On the Southern Border Radical Socialism and Agitation Threaten Our Republic’s Sovereignty and Freedom

by Tina

America is watching. The past week was a side show of emotional venom spewed by those who love socialism, hate Trump, and are motivated by a rabid desire to fundamentally transform our constitutional republic. A lot of that venom was an effort to incite agitation and unrest over border issues. Protesters, given a big assist by left news outlets, rallied to create images of outrage. But the irrationality that overlays their drama can’t conceal the paradoxical position held by Democrats and left leaning Independents. The vast numbers of people crossing our nations border illegally are fleeing decaying nations built on socialist ideology and led by powerful dictators….nations lacking in freedom and void of opportunity. American leaders on the left, like Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and California’s Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom are more aligned politically with those dictators than they are with our nations founders. The entertainers that support them are aligned with the dictators. Students and professors that lend their energy and support are aligned with the dictators. Media commentators who support them are aligned with the dictators. They all believe in government control and open borders just like the dictators of socialist nations today and none is above defying our laws and creating chaos to cement the alignment with those dictators.

In the midst of vicious and erroneous attacks, Trump’s approval rating are up. Support for the wall remains strong, despite deceptive polling and fake media reports. Trumps popularity stems from very simple border principles: 1. Enforcement of immigration law, 2. Support for secure borders, 3. Building the wall, 4. Support for reforms that put an end to endless border crises, 5. Bringing an end to illegal sanctuary cities, 6. Support for law enforcement officers.

Victor Davis Hansen’s article, “Why This Immigration Psychodrama Will Also Pass,” makes several points about the left’s hysterics. The fifth point is instructional:

Mexico is certainly not a sympathetic player. The likely upcoming election of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will crystalize the absurdity of a supposedly aggrieved Mexico, as the beneficiary of a $71 billion trade surplus with the United States (such imbalances were not supposed to happen according to the architects of NAFTA 34 years ago).

Americans are not in sympathy with the $30 billion in remittances sent home to Mexico by its expatriate community in the United States, knowing many of them are beneficiaries of America’s generous local, state, and federal social welfare aid that frees up such cash. Americans do not like the idea of a would-be foreign leader boasting that the United States has no rights of sovereignty inside its own country. In the midst of a contrived transit of Central Americans across Mexico to the U.S. border, Obrador is calling for more Mexican citizens to crash into the U.S. For a country, a people, and a leader who feign to dislike their neighbor to the north, they certainly do not seem to be able to live without it.

Orbrador, Nancy, and Maxine…can you tell any difference? Two are privileged to live in America and because of that are assumed to be patriotic Americans faithful to the Constitution. (It’s a lie) Nancy, Maxine, and Orbrador are in favor of the assault on American immigration policy and law…they all support the mass invasion of the US by those fleeing the failures and horrors of socialism. Orbrador sees America as a big fat piggy bank that makes the job of caring for his nations poor and sickly unnecessary…let the Americans bear that burden! Maxine and Nancy are desperate for the control that will come from those that have known nothing but socialism and government dependency…they want their votes. They couldn’t care less that dangerous gangs, criminals, and drugs also cross our southern border.

Maxine Waters is for government control of industry and sees one party rule as the path to a socialist paradise. Orbrador and the wealthy elites of Mexico agree. The socialist policy of nationalizing industry ended badly for the people of Germany just as Marxist socialism did in Cuba…and more recently in Venezuela…as socialism has every time it’s tried:

The record of National Socialist Germany during the 1930s shows how quickly government intervention leads to full-scale socialism. Ludwig von Mises warned of this many years ago. When President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler German Chancellor on January 30, 1933, people did not know what to expect as regards the economic policy of the new regime. There were disturbing signs that the National Socialists had radical reforms in mind. The “unalterable” 25 point 1920 program of the party proposed, among other things, “that all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished”; “the nationalization of all trusts”; “profit-sharing in large industries”; and “an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose.

Instead of Jews, socialists in America today have targeted conservatives. How did Maxine Waters put it? Send the message, “You aren’t welcome here!”

What will happen to the people of America and the world if America becomes just another socialist paradise?

Do you doubt the radicalization of the Democrat Party and it’s leadership on immigration and other issues? If yes, then please revisit the not so distant past in the C-SPAN video posted at True Pundit. Recall the violent attacks against Trump supporters as they attended rallies prior to his election. Witness the ongoing harassment and verbal assault of members of Trump’s family and administration. And it goes on and on…

A Democrat in Congress, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), wants to abolish ICE. U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02) introduced legislation two days ago to do just that. Cynthia Nixon, candidate for governor of New York, joins in the call for an end to ICE. The win today by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an avowed socialist, over a more moderate Democrat in New York is indicative of the shift toward radical socialism in the Democrat party. She too would like to see ICE abolished.

It’s pretty clear that Americans can’t count on the radicalized Democrat Party to choose candidates that will serve the interests of the American people or our ideals on border issues. The left agenda serves socialism… socialism is found nowhere in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Democrats will spend the Summer and early Fall aggressively agitating in the streets. (One has suggested their will be bombings.) How has that worked for America so far? Agitation turned to violence and murder after Barack Obama and Eric Holder ginned up anger and resentment in Sanford and Ferguson with lies about race. As Trump ran for president against Hillary Clinton violence and intimidation at Trump rallies followed. And after Trump was elected and the Republicans gained power in the House and Senate, Steve Scalise and others became victims of hatred and violence in the party that lives for revolution. Last week free speech was under assault…this week border protests ensues…next week the next Supreme Court will become a battle ground of hateful accusations and lies.

America is watching. As Democrats continue to perform like crazed freaks and clowns this summer, let us continue to expose the hatred and lies…and let us go to the polls in droves to elect patriots who love our republic and will fight in Congress. we need strong men and women who will fight for The Wall and for border reforms that support our republic. We need strong congressional leaders who will fight for our sovereignty while creating policies for a safer and more secure America. America is watching. Patriotic Americans will vote to Make America Great Again by electing officials who agree with the principles of freedom, justice, and sovereignty that are the foundations of our Republic….radical socialist just won’t do.

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One Response to On the Southern Border Radical Socialism and Agitation Threaten Our Republic’s Sovereignty and Freedom

  1. Peggy says:

    Here’s a great solution to our illegal immigration housing problem.

    How to Humanely Reduce Unlawful Immigration and Shut Down Open-Borders Democrats:

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