Letter From Sean Morgan – Chico City Council

Greetings Friends,

I wish I didn’t need to send this update.  I wish our Council would focus on our City’s Mission Statement: “A safe place to raise a family, an ideal location for business, and a premier place to live.” 

This is simply NOT what we’ve been focused on.

First, the big elephant in the room: the Council is supporting a low-barrier shelter blocks away from the University and in the heart of student housing.  Low-barrier means you can arrive drunk, high, incoherent, etc. and you will be welcomed.  The fact that the Jesus Center and Safe Space (overall good organizations) had the audacity to propose this shelter, in this location, shows you just how far our Council has swayed away from our mission.

For years we worked on consolidating services (and locations) and increasing accountability.  Now we’re willing to drop no-accountability shelters next to the City’s largest economic driver.  Luckily, University President Hutchinson wrote a letter of opposition to the location.  It remains to be seen whether the Council will listen. I urge you all to pay close attention to this situation, speak to your neighbors and friends about this, and make sure the Council hears/reads your opinion about this. In case you want to hear my extended thoughts about this issue, click on the link below to watch/listen to my comments.

Sean Morgan Comments on the No Accountability Shelter Proposal

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6 Responses to Letter From Sean Morgan – Chico City Council

  1. Joe says:

    They won’t get rid of the bums (instead they guarantee more will come), won’t fix the roads, won’t maintain the parks but they sure as Hell will do all they can to raise your taxes.

    Guarantee it!

    In fact, they and their expensive consultants talked about it tonight.

    Of course they don’t call it a tax increase. That would be honest.

    Instead, the PC term they use is “revenue measure.”

  2. RHT447 says:

    This is where Chico is headed–

    March 30, 2019
    Guest Post on the The Retirement Cliff
    Published with permission from another officer.

    Sup RD,
    You get a chance to read the new personnel orders yet?

    31 retirements (in Feb/Mar, Cmdr ret’d in Jan):
    12 ofcs,
    7 dets,
    10 sgts,
    1 Lt,
    1 cmdr.

    An additional 5 retirements but they rehired.

    2 newbies resigned.
    1 mid career (11-12 yrs on) resigned.
    1 rehire resigned.

    Only one legit retire had less time than you.
    Think about all that experience that walked out the door. Crazy.
    They are swearing in 6 new officers though tomorrow…

    So if we were 105 down, 31 ret’d, 6 new hires, we are 130 down…
    We are in a world of hurt. Summer is gonna suck.
    April 02, 2019
    Out of 61, 3.

    Per the Brass, out of 61 recent applicants, only 3 passed their background checks for the public safety specialist position.

    One of the three accepted a job outside of the department.
    April 03, 2019
    Mutual Aid

    Last month, the county to the west ended
    their mutual aid agreement with the city.
    Today, the county to the south terminated theirs.
    They do not want to place their officers
    in the cross hairs of our city ‘s politics
    and lack of support for law enforcement.

    The largest city in the county to the north
    is considering the same thing.
    April 05, 2019

    Yesterday, the department announced 24 promotions from Sergeants to Commanders to fill in the deficits from recent retirements.
    April 16, 2019
    Oral Boards

    In an attempt to employ more officers, the department has stopped using oral boards during the hiring process.

    From here–


    The City is Portland, OR.

    • Libby says:

      Hmmmmm. The “county” to the north of Portland, Oregon, is … the state of Washington.

      But it is VERY difficult to get good help these days: the country is full of Trump Voters!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Good lord. We’re screwed. Our town is screwed. I hope Chicoans remember this on the next City Council election cycle.

  4. J Soden says:

    More results from San Fransewer: https://www.foxnews.com/travel/san-francisco-airport-officials-surge-homeless-people-taking-shelter

    Wake up Chico – this is where you’re headed!

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