REFORM: DACA Roles Include Murderers and Rapists

Posted by Tina

The DACA kids were not all fresh faced students and entrepreneurs! In fact a good number of them are dangerous criminals:

Ten people who’d been arrested on murder charges were nonetheless granted permission to remain and work in the U.S. under the Obama-era DACA amnesty, according to new government data released Monday.

Thirty-one “Dreamers” had rape charges on their records, nearly 500 had been accused of sex crimes, and more than 2,000 had been arrested for drunken driving — yet were approved for DACA status.

All told, 53,000 people who have been approved for DACA — 7 percent of the total — had a criminal record when the government granted them status. Nearly 8,000 racked up criminal charges after they’d been approved, according to the data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

DACA rules did allow for discretion in some of these cases, cases that lacked convictions for instance. But authorities did find that “…two dozen Dreamers won DACA despite having more than 10 arrests on their record” and “more than 1,200 others had been arrested between five and nine times.” Serial criminality is an indication of continued criminality. The criminals included on Dreamer roles aren’t “Dreamers” as sold to the public and should not be granted legal status.

Under current rules “someone with a felony conviction, a ‘significant’ misdemeanor or three non-significant misdemeanors was supposed to be ineligible.” Obviously something went wrong. Bureaucracies are unaccountable and often ineffective or sloppy when it comes to the rules…or even common sense. Emotional sympathies can take over and taint the decision making process. That certainly seems to have happened in the case of these so-called Dreamers.

As Congress begins yet another attempt to make reforms to our immigration policy, including addressing DACA and the wall, our representatives need to be aware of these glaring statistics as they determine eligibility for legal status.

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8 Responses to REFORM: DACA Roles Include Murderers and Rapists

  1. Libby says:

    Ok, people … you wanna hear some name calling? The last six posts can be described as follows:

    Racist, Paranoid, Racist, Sexist, Racist, Paranoid

    … which seems to me to indicate that the definition of a deplorable is lacking … Hils left off paranoid.

    Oh … and cruel … let’s not forget cruel.

  2. Harold says:

    OMG LOL, Once more from the left the accusations of “racism” and it never seems to stop. Why? Because when liberals cry “racism,” they don’t really mean racism. Calling someone a “racist” is their preferred way of whining that people won’t do what they want. So what is the underlying purpose of liberals using the term racist.

    You disagree with me

    You won’t do what I want

    I need more attention

    You are disagreeing with a minority, that’s my voting base

    Your attack is damaging us, and so on.

    If there is racist neglect of any race, liberals need to focus on their treatment of Blacks in America first and foremost.

    When they claim Republicans are taking a choices away from black Americans: No group in Congress does LESS to make the lives of its constituents better than the Congressional Black Caucus. Simply put, liberals have falsely convinced black Americans that Republicans hate them. And as a voting base Liberals can count on about 90% of blacks to support the Democratic Party. That means no matter how bad it gets, Republicans can’t even be considered as an option. This is how Democrats have managed to utterly destroy cities like Detroit without the populace even considering the Republican Party as an option.

    Democrats try to stop Republicans who are attempting to do outreach to black Americans: Democrats believe they have black Americans in their hip pocket, and now they want to fill the other pocket with Latinos. That’s one reason why they hate/attack black or Latino Americans who don’t buy into that. And they especially attack white Republicans who want to do outreach.

    If a black Republican presents the idea that black Americans are not all helpless victims of racism who need crumbs from Democrats to survive, he’ll be racially insulted. If a white Republican like Paul Ryan presents some outreach program that could conceivably appeal to black Americans, he will immediately be attacked as a racist. The Democrats are absolutely committed to keeping black Americans under their thumbs and anyone who challenges that will be treated as a threat.

    Keeping the borders unchecked is the democratic way of appealing to another voting block.

    The last thing any liberal wants, is to argue an issue on its merits. Because they have no ground to stand on, it’s that simple and logical!

  3. Libby says:

    “Calling someone a “racist” is their preferred way of whining that people won’t do what they want.”

    Well, if you mean whining about people who try to malign an entire race with the bad behavior of an individual, i.e., racism … Harold … you got it right.

    We don’t like this. People who practice racism, people who advocate public policy based on racism, they make a mess of our society. And we are not going to stop crabbing about it … so toughen up.

    Or, of course, you could knock it off.

    • Harold says:

      Your comment of Knock it could be considered amusing, but considering the poster and author is, it is as J mentioned above ‘Leftie drivel here ad nauseum’

      Here is fitting reply to your drivel

      “Only Liberals Could Fake Outrage Over Enforcing the Law”

      Also “Cruel” is not enforcing a law that encourages people to try again and again while using children, their or others to try to gain ILLEGAL entry into our country. And we have Obama the feckless one to thank for that as well thank you.

      Toughing up is not a problem if need be, we now have a President who can, however your ideological thick headedness is unlike to be ever be resolved.

  4. Tina says:

    It isn’t over, Libby.

    What’s needed is more conservatives in Congress. A much better bill was put forward that would actually FIX the problems that cause perpetual crisis.

    The people want solutions not band-aids.

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