Drudge Headline: “Obama Kept Them in Cages – Wrapped Them in Foil” Exposes the LIES

Posted by Tina

Warning, the following content includes vulgar language.

Liberal manufactured outrage over children “separated from their parents” has gotten even more ridiculous. Evidence of media bias is captured in even more photos, from the Obama administration, of children in cages, sleeping on the floor with foil blankets (space blankets)…some were housed in bathrooms (See photo left). The screeching media-Democrats, who point the finger at Trump, were silent during the eight long years when Obama policies encouraged parents to send their unaccompanied children thousands of miles north through dangerous areas where they could be raped, killed, or sold. They were silent as the Obama administration “kept them in cages.”

Rank and file supporters have gone ballistic; the manufactured emotions are a disgrace to notions of common sense and reason.

Peter Fonda, not to be outdone by his activist sister, threatened Barron Trump in a vile tweet:


That’s what ignorant emotionally driven A$$holes do!

Melania informed the Secret Service.

Peter Fonda is fond of making despicable statements and threats…

He called for the public caging and rape of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen in a tweet Tuesday. In the vulgar tweet, Fonda said “Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby.” He continued, “The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity.” …

… Fonda also proposed that Press Secretary Sarah Sanders three children get kidnapped and locked in a basement while calling her a sexist slur. “SS (Sarah Sanders) is a lying gash, too,” Fonda said, “And “gash” is much worse than cunt. Maybe we should take her children away and deport her to Arkansas, and giving her children to Stephen Goebbels Miller for safe keeping.”

The crude actor also called for protests, threatening against ICE agents’ families:



Fonda may be hoping his vile tweets will bring moviegoers out to see his new movie, out this week. He’s just made certain that Trump supporters will give it a pass.

Similar acts of ignorance and profanity include:

A woman in a crowd of people protesting the President in a hallway shouted at “F-U” at Trump as he passed by. How brave! What a difference that juvenile verbal eruption will make.

Bernie Sanders socialist Activist shouted lies and demanded action, as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s had dinner in a Mexican restaurant last night…as if she had legislative power to change the law.

The Hill reports that Trump, a man of action and results, will sign an executive order to end family separations but reiterated that the law must be changed by Congress:

Trump said during a speech on Tuesday that congressional action is the “only solution to the border crisis.” – “Congress and the courts created this problem, and Congress alone can fix it,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said on Monday.


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25 Responses to Drudge Headline: “Obama Kept Them in Cages – Wrapped Them in Foil” Exposes the LIES

  1. Tina says:

    Democrats believe they have finally found the issue that will win them seats in November. Democrats care about the issue and power…they don’t give a damn about solving the problem…or the children they happily use as political tools!


    DC Whispers, “Democrat Leaders Taking Orders From George Soros On “Children In Cages” Hoax – Mass Protests Planned”

    Democrats are said to be ecstatic over how well their “children in cages” hoax is performing as the Establishment Media continues to do all it can to enforce the lie they started. Meanwhile, the George Soros open borders movement is equally motivated and ordering all Democrats to stand down and make no attempt to work with any Republicans on resolving an issue that has actually existed for decades – that of momentarily separating illegal immigrant families at the border to ensure children are actually with family and not being used as “border tickets” – a practice that became more and more common during the Obama years.

    Let’s see how many defy that order…I predict near perfect lock step compliance with maybe a few outliers (less than the ten needed). Schummer has already weighed in.

    Meanwhile Rush just announced Trump will give protesters what they want and they won’t like it.

    Democrats are in a real pickle…our nation’s economy grew at 4% last month with rising wages and employment opportunities causing millennial kids to move out of the basement! The Democrats have no ideas…the ideas they do have don’t work and often cause devastating problems…lawlessness, homelessness, government dependency, economic malaise, hopelessness about the future, and continuing states of crisis that THEY do not resolve but keep around as political toys.

    They will milk this issue through the election unless the public is willing to see the lies and turn their backs on the foreign thinking that produces such chaos and discontent!

    Making America Great and Keeping America Great will require a dogged adherence to American values and a rejection of the obstructors and agitators of the lying phny radical socialist Democrat leaders and their political machine

  2. RHT447 says:

    Anybody remember the outrage from the Dems?


