Captured! Mail Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc

Posted by Tina

DNA evidence lifted from a fingerprint on the package bomb sent to Maxine Waters led the FBI to the suspect, Cesar Sayoc, in the mail bomb case. Sayoc, 56, is an avid Trump supporter, evidenced by the his van which is covered in Trump/Pence photos and stickers. Negative messages about top Democrats and media are also prominently displayed on the van. (see Twitter photo below)

Sayoc has a criminal history and ties to New York. He currently resides in Aventura, Florida but has been living in his van since his parents kicked him out of their home. He is charged with interstate transport of explosives, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents and other persons, threatening interstate commerce, and assaulting current and former federal officers.

The FBI has yet to reveal a motive and cautioned that the investigation is ongoing and there may be more bombs. Several celebrities have been cautioned. The FBI would not confirm that Sayoc acted alone. Sayoc told investigators that the “pipe bombs wouldn’t have hurt anyone and that he didn’t want to hurt anyone,” according to one official.

I think I saw this man behind Trump at a rally in Florida. He stuck out because he was acting strangely…hyper animated. He has retained a lawyer.

Those who might be wondering will notice that FOX IS SHOWING PHOTOS OF THE VAN. They are also recognizing his support for Trump and animus toward certain media and celebrities. Although I do not condone his actions in any way, shape, or form, I can’t much blame him for the animosity he must feel toward those who have been vile in their remarks, or those who have denigrated and called for violence against Republican leaders and Trump followers.

Your thoughts….

(Source: CBS Local- Miami)

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8 Responses to Captured! Mail Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc

  1. Tina says:

    Background on the accused supplied by The NY Post:

    The suspected Florida mail bomber once threatened to blow up his local utility company — telling a representative “it would be worse than September 11th” — if they ever turned off his electricity, according to cops. …contacted the company by telephone and “threatened to blow up” the FP&L building back in August 2002 …pleaded guilty and got sentenced to one year of probation. …has been arrested multiple times in the past for a slew of crimes — including suspicion of grand theft, battery, drug possession and fraud. …been known to not only threaten people in his everyday life, but online as well.

  2. Tina says:

    Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage Magazine highlights left wing violent acts and the very weak response from Senator Hirono who “refused to condemn the harassment of Republicans, telling CNN, ‘This is the kind of activism that occurs and people make their own decisions. If they violate the law, then they have to account for that.’”

    Do read Greenfields article, “Only the Left Can Stop Political Violence in America – The Left unleashed it, the Left must stop it,” to remember who is responsible for much of the violence today. As Libby has shown they think it’s funny when they do it. Tee hee

    October editorials, columns and op-eds in the New York Times included headlines such as, “Get Angry, and Get Involved,” “Tears, Fury or Action: How Do You Express Anger?”, “Fury Is a Political Weapon And Women Need to Wield It.”

    I’m not sure that anything would cause this morally corrupt party to reconsider and change their ways. Maybe 50 years or so of sitting on the sidelines…nah, even then they would be agitators and activist. I’m thinking it’s the result of psychosis (a mental condition that causes you to lose touch with reality). When pride or blind belligerence and rage cause one to refuse to see a result and learn from it, something is up.

  3. Tina says:

    Christopher Buskirk asks an important question at Spectator/USA, “Why are fake bombs sent to Democrats more shocking than real ricin packages to Republicans?”


    Anyone else care to comment?

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Ben Shapiro cuts right through all the mainstream media and Rat bullshit.

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