No one has been punished or removed ever, which is why Franken is recommending they file a complaint there on him. He knows nothing will happen.

  9. Tina says:

    One of the most troubling aspects of this harassment blow-up is finding out that Congress has had a slush fund for paying off whistle blower interns and staff that allege abuse….to the tune of $15 million (or $17 million) over twenty years…260 settlements…that’s taxpayer money!


    Apparently the interns have developed a type of manual that warns the newbies of who to avoid and how to avoid them. (Per someone on Laura Ingram last night)

  10. Peggy says:

    The mall manager during the time Moore was rumored to have been banned from speaks out and says he was never banned. More lies by the democrats coming to the light of day. Will they ever learn, now with the internet, their lies will be exposed and the msm is just as unbelievable as they are?

    Mall Never Banned Moore and Other Lies:

    “The former manager of the Gadsden Mall, Barnes Boyle, said he does not remember Moore being banned.

    “It was part of the job, yeah, we did have written reports and things (on people banned,” Boyle, 86, who managed the mall from 1981 to 1998, told WBRC. “To my knowledge he was not banned from the mall.”


    Off topic, but related.

    I find it of interest that the DNC/Clinton machine is now coming after Gillibrand for her remarks against Bill Clinton. Predict she will suffer the same fate as Menendez for voting against Obama’s Iran deal preventing it from becoming an official treaty and not just an executive action.

    Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand ripped as ‘hypocrite’ for saying Bill Clinton should’ve resigned over Lewinsky scandal:


  11. Truth To Power says:

    The facts is sexual behavior has no party line – it is a hidden problem that has existed for decades – yet people only care when the MSM talks about it.

    You have seen nothing yet – I hold little hope, but some of the things I have told you was going on? May see a few sacrificial lambs go down on charges. If it blew up as it should it would topple our gov and many world leaders.

    Sex trafficking, organ trafficking, Uranium trafficking, Drug trafficking, all presented by those in power and their cohorts, Alphabet agencies and Lobbyists.

  12. Tina says:

    Dewey (TTP) your accusations are meaningless. Complaining does nothing to solve the problem. What do you propose…what do you want?

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