The Kangaroo Court for Impeachment

News today – “Over several weeks in March, the office of Ukraine’s top prosecutor moved ahead on two investigations of intense interest to Mr. Trump. One was focused on an oligarch — previously cleared of wrongdoing by the same prosecutor — whose company employed former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s son. The other dealt with the release by a separate Ukrainian law enforcement agency to the media of information that hurt Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign.

The actions by the prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, did not come out of thin air. They were the first visible results of a remarkable behind-the-scenes campaign to gather and disseminate political dirt from a foreign country, encouraged by Mr. Trump and carried out by his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani. In the last week their engagement with Ukraine has prompted a formal impeachment inquiry into whether the president courted foreign interference to hurt a leading political rival.”

What is not being investigated was Joe Biden’s influence pedaling and his son Hunter Biden’s amazing windfall of landing a $50,000 a month job working for a Ukrainian oligarch who controls vast oil and gas resources in the Ukraine.

Check it out… a Congressman from Illinois was speaking  on NPR about the impeachment hearing.   He said, “Trump was trying to bully the Ukrainian president into creating fake charges of corruption against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.”  FAKE CHARGES?

I didn’t catch this Representative’s name, but here is a guy who is on a committee to determine wrong doing and he is going on air to flatly state Trump was bullying the Ukrainian President  to create false charges against Hunter Biden!  How many levels of wrong is that?  A U.S. Congressman with this kind of bias is sitting in judgement for impeachment and he is asking the American people to believe Burisma Holding company scoured the world over looking for the best and brightest to serve on their board of directors at $50,000 a month.  Then we’re asked to believe they just came upon ol’ Hunter Biden as the perfect man for the job?   Good timing too, cause ol’ Hunter was out of work.  Two months earlier Hunter was commissioned as a Naval Reserve Officer…one month later and was tossed out of the service for using cocaine.  And two months after that scandal he lands this big job with Burisma Holding while his dad is Vice President, but democrats see nothing wrong?  The stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming.



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49 Responses to The Kangaroo Court for Impeachment

  1. Joe says:

    And it’s not just Ukraine. Biden got millions in deals with the Chinese. Biden is corrupt as Hell.

  2. Chris says:

    “What is not being investigated was Joe Biden’s influence pedaling and his son Hunter Biden’s amazing windfall of landing a $50,000 a month job working for a Ukrainian oligarch who controls vast oil and gas resources in the Ukraine.”

    You do not actually care about this. How do I know that you do not care about this? Because you have never said a single thing about Ivanka and Jared getting jobs all over the world despite their complete lack of qualifications in…anything.

    So that means Trump cannot possibly care about this, at least not as part of a general principle against nepotism and corruption. He only cares about this because he wanted to hurt a political foe. Meaning he was basing foreign policy on what would help him target an election opponent.

    This is wrong.

    Your complaint is also a massive moving of the goalposts. The original charge was that Joe Biden, all on his own, pressured the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating his son. Now that it’s clear to you that Biden was simply enforcing the will of the Obama administration and our European allies, that charge has completely fallen apart. So all you have is that a politician’s son got a job he wasn’t qualified for because he was a politician’s son, something that has happened since the beginning of politics, and is also happening with Trump’s children. That’s crappy, but it’s normal. The president pressuring a foreign country to launch a bogus investigation into a political opponent in order to influence an election, and using his personal lawyer to arrange this, is not normal. It is, in fact, impeachable. And you need to accept that.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, would care to be a little more specific, exactly what jobs, when did they get them and for how much pay, then I would be happy to write about it.

      • Chris says:

        TAPPER: If for instance, President Obama had pressured a foreign leader, Putin or the president of Ukraine, anyone said “I want you to look into Donald Trump Jr., or I want you to look into Eric Trump,” international businessmen, both of them, would you not find that inappropriate?

        MNUCHIN: Again I’m not going to speculate on that. What I do find inappropriate is the fact that Vice President Biden at the time’s son did very significant business dealings in Ukraine. I, for one, find that to be concerning and to me that is the issue perhaps that should be further investigated.

        TAPPER: Well I don’t understand, so it’s okay for Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump to do business all over the world, it’s okay for Ivanka Trump to have copyrights approved all over the world while President Trump is president and while vice president Joe Biden his son shouldn’t be able to do business dealings.