    Yeah, me either. Hell has no place hot enough for these walking wastes of breathable air.

  3. Peggy says:

    The progressive movement has turned the once sane Democrat party into one filled with insane, lunatic, raving idiots. They’ll so blinded by their hate and desire for power they don’t see the vast majority of sane voters from both parties who see their outrageous behavior and want nothing to do with them.

    • jacksays says:

      actually, your description fits both parties. both parties are full of insane, lunatic, raving idiots who are power-hungry and nothing more.

      • Tina says:

        To some degree you are right. People in leadership in both parties are self-serving and/or lockstep partisan. One difference, as I see it, the Republican Party platform and ideals are much more aligned with our Constitution and founding principles of freedom and equal rights.

        If we want to move the country in the direction of the republic we need to elect leaders who will stand by the Constitution. Few to none are left in the socialist Democrat Party.

  4. Peggy says:

    We need some truth.

    “Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families spokesperson Kenneth Wolfe told Newsweek on Wednesday that it had as many as 10,852 undocumented children in its custody—a significant jump from the 8,886 that were in the agency’s custody on April 29, according to the Washington Post.

    In fiscal year 2013, under the Barack Obama administration, the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) had as many as 25,000 unaccompanied children in its care across 80 shelters, according to a July 2014 article in Mother Jones.

    The revelation that illegal alien children were being kept in cages came to light in 2014 when Breitbart Texas’ Brandon Darby broke the story. On Sunday, Darby tweeted out a thread of 39 photos that he reported on in 2014 that showed the conditions that the children were subjected to:”


    • Tina says:

      Liberals hate that we have access to records and alternative media now. the just can’t float their lies anymore without getting caught. It’s a beautiful thing.

      This, of course, is what the legacy media is supposed to do…keep all of us straight. But they sold their souls from the sixties forward as a group, helped by the lousy educators that instruct them in college, and they’ve been in the tank for Democrats ever since.

      • Peggy says:

        It is a beautiful thing we can now even access the Library of Congress online. Told my grandson about the letter Jefferson wrote to his nephew about questioning even the existence of God as an example of today’s version of not believing anything you hear and only half of what you see. We can now with a click view original documents from the comfort of our own homes and classrooms. The challenge is making people aware that the site is there. I’ve often found myself exploring the different “rooms” and drilling down to read and see photos of documents written in our Founders own hands.

        Hopefully, in two years when he goes off to college somewhere he’ll remember to question everything, do his own research and form his own opinions based on the truth and not the lies of those who call themselves instructors/teachers.

        Library of Congress link:

  5. J. Soden says:

    A good reason to reject ANYONE running as either a Demwit or RINO this November:


    They’ve EARNED it!

    • jacksays says:

      i’m voting along one party line: incumbent. if you are a candidate and currently hold office i’m voting you out. we need to keep voting these fools of both parties out until we get a congress of/by/for the people like the framers intended (not a congress of/by/for themselves and big business.

  6. Tina says:

    Totally predictable: DailyCaller, “Socialist Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Secretary Works For The Department Of Justice”

    Another DOJ piece of trash. Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen deserves better.

    • Libby says:

      Oh, Tina, you must check out Colbert this morning. I mean … you will never guess … who decided to partake of her evening meal at a Mexican restaurant.

      Cajones or clueless? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.

      • Tina says:

        Don’t need Colbert…already got the story without the left wing crap.

        I’d say she probably just likes Mexican food, as do many Americans…of all races.

        Too bad her rights were not respected by those rabid socialist dimwits who see themselves as “social justice warriors”…too dumb to get that if her rights are not respected no ones will be.

  7. Libby says:

    “We need some truth.” You need some brains that work, that’s what you need.

    Cause I actually remember about back when we had 10,000 unaccompanied children showing up on the border every month. And yes, initially, they were wrapped in space blankies and slept on the floor.

    And I remember what our President initiated to deal with this. They were not especially kindly things, but they were constructive, and marginally effective, and the sorts of thing that a civilized nation might do when faced with such a situation.

