Bullet Train – Cost Overruns Prompt Audit

by Jack

When the State sold this idiotic project to the citizens it was supposed to be paid 1/3rd by the State taxpayers, 1/3rd  by companies and 1/3rd Feds.  Two the three have backed out and guess who is left to foot the whole bill?  Yep, us taxpayers in CA.

The worst case scenario has already happened:  “The estimated cost of building 119 miles of bullet train track in the Central Valley has jumped to $10.6 billion, an increase of $2.8 billion from the current budget and up from about $6 billion originally.

The new calculation takes into account a number of intractable problems encountered by the state rail agency. It raises profoundly difficult questions about how the state will complete what is considered the nation’s largest infrastructure project with the existing funding sources.”  LA Times

About a year ago, the Federal Railroad Administration issued a secret risk analysis that said costs were rising sharply and could hit $9.5 to $10 billion more than the $68 billion originally projected.  Pfffffft. Today it’s estimated at over $200 billion.  What a boondoggle.

CA state officials once said the tunnels will be finished by 2022 — along with 300 miles of track, dozens of bridges or viaducts, high-voltage electrical systems, a maintenance plant and as many as six stations.  Won’t happen that soon, too many obstacles.  Every day the costs go up for an expensive and slow train to move passengers between Los Angeles and San Francisco.  What will a ticket cost to recoup our investment?  At least $1000, but airfare runs about $100 and the planes fly out about 1/2 hour.  They train will be twice daily.

Cost overruns are so staggering that the feds are going to do an audit and see where the money is going.  “Gee, I wonder what federal auditors will find — besides a phantom train set and a lot of wasted money? With a new study out showing that California doesn’t have the funding to complete even the first phase of their high-speed rail project, the Inspector General for the Department of Transportation will open the books to see how federal monies have been misspent.”  https://hotair.com/archives/2018/04/14/feds-audit-ca-high-speed-rail-project-funding-flounders/



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11 Responses to Bullet Train – Cost Overruns Prompt Audit

  1. Harold says:

    The train isn’t going to LA, they keep saying that, but Palmdale may be in LA county but it is a hours drive to downtown LA. And the last I read, Brown hasn’t been able to solve that problem.

    This year, Gov Brown also enacted a SB2 fee on recording fees, a surcharge anywhere from $75.00 to $225.00 in ADDITIONAL dollars on top of normal costs to record a item.
    Love the fact it is called a “Affordable house fee” however, once more it is going into the General fund. Hummmm, could Brown be doing a CYA on his trains cost overruns by using or have already used General Fund money (and needs to replace it quickly before it becomes a political bomb shell?) for his train to nowhere?? I think it is very likely.

    We all should know by now, the General Fund is the biggest piggy bank for CA legislatures to rob money from when they need to cover up cost over runs, or fund special interest projects, like the train to no-where

    But given a MAJOR majority CA Senate and Assembly , who really will stand up for the tax payor, Conservatives don’t have the vote numbers, and certainly you wouldn’t expect the Liberals to do so, not with their history of spending habits, which are wastefully wicked.

  2. Joe says:

    Don’t worry. Jerry Brownstain and his Demorat buddies will tell us this is nothing that yet another tax increase can’t solve.

  3. Joe says:

    “Cost overruns are so staggering that the feds are going to do an audit and see where the money is going. ”

    Raises and pensions for state employees and welfare for illegal aliens.

    • Joe says:

      “Cost overruns are so staggering that the feds are going to do an audit and see where the money is going. ”

      Why they are at it, why don’t they see where the city, county and state tax money that was supposed to go for the roads went???

      If they do, they will see that much of it was siphoned off for the unsustainable employee compensation, especially pensions.

  4. RHT447 says:

    A little off topic, but another boondoggle in the making—

    “Question: If a transferee (consumer) presents a current, valid “non-binary” driver’s license as a form of government issued identification to establish their identity and proof of residency and then declines to select either “male” or “female” when answering Question 6, how is an FFL to proceed?”



  5. Libby says:

    Interesting. Seems an audit was approved at the beginning of the year, but there is nothing on the net about results. Where did you get this?

    (I have a splendidly facetious answer to this question, but I will forebear.)

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    In case you missed it, this person was just hired to a chair on the New York Times editorial board.


  7. J Soden says:

    Moonbeam’s train to nowhere succeeds in passing Boston’s Big Dig in the category of Corrupt Boondoggles.
    It’s too bad the taxpayers can’t get a refund from him!

    • Joe says:

      Brownstain is rich and he owns a lot of land. The taxpayers should be allowed to file a civil suit against him. Take his land away and reimburse the tax payer for some of the taxpayer money Brownstain has squandered.

  8. Joe says:

    Captain Jack, you see this?

    A Chinese Spy Worked In Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Office For Twenty Years

    So your choices in November are Dianne Crimescene and Diddlyeon!

    Makes you want to swallow razor blades…I’d tell you your only hope is the State of Jefferson but you already know that.

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