UFO’s Real or Not?

by Jack

Mention UFO’s to most anyone and you will get a range of responses from “I think they’re real” to “Anyone who believes in that junk is nuts” and all views in between. To those who think UFO believers are nuts, let us define exactly what we are talking about, shall we? A UFO is simply an object in the sky for which nobody can assign any identification or explanation.  That’s not nuts, it’s the height of restraint!

By now there should be no argument that UFO’s really do exist, but we’re almost embarrassed to even bring the topic up.  They’re real and that much is assured by a mountain of compelling evidence that spans a thousand years by all kinds of normal people.

Where it gets nutty and why people are ridiculed for mentioning UFO’s is thanks to a few people that wildly speculated about the UFO’s origins and/or intentions. The wackier they were, the more inclined they are to offer up some preposterous revelation about UFO’s…and that’s kept honest inquiry at bay.

“I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth.” — Colonel Gordon Cooper, Mercury & Gemini Astronaut

If we could set aside all those wackadoodle, tinfoil hat wearing types for the moment and take a serious sober look at what we know about UFO’s it is pretty amazing, there’s really no need to embellish. UFO’s seem to defy the laws of physics, racing across the sky at speeds far beyond the ability of modern jets or rockets, only to make abrupt turns or stops that would have ordinary pilots launched right thru the cockpit window.

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real. It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now.” — Captain Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

The best observations from really credible folks, mostly pilots, indicate there are possibly three kinds of UFOs. We have the cigar shaped, round like a sphere or flatter and saucer-like. Some glow, some don’t. Some look silvery or polished metal-like. Some flash lights and others have ejected mist or some sort of spray.

“…I’ve been asked [about UFOs] and I’ve said publicly I thought they [UFOs] were somebody else, some other civilization.” — Astronaut Eugene Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander

However, let me make this part clear….to date, there is zero, zip, nada evidence of anyone recovering any alien technology, any dead aliens or UFO fragments from so-called crash sites. That should not come as any surprise either, I mean why would they crash? Anyone that can have technology as advanced as what we’ve witnessed, accidental crashing seems highly unlikely. For example, this Roswell crash story really was a secret USAF project using balloons to be carried high aloft over the USSR. That reality was attempted to be concealed by a hoax that has since taken on a life of its own. We have no evidence of anything being recovered in New Mexico or anywhere else, but we sure have a lot of obviously faked attempts at making it appear so.

“Mission control, we have a UFO pacing our position, request instructions.” — Astronaut Cady Coleman

I can’t even begin to imagine what’s up with the UFO’s, but I am convinced they are real. The UFO deniers can now add their names on the crackpot list, because the evidence is too overwhelming not to be taken seriously.

What do I think they are? Like I said, I can’t even begin to imagine, I would rather leave that to the “Ancient Alien theorists” on the history channel, they are only too happy to provide everything you ever wanted to know about alien UFO’s, except the crews first and last names.

I sure would like to know the truth about UFO’s as I’m sure any average person would. I want to ask them, why are you here, where did you come from and how about a ride? lol

I think the UFO phenomena has the potential to be the greatest story in history.  Sadly, it does not appear that we’ll have an encounter with the crews anytime soon.  All we have is a mystery of something that goes incredibly fast and makes turns beyond belief.

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3 Responses to UFO’s Real or Not?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Perhaps when it comes to this subject I am a bit too … um… I can’t think of the word for it. Let’s just call it annoyed. Very annoyed. Possibly unreasonably annoyed. Peevish. That’s it! “peevish.” I am a bit too peevish.

    UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. Unidentified means NOT identified, it does not mean “extraterrestrial alien space ship.” If it meant extraterrestrial alien space ship then that would be an IDENTIFIED Flying Object. It always annoys me when, in conversation, people say that they “believe” in UFOs. To me that statement is utterly absurd. Annoyingly absurd. What they mean is that they believe in extraterrestrial alien space ships. One does not “believe” in UFOs, a UFO is a UFO is a UFO.

    Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I have seen an Unidentified Flying Object. To this day I have never figured out what it was or come up with a reasonable hypothesis of what it could have possibly been. It was unidentified. The closest I can figure is that it was a slow moving balloon with a basket of burning material hung from beneath, but since I could not see any balloon I cannot say. Then it suddenly vanished, straight up. Not balloon-like behavior.

    Do I “believe” in extraterrestrial alien space ships? Heck no. Absolutely not. The universe is huge beyond comprehension and most of it is very, very far away. That some advanced civilization could exist near enough to find us and visit us is a infinitesimal probability. As near zero as 10^-18 Kelvin is to absolute zero. (By the way, the coldest place in the universe has be produced at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. 0.00036 Kelvin.)

    That said, it would be a marvelous thing indeed to have a UFO be confirmed as an IFO as in an alien space ship.

    Lastly, as Jack points out, it was not Area 51 where the government’s super secret alien spaceship investigation took place. It was at Area 52-1/2. Which is why you have never heard of Area 52-1/2 and never will.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Saw one years ago sitting in my backyard. Was a bright light in the sky going faster than any jet, missile or meteor. Nobody believed me then, either.
    And then there’s the other side of the coin: Saw lights in the sky in the AZ desert years ago coming toward us. Kept watching and the lights wound up to be the interior lights of helicopters outta Yuma on maneuvers. Close enough to see the men moving around inside the choppers, yet there was NO noise!
    Have always thought that we’re pretty arrogant to believe that we are the ONLY intelligent life in the Universe!
    Somebody cue the Twilight Zone theme!

  3. Tina says:

    A topic that tickles the imagination.

    Thanks Pie for clarifying the subject.

    What is there to discuss accept that which has been imagined or assumed?

    Even the quotes from the astronauts offer no usable information. (But the stories might have helped to keep the quest to examine space alive)

    The universe…hmmm. It’s just as possible that the universe is vast, cold, infinite…and empty…at least in terms of a reality similar to ours.

    The thing I find more fascinating is the fact that this big blue marble we inhabit is the only planet that can sustain the complex, perfectly balanced system of life we enjoy. It’s designed specifically to sustain life as are each of the elements and organisms in it…amazing and wonderful…and we are far from being able to completely explain or understand it and it’s meaning.

    I also find it fascinating that some find it easier to believe in aliens than a higher intelligent creative power…and they usually give the aliens the attributes you might find in a higher power. Ah, well….

    The unexplained. When I was a kid a bunch of us became aware of a cross on the side of a mountain. It was some distance away but we, being kids, figured we could reach it within a days walk…so we made some sandwiches and set off to see if the cross was a grave of some sort. After five or six hours of trekking and wild speculation we discovered it wasn’t a cross at all. From a distance a horizontal gate “crossed” a vertical pole an gave the appearance of a cross.

    The problem with UFO’s is that no one has gotten the opportunity to examine one. We have photographs and sightings and that’s it…they remain unidentified.

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