    First, he put our Department of State to work on the matter. You remember the State Department. We used to have one of those, before the current occupant of the White House eviscerated the thing. And do you know what they did? They got onto the countries of origin. They said: You’d better get your butts in gear and deal with this. You’d better. Cause if you don’t, WE will come help you. Ask the government and citizens of Columbia how thrilled they were to have our Special Forces tromping all over their countryside.

    Then … and this was not nice … but the situation was not nice, either. Our State Department mounted an honest-to-god marketing campaign. Radio, telly, billboards, the works … “Don’t you send your kids up here. Because we will simple clean them and feed them and wrap them in space blankies and send them back.”

    And it worked, for a while. But now we don’t have a State Department. All we have is a Weenie-in-the-White-House who specializes in signing pointless pieces of paper.

    Minimal Trump footage on Colbert this morning, so I got through it. Crossing the capitol rotunda yesterday, our Weenie-in-Chief got a rousing: “Mr. President, Fuck You!” And we all love the “Mr. President” part … so respectful.

    • Peggy says:


      Your stupid post isn’t worth responding too.

      I do have one question for you, Libs. Where was your outrage when Obama was president?


      “In 2015, the American Immigration Council and the American Civil Liberties Union announced a class-action lawsuit against the conditions at the detainment facilities in the Tucson, Arizona. In the lawsuit, multiple detained illegal immigrants tell the story of abhorrent conditions inside the Obama-era facilities. Children eating off the floor, sleeping under toilets, abused, crying, hungry and thirsty. Since the recent outrage over the Trump facilities also involved the treatment of minors, here are the testimonies of migrants with children held inside the Obama detainment facility:

      No diapers:

      Border Patrol agents do not provide mothers enough diapers for their infant children.

      For the first 19 hours in detention, the agents did not give me any diapers for my one and half year old daughter. She dirtied her diaper and had to spend the whole night with a dirty diaper.

      I did not receive enough diapers for my daughter. When we asked for more, the agents would say “wait, wait, there aren’t any.” They would only give us 2 diapers per child in the morning and sometimes another at night. This was particularly a problem when a child had diarrhea, like my daughter had.

      No space:

      There were approximately 50 women and their children in the cell in Arizona…There was not enough room for everyone to lie down and some kids had to sleep near the toilet. If you got up, you would not have a space to sit when you came back. At times I was able to lie on the floor, but other nights it was so crowded that I had to sleep sitting up or kneeling.

      There were approximately 50 women and their children in the cell…There was one toilet in the cell. There was one sink attached to the toilet.


      We were not able to sleep all night because of the cold. At one point my six month daughter did fall asleep briefly and I laid her down on the cold concrete floor. She was able to sleep a little bit but she was shivering from the cold as she slept.

      There were no beds in the cell and we were not provided any blankets or other bedding. My daughter tried to sleep on the bench and I sat up so that she could at least rest her head on my lap…I was not able to sleep at all because my daughter would have fallen off the bench if I had moved.

      No sleep:

      It was also difficult to sleep because we were called out four times for interviews over the course of the night. One of those times we had to wait five and half hours… we had to stand for those five and half hours. We were already tired from walking in the desert and I was exhausted from standing and holding my daughter for so long.

      Disgusting conditions:

      There was one sink but no soap or towels. Most people had spent a lot of time in the desert and were very dirty, but it was impossible to really wash your hands or clean yourself after using the toilet, The conditions became disgusting with so many people packed into a cell in this way.

      There was no waste bin in the cell so the trash was piled in the corner of the room. Toilet paper was thrown on the floor. The odor was awful because some kids had diarrhea and the mothers did not have soap to wash their hands after cleaning them or changing their diapers. The cell was cleaned once a day but we still had no way to wash our hands.

      The cell was very dirty for our entire time there. There were diapers, toilet paper and other trash strewn around the bathroom area when we arrived. No one came to clear the cell and the smell was terrible. We were not able to clean because there was no trash can.

      Food shortage:

      We were not given food until Saturday afternoon [after being detained the night before]. In order to eat the first night, we found some crackers that were lying on the ground and left over from the other families. We divided the crackers amongst the four children in the cell but my son kept crying and saying that he wanted food.

      When we were detained were already hungry and tired. We had not eaten for an entire day and a half…We were given something to eat twice a day. The food consisted of only crackers and juice. It was very little food and my son and I were very hungry… My son cried because he was hungry.