        MNUCHIN: Again I don’t really want to go into more of these details other than to say…

        TAPPER: …Well, you’re setting a precedent that the president is violating.

        MNUCHIN: Again, I think there is a significant difference in what you’re saying, okay. What I was saying between Biden and his son’s relationship with the Ukraine oligarch and potential business dealings that the Trump Organization has had which predated his presidency.

      • Chris says:

        President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior advisor, Ivanka Trump, last month won initial approval from the Chinese government for 16 new trademarks, covering a wide range of products that include “voting machines.”
        The approval for Ivanka Trump’s trademarks comes three months after she said her personal clothing brand was shutting down.
        It occurred “while her father continues to wage a trade war with China,” according to the the public interest group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which first reported the approval.

        This is not a conflict of interest?

    • Post Scripts says:

      I don’t like going after the politicians children, like Hunter Biden, but the dems have been ripping on Trumps kids before he got into office. Viciously ripping on them for no good reason, other than they hate Trump.

      • Chris says:

        Don Jr.’s response to being told he was to meet with a Russian government agent to get dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of that government’s efforts to help his father’s campaign was “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” Jared Kushner tried to set up a secret backchannel to Russia and was put in charge of Middle East policy despite having no qualifications. Ivanka gleefully supports her father despite his long history of gross sexual comments to and about her in public settings. “No reason?” Sure, if you ignore all the reasons.

  3. common sense says:

    Test to get through.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Test got thru? I dunno. I’ve checked the spam filter, that was fine. I hate this software!!! ZX@#$A*&%. I’ve gotta run to a friends B-day part-tay.

      • RHT447 says:

        So, did the candles on your friend’s birthday cake set off the smoke alarm?

        I have been fighting the (how did you put it? Oh yeah, “ZX@#$A*&%”) software for a couple of days now. Flat could not post my comment no matter what I did, including a computer re-start. I even sent it to a fellow commenter here by email thinking that maybe a different server might work. Nope, they couldn’t post it either. We both got the same error message with the frustrated dinosaur. I had composed the text of my comment in MS Word (2007) and pasted it into my comment, which has worked fine in the past.

        This morning I finally just deleted all the text from MS Word. Nothing but a link and text typed directly into the comment field. Seems to have worked:

        Monday, September 30, 2019 at 7:51 am

        Hope this helps others having similar issues.

  4. Lone Star says:

    Howdy, anyone ridin’ the fence line?

  5. Chris says:

    Jack, do you agree with the president that the whistleblower should be executed?

    Do you agree with the president that Congressman Adam Schiff has committed “treason” by criticizing him?

    Do you think a president who does these things should remain president, or should he be removed by the lawful and constitutional impeachment process—or, at the very least, voted out of office?

    • Chris says:

      This is how bad it’s gotten: I forgot to ask if you think it’s OK for the president to say that the nation will erupt in civil war-like violence if he is impeached. I forgot to ask this because I forgot that the president said this, which is nuts—if any other president had said this, it would be the only news story that mattered all week, not something that would get lost in the shuffle of all the other crazy things the president says.

      Do you really want four more years of this? Of the president saying a new stupid and/or crazy thing every few hours, and you having to find ways to defend or excuse it? You can’t. You are better than that, and you deserve better than that.

      So do better.

      • RHT447 says:

        “Do you really want four more years of this?”

        Oh hell yes. If for no other reason than it’s so much fun to watch Chris run around with his hair on fire.

        • Chris says:

          So you do think it’s OK for the president to say whistleblowers should be executed, falsely accuse congressmen of treason for criticizing him, and attempting to incite a Civil War…

          …as long as it owns the libs.

          That’s who you are.

  6. Chris says:

    You guys thought you were electing a Fox News host as president, but you really elected a Fox News viewer.

    “President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals…”

  7. RHT447 says:

    ” It’s now very clear – the Ukraine “scandal” is a coup attempt against President Trump”

    Click on the link to get to the titles listed below.


    Breaking – ICIG Whistleblower Form Recently Modified to Permit Complaint “Heard From Others”

    Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge

    Phase #2 – With Newly Authorized: “Heard From Others”, Lawfare Group Circles Back To Trump-Kislyak Meeting

    Whistle-blower Complaint is The Schiff Dossier

    Pelosi’s House Rule Changes are Key Part of “Articles of Impeachment”, Being Drafted Over Next Two Weeks

    • Chris says:

      Again, this is a lie. There was no rules change. The Inspector General, himself appointed by Trump, has already debunked this lie, as has every fact-checker in the world. You could have easily found that out yourself if you cared at all. But you don’t, and you will probably keep repeating this lie, because it makes you feel safe and warm.

