Iran, Hamas and the Realist

Posted by Tina

Column One: The ‘realist’ fantasy, by Caroline Glick

** Both Iran and its Hamas proxy in Gaza have been busy this Christmas week showing Christendom just what they think of it. But no one seems to have noticed. *** On Tuesday, Hamas legislators marked the Christmas season by passing a Shari’a criminal code for the Palestinian Authority. Among other things, it legalizes crucifixion. *** As far as the West’s leading foreign policy “experts” and decision-makers are concerned, the only true actors on the global stage are Western powers. They alone have the power to shape reality and the world. Oddly enough, this dominant political philosophy, which is based on denying the existence of non-Western actors on the world stage, is referred to as political “realism.” **

Please read the entire article for insights you wont find in main stream media circles.

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2008 Good Bye and Good Riddance!

by Jack Lee

2008.jpg Are you glad to see this year over? I sure am, and I hope 2009 will be better! We can always [hope] and at the same time [work] to make it better.

We sure need hope too, as in, I “hope” the State of California finds some money soon, because in March of 09 we’re broke! If there is a bright side to this state’s financial crisis it’s that the first IOU’s instead of paychecks will go to our legislators who got us in the fix.

I also “hope” the looming $42 billion deficit bill our wonderful legislators created will not be passed on to us in the form of higher taxes, but it probably will. In fact that part has already started even though they are calling them fees… it’s still a tax and it still comes out of your budget.

On the national level, we should all be “hoping” this recession doesn’t turn into a depression because right now we’re being told to brace for worse to come and it looks like it could be a lot worse. We’re warned that life as we knew it will never be quite the same again, times are going to be tougher, less of everything. That’s what happens when thousands of retail stores close, oh well, I can live without a Starbuck’s on every corner, but I’ll miss Linens-In-Things, Sharper Image, Circuit City, Mervyns, etc.

The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) said 148,000 stores were closed in 2008 and they project that 73,000 stores during the first half of 2009? Then we have the Big 3 in Detroit hovering over the edge of a cliff, held up by bilion dollar balloons.

Remember the old saying, “As General Motors goes, so goes the nation,” let us “hope” we as a nation fare better than GM!

2008 saw a massive wave of home foreclosures and 09 will see the second wave start thanks to speculative (investment grade) home loans done with those real low teaser rates. These contracts begin rolling out to higher rates in 09 and 10. Let us “hope” you don’t have one of those loans or if you do, that you have very deep pockets!!

The home foreclosures have kept a glut of cheap homes on the market and this has caused retail home prices to continue to decline. To exacerbate this already dire situation even qualified buyers can’t get a loan unless it’s an expensive FHA type because the banks are basically broke. The ol’ cash flow is all but dried up. And throughout 2008, the news was often punctuated with, “and these numbers are the worst since the Great Depression….” What a year it’s been.

In the Middle East the New Year will be ushered in on the backs of bombs dropping in Gaza and rockets falling into Israel. Doesn’t look like the Taliban has satisfied their blood lust either. Which means were in for more troops deployed, more war, and more casualties in this lousy outhouse of a country that can’t seem to produce anything except heroin and terrorists. In the same war-torn neighborhood, Iranian’s show no indication of backing off their plan for nuclear weapons development; well, there’s another huge problem that will be handed off to Mr. Obama. Oh, and recent events seem to be pushing India and Pakistan into a war, each side armed with nuclear weapons. How’s your hope holding up so far? Yeah, mine too.

I was going to list those people ripped off by Bernie Madoff, but enough already! Let me sum it up like this, about the only famous person not to have been swindled by Madoff is Osama Bin Laden. Lucky Osama, guess things are really going his way and for all his wives in the Tora Bora’s or wherever he’s vacationing these days.

2008….hit the gate, we’ll see ya in 2009…oh, and dare I even say it? Have a happy New Year! ( C’mon it’s gotta get better eventually! )

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Here Come the Reviews – 2008

Posted by Tina

“It usually takes decades to fit in all the tragicomedy of 2008.” – Victor Davis Hanson

“A Year Like None Other,” by Victor Davis Hanson – National Review Online

** The three great stories of 2008 were the financial meltdown, the turn-about in Iraq, and the Chicago Way. All of them conveyed a certain sense of the surreal whether the vaporization of the nations 401(k)s in a few hours, or Harvard Law School graduate Barney Frank asking Harvard Law School graduate Franklin Rains of the soon-to-be bankrupt Fannie Mae whether he felt under-regulated, or Tony Rezko making a cameo appearance in almost every Illinois scandal of the last decade. **

I loveyear end reviews…hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!

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Is Time Travel