      We ate the food the first time it was given to us because we were very hungry but it gave us diarrhea and made my daughters vomit. We also noticed that the juices were already expired.

      Water shortage:

      We were not given water and there was no water container…I saved my extra juice for my [three yearold] daughter because she was thirsty. We had to ask permission to go outside to the water containers, but there was no cup…so we were not able to drink the water. I was very thirsty.

      No medical care:

      The agents ignored me when I tried to tell them that my [20 month-old] daughter was sick. When they finally answered me, they said that they could not give her the medicine that I had for her in my belongings. They would not do anything else for her.

      Border agent abuse:

      One of the agents told me that they were going to take away my [six year old] son. They said that my child would stay in the U.S. and they would deport me. I said that I did not want to be separated from him. The agents responded that the U.S. didn’t want any more Guatemalans…I signed various documents that I did not understand. I asked the agent ot explain the papers but they just said “sign”…[and] that I did not have the right to know whether or not they were my deportation papers…While I was detained I was very sad and afraid that the agents would take away my son. I cried because of my situation. My son was also crying.

      Traumatized children:

      My [five year old U.S. citizen] daughter cried constantly, [and asked] “why are we trapped here?”

      I felt terrible while I was detained, mostly because I had to watch my [fifteen and nine year-old] daughters suffer and cry due to the terrible conditions.

      According to the lawsuit, the Obama administration held migrants in wretched, inhumane condition.

      This lawsuit was filed in 2015 against the Obama administration and is still pending a final ruling.”

      • Denise Hartman says:

        You’re right Peggy – this is atrocious! However, this wasn’t a systemic problem, and certainly wasn’t something Obama directed. Trump, on the other hand, signed the Zero Tolerance Policy which mandated children be separated form their parents.

      • jacksays says:

        “your stupid post isn’t worth responding to” – whereupon you responded with your own post that took so much scrolling to get thru my mousepad is covered in sweat from the mouse.

        it’s clear you didn’t actually read all of the post that you found unworthy of a response before responding.

    • Tina says:

      The real big difference between then and now is that YOU won’t afford the current administration the same respect that you lavish on the former administration.

      Your a phony, Libby.

      Another bit of info you need. At the same time Obama was giving those countries hell (wink wink) his minions were working diligently to encourage the kids to come. I often said…watch what he does not what he says!

      June 2014, NewsMax, “Central America Newspapers Tout Open US Door for Illegal Minors”

      Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras are promoting policies by the Obama administration that defer deportation to minors brought to the United States as children by their parents — known as “Dreamers” — and those that are housing illegal children at military bases in the South and West.

      “Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is quoted in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador. (Most of those “children” were sent by parents or single young men) …

      … The deluge of illegal immigrants is causing a burden on the border states of Texas and Arizona, and officials have been transporting children from south Texas to Arizona and leaving them at various locations, including holding centers and bus stations.

      After widespread outrage by Arizona state and congressional officials, Homeland Security said it would stop dumping illegals in those states, even though officials say the practice has not stopped.

      Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer last week sent emergency food and medical supplies to a makeshift holding center in the southern part of the state that was holding hundreds of illegal minors.

      And you really aren’t going to defend the fact that Obama was willing to defy the laws he took an oath to uphold and say that makes him better?

      Both presidents face a problem that neither of them created and both work with dysfunctional Congress that refuses to work together to solve the problem. There are no answers that will please everyone. Their job is to enact laws that are in the best interests of the citizens of the US and align with the Constitution.

    • Tina says:

      August 24, 2017, The Hill:

      One of the pillars of President Trump’s campaign pledge on immigration reform was to force recalcitrant countries to take back their own. On January 25, the president issued the “Enhancing Internal Immigration Enforcement” executive order, which put countries on notice that the U.S. would no longer turn a blind eye to their refusal to take back their citizens. That threat alone caused the official list of recalcitrant countries to drop from 20 to 12, but now the administration is reportedly ready to back up its words with action.