      • RHT447 says:

        Just for you, Chris. More “lies”.

        “Conspiracy? YES. Coup attempt? YES.”

        “Compelling new evidence now shows that the purportedly nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) may have been weaponized to mislead members of Congress and the American people — all in the name of advancing the impeachment process against President Trump. It appears that misleading guidance about precisely how expansive the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) is was incorporated into the report just as the current whistleblower controversy began to pick up steam.

        Without the CRS report obscuring certain facts about the underlying statutes, it would have been clear early on that the allegations made in the whistleblower report would not have been considered an “urgent concern” under the statute. Perhaps more surprising, without the misinformation it would have been clear that the president is not subject to the specific oversight requirements of the ICWPA at all. The CRS report facilitated a false impression that ultimately provided a false impetus for the current impeachment inquiry.”


    • Chris says:

      LOL what a snowflakey and dishonest response. The reason Trump defenders are getting “mauled” is not because of “bias;” it’s because there is no moral, rational, or honest defense of his conduct, which is why they have to lie about it, as your American Thinker article does here:

      the weird little rules change about whistleblowers not needing any firsthand knowledge to file politically motivated complaints, which occurred just days before the whistleblower report came out (almost as if the rules change had been planned that way)

      This did not happen. There was no rules change, and whistleblowers have always been able to convey secondhand information. This has been fact-checked on the very Sunday shows the author is condemning, and has since been clarified by the Trump-appointed Inspector General himself, as well as Republican member of Congress Chuck Grassley.

      The idea that there was a rules change is a lie spread by the Federalist’s Sean Davis, made its way through the right-wing echo chamber, and then all the way up to the president himself.

      The American Thinker is apparently very indignant at not being able to tell such lies and still be treated with respect. Tough. These people made their devil’s bargain with Trump a long time ago, and now they have to suffer the consequences. They knew there was a high risk of ruining their reputations, and some of them are even smart enough to know they deserve it. There is no violin tiny enough to express my level of sympathy for them.

  8. Joe says:

    Hey Chris,

    Could you help your favorite philosopher out? I know you liberals are very generous.

    And Jack, it looks like the loony left’s efforts to starve people like Molyneux are working. He’s going to have to go on that starch diet of yours, maybe just bread and water.

    • Chris says:

      Perhapes he’s “starving” because he says dumb stuff like this:

      In general, women fail to understand the principle of free speech, because women use words as weapons, to gossip and undermine and harm people.

      Men fight with fists, so men need to control violence.

      Women fight with words, so women need to control language.

      Thankfully, he doesn’t have to be a “philosopher” if the general public thinks he’s really bad at it. He can get a real job instead of making YouTube videos. Are their no Arby’s? Are there no street corners upon which he can dance in a giant hot dog costume?

    • Chris says:

      Speaking of grifters who might actually need to get real jobs now, I’d like to congratulate Michael Knowles and Todd Starnes for each achieving their mutually-heldlifelong mission to be too weird and creepy to work for Fox News.

      • Joe says:

        Sorry, can’t help you with that. Never heard of either of those fellows.

        What exactly is your beef with them?

        • Chris says:

          I didn’t ask for your help. And I could show up dozens of bigoted and deranged statements from both of them, and you wouldn’t care, just like you don’t care that Stefan Molyneux is a racist, sexist anti-Semite.

          • Joe says:

            You can’t defeat his arguments so you call him names. I asked you to name one thing racist in the videos I posted links to and all we heard from you was name calling. Grow up!

  9. Chris says:

    Rudy Giuliani: Yuriy Lutsenko is an honest prosecutor.

    Yuriy Lutsenko: Joe Biden did nothing wrong in the Ukraine.

    Rudy Giuliani: Yuriy Lutsenko is a CORRUPT LIAR! Fake news!

    Can you imagine having a lawyer like Rudy? Then again, can you imagine defending a client like Trump? To quote Dwight Schrute, I think they both could do better.

  10. Chris says:

    The scene:

    A reporter asks Trump what exactly he wanted the Ukrainian president to do about Joe and Hunter Biden.

    He responds by stammering, changing the subject multiple times, becoming unable to finish sentences, and confusing pronouns around.

    So the reporter repeats the question.

    Trump becomes angry, insists he has answered the question, refuses to answer further, orders the reporter to ask the Finnish president a question, and then starts yelling at the reporter about how the media is fake news.

    Definitely the response you’d expect from someone who did nothing wrong and is well in the head.

    But wait, that isn’t even the best part. The reporter then asks the Finnish president a question, as Trump requested, and Trump interrupts. The Finnish president cuts in:
    “I think the question was for me.”

    *chef’s kiss*

    • Chris says:

      As a reminder, the Gateway Pundit used to employ Jacob Wohl, the hoaxer who created a fake private security firm to falsely accuse Mueller of sexual offenses, and today hosted a press conference alleging that Elizabeth Warren is a dominatrix who likes to get whipped by Marines.

      So, you know. Right up Joe’s alley.

  11. Harold says:

    Well Chris is on a dirtfish roll. Trump did this and Trump does that, might as well throw this into the mix, seeing as this might be his only option come 2020.

    REMEMBER this about Joe Biden

    When he was the Vice President, he did the most STUPID, unthinkable thing for a man in his position. He revealed the names and the unit that killed Bin Laden.

    On May 3, 2011, at a national event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did the unthinkable – he publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden’s killing, just to show that he “is in the know”.

    His reckless action put at risk the lives of every member of Seal Team Six. The Taliban and other jihadists eager to avenge bin Laden now knew which unit to target. Stunned and shocked, Seal Team Six members immediately realized they were going to be hunted by al Qaeda sympathizers.

    Soon after Biden’s reckless idiotic speech, an American CH47 Chinook was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade in the Tangi Valley, Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan. All 38 aboard were killed, including most if not all of Seal Team Six. This incident became known as Extortion 17.

    After Biden had let the identification out, and before the Chinook was shot down, members of Seal Team Six had called their families and told them to wipe out all connection to them, including social media, and disassociate themselves as far away from them as possible, because they too would be in grave danger as the Taliban would attempt to find them in retaliation.

    And Biden… well, he didn’t even drop a sweat over any of it, as he was just too stupid to realize what he had done.

    Links relative to this betrayal of trust (just a few of many available):

    This smiling idiot is responsible for the deaths of most of Seal team Six by the Taliban What an irresponsible moron. And then there is Hillary and Benghazi.

    • Libby says:

      Would that any of your links linked to a journalistic font of integrity. Why do you guys eternally post links to blogs and youtube ranters like they were anything more sensible than blogs and youtube ranters?

      They are all doofuses … just like us. You don’t send doofuses to the Congress.
      You certainly don’t send them to the White House. Not if you take your responsibility as a citizen seriously.


      And the Republic is doomed.

  12. Harold says:

    So my point in posting the above false report is that anything said by a political leader can and often is misrepresented.

  13. Harold says:

    I am having trouble posting my entire article about Biden falsely being blamed for something he did not do.

    As to Biden being blamed for giving up the names of seal team members, that is FALSE, as is the entire article, however many of the links in today’s media of rush to report first just don’t get it right either.
    The facts behind Biden speech are as follows:
    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the 2011 Atlantic Council Awards Dinner, which was that year honoring among others Admiral James G. Stavridis, then-Supreme Allied Commander for NATO. In Biden’s speech, he acknowledged the bin Laden raid in two instances, mentioning — as did The New York Times the day before — that Navy SEALs and the CIA were involved:

  14. Harold says:

    These statements used to suggest that Biden put Seal Team 6 in danger, and that he may have even been responsible for the death of several SEAL Team 6 members in a raid that occurred three months later —was a claim popularized by Boston-area radio personality Jeffrey T. Kuhner.

    Readers who had actually seen Biden’s speech would likely be confused by the wrong interpretation. In his speech, Biden at no point mentioned any of the SEAL Team 6 by name that were involved in the raid, or any other information that had not been publically reported the day before.

    Stavridis was asked if he felt Biden’s words put the lives of people who conducted the raid at risk. By email, he stated that he and another military figure in attendance did not then, and do not now, believe Biden put lives at risk:

    So once more someone reports or writes how their interpretation of information is in many cases just wrong.

    But we do have people like Chris and Libby, flawless in their posts, to help us better understand the underlying message of all thing political.

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