Recently at a  Townhall meeting in VA.  Keep this picture in mind you CA liberals and your anti-2nd amendment BS, I hope it gives you nightmares.


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  1. RHT447 says:

    “… I hope it gives you nightmares”.

    That is a forlorn hope, Jack. They don’t care. They never have. You said in a comment below that you are old school. Me too. We were raised by the WWII generation, and like them and all those before, more of us are passing each day. The progs figured out long ago the demographics is the key.

    My dear departed father casually lamented one day that he could see the direction this county was headed, and that he was glad he wouldn’t be around to see it. At the time, I chalked it up to his being tired that day. Now, I get it. I’m also glad he wasn’t here to see it. Me? I plan on sticking around for awhile. If things go sideways, the least I can do is take one with me.

  2. Chris says:

    A fading radical group, led by a lunatic, that was easily infiltrated by actual Russian spies. Thankfully their membership and influence is fading. I hope, as a pro-2A liberal, that a reasonable gun rights group will rise from their embarrassing ashes.

  3. Joe says:

    Election time nears you say? Correct.

    And that means tax increase time.

    CARD and Yuba College have two more tax increases for your homes on the March 3 ballot.

    Both are ridiculous and CARD’s automatically goes up every single year!

    And I guarantee you there will be more tax increases on the November ballot.

    If people are stupid enough NOT to fight these tax increases they are eventually going to be taxed out of their homes.

    • Joe says:

      But nobody gives a rat’s petutty so these tax increases will pass. The expensive consultants Yuba College and CARD hired to get the measures passed say they will pass easily.

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