      U.S. law allows the Department of State to stop issuing visas to nationals of countries that won’t take their own citizens back. Most prior administrations have been unwilling to exercise this option, fearing diplomatic and economic fallout. But President Trump, ever the pragmatist, has acknowledged the danger that recalcitrant countries force on American communities. In order to protect American lives, he seems determined to force recalcitrant countries to honor their legal and moral obligations to repatriate their less desirable citizens.

      This, as well as other issues surrounding illegal entry, are absolutely discussed by our State Department officials. Just because you haven’t heard doesn’t mean State Department warnings do not happen.

      Obama and Democrats support open border. their message to leaders in other nations has been very clear, “come on down!”

      And If I remember correctly, Obama issued his stern warning (wink, wink) because he was looking like a fool and was losing political favor during the time when hundreds of unaccompanied children were surging on the border and causing problems for the states and border enforcement.

      Enforcing the law is difficult, especially when previous administrations refused to do so, but it’s the right thing to do.

  8. Peggy says:

    Just in case you hadn’t heard the Time cover with the crying little girl looking up to Trump is more fake news.

    The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother:

    “But the girl’s father told The Washington Post on Thursday night that his child and her mother were not separated, and a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed that the family was not separated while in the agency’s custody. In an interview with CBS News, Border Patrol agent Carlos Ruiz, who was among the first to encounter the mother and her daughter at the border in Texas, said the image had been used to symbolize a policy but “that was not the case in this picture.”

    The revelation has prompted a correction from Time, which added this note at the end of a piece that ran Tuesday: “The original version of this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she [was] taken from the scene. The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.

    Ruiz, who was not available for an interview Friday, confirmed as much to CBS. He said agents asked the mother, Sandra Sanchez, to put down her daughter, nearly 2-year-old Yanela, so they could search her. Agents patted down the mother for less than two minutes, and she immediately picked up her daughter, who then stopped crying.

    “I personally went up to the mother and asked her, ‘Are you doing okay? Is the kid okay?’ and she said, ‘Yes. She’s tired and thirsty. It’s 11 o’clock at night,” Ruiz told CBS News.”


    • jacksays says:

      y’all need to watch a movie called WAG THE DOG. go watch it. right now.

      once you’ve watched it you’ll understand how ALL of the media is fake from the standpoint that they are manipulating you to be outraged. R side, D side, all of it. it’s all made up and calculated to get you to focus on anything but where you should.

      and it works. clearly. very clearly.

      • Tina says:

        Thanks for visiting our blog, jacksays.

        Most of us at Post Scripts, perhaps all of us, watched Wag the Dog back in the nineties when it came out. We are well aware of media shenanigans. But make no mistake, the media we call “main stream” is in the tank for the left side of the political spectrum, in particular the Democrats. Democrats, meanwhile, have moved radically left since 1997 when Wag the Dog was made.

        The “focus” of our blog is discussion of political and social items in the news, current events. Most of us come from a conservative perspective and make no bones about it.

        Our intention is pursuit of the truth. To that end we do our best to uncover lies, errors, half truths, and deceptions.

        We are also a group that is fiercely dedicated to the Constitution and founding principals. We admire the brilliance of the Founding Fathers in fashioning this great republic.

        Our main goal, if we have one, is restoration and preservation of this republic which we believe has been compromised through decades of socialist activism, socialist ideals and policies, spread throughout our government and major institutions.

        It would be wise to get to know the people behind the blog before you make assumptions. Thanks again for dropping by. We welcome all voices and opinions and ask only that you be civil…which you have been.

  9. Peggy says:

    FYI – Mexicans living in the US still retain their voting rights in Mexico, even if they’re US citizens.


    “Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Tuesday declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans.

    “And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

    He then declared it as “a human right we will defend,” eluniversal.com reports.

    While the election is not until July 1, Obrador is by far the frontrunner.

    Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting amnesty to Mexican drug cartels. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added.”

  10. Tina says:

    Trump was right…instead of governing to provide safety and opportunity, instead of caring for the weak and infirm, instead of properly educating children and preparing them to be productive at home, they send (dump) their undesirable “class” to America and make it our problem. He said it in street language but that’s exactly what the wealthy elites that control the Mexican government intend.

    He’s also right to stand up to them and for the American people.

    (And no, Libby, race doesn’t have a thing to do with it! He’s also standing up for the 47 million Americans of Latino heritage)

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