Wha… Progressives Lie?

by Jack

Last Sunday, a very small and very peaceful protest group gathered on the sidewalk about 50 feet from the tent owned by NVHRC for their “needle giveaway” program.  This was in a public place called Windchime Park.  The NVHRC are suspected sources of the dirty needles that have been showing up around Chico in parks and transient camping sites.

The objective of this little band of protesters was to offer an alternative message to the addicts showing up for the free drug kits.  This message came in the form of a flier, telling where people with a drug problem could go to get help.   I know… shocking, right?

The NVHRC doesn’t do this, they just give out drug needles and other stuff to make it easier to do drugs.  So, this group wanted to do something more positive.

They were not there to disrupt the needle program.  Their whole purpose was to provide information to those arriving to get their free kit, containing syringes, rubber tie offs and NARCAN in case of an overdose.

The pro-rehab folks had just arrived and had not yet begun to pass out fliers, they were just chatting among themselves.  Someone in this group mentioned what a dangerous place Chico had become with all the shootings, stabbings thefts, etc.   Then one of the ladies produced a little hand-held taser and said with a wry smile, that’s why I carry this..  Two other ladies chuckled and they carried pepper spray and a taser.  They group thought this coincidence was sort of funny, but also quite telling of just how much Chico had changed!

Now you might have though this was a non-event, but when progressives are around you never know how they might interpret things.

Now let me make this really clear, the ladies didn’t threaten anyone, didn’t brandish their defensive items, it was just a light hearted moment.  They were just talking amongst themselves.  However, that’s all it took.

Hours later some wackos took it to an internet chat room.  The exaggerations that followed were absurdly overblown.  They were angry and almost hysterical about the ladies threatening them with weapons!  Anywho… the story of the weapon toting ladies grew and grew as fast as it was repeated.  It spread among activists in Chico like a wild fire.  Even one of the filthy four, a council person, got into the act, calling for an investigation!

However, The ladies had their own video evidence and it shows that what was being alleged never happened.  It was a complete fabrication to discredit them.  Imagine that, liberals lying to injure a political enemy?  How unusual!

A few helpful facts now to put this story into perspective:  The police were called to the scene, but only after a [supporter of the needle program] tackled a man filming them and tried to take his cell phone.  The victim was actually attacked twice before police arrived, but he declined to press charges.   That was about as violent as it got and nothing was said about the taser or the pepper spray.  This was legal to own and it was not used to threaten anyone.

I’ve been told now that some of the libs in favor of the free needle program have created a Go Fund Me page to raise a defense fund.  They have already collected over $5000, but I’m not exactly sure why?  I am thinking it must have something to do with the lies told on the net about the protest ladies, but who knows?




This entry was posted in Behavior and Psychology, Police, Crime, Security, Politics and Government. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Wha… Progressives Lie?

    • Chris says:

      I can see why Gateway Pundit would not want fake news videos deleted.

      The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting and again identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.” Finally, based on publishing false information, TGP has faced lawsuits for defamation and damages to innocent individuals.

      A factual search reveals several failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers. Here are a select few out of dozens.

      Anti-Trump Protesters Bused Into Austin, Chicago – FALSE
      Did a Woman Say the Washington Post Offered Her $1,000 to Accuse Roy Moore of Sexual Abuse? – FALSE
      ‘Spooked’ Clinton Campaign Manager Deleted Tweets – FALSE
      Fake news posts blame Puerto Rico’s truck drivers for refusing to ship relief supplies – PANTS ON FIRE
      Did the World Health Organization’s director-general overstate the COVID-19 fatality rate when he said that it was many times that of the seasonal flu? – FALSE
      Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news. (10/4/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 3/19/2020)


  1. J Soden says:

    Here’s another progressive lie on a large scale, but they’re gonna regret it!

  2. Tina says:

    Most of what liberals think they know about conservatives and their politics is a lie or based on lies told to them by media and educators! The vitriol they spew is the #1 indicator. When scandals don’t penetrate it makes you realize most will never escape the tyrannical chains that blind them. I read today that a recent poll found most parents will continue homeschooling at end of Covid crisis. Good start to make sure future generations have a shot at thinking for themselves!

    • Peggy says:

      Tina, I’ve been wondering how many parents are going to decide to homeschool their kids after learning what they were taught in public schools. It will be interesting to see what the impact this lockdown will have on enrollment when k-12 schools do open again.

      Not all states teach civics, and course content and standards are not the same which includes “media literacy.”

      What’s In High School Civics Standards? A New Analysis Offers Clues:

      The same applies to colleges and universities not opening in full this fall or having mostly online courses. Treating all CSU’s like they were in LA is going to be devastating to small towns like Chico. It’s like forcing North Dakota to abide by the same lockdown rules as New York. One size does not fill all.

      Community colleges will be hit hard with the demand for enrollment from the denied CSU students. The state has a 2% growth cap per academic year, so they won’t be able to handle the student demand.

      Since Newsom and democrats need the teachers’ votes to win their elected seats I see all schools opening up right after he gets as much as he can from the feds to pay off the pension debt.

      Heard Harmeet Dhillon is taking on cases in other states now, not just in Calif.

      • Chris says:

        Recently, for example, researchers found that young people struggle with identifying whether sources of information they find online are trustworthy.

        Sounds like some senior citizens I know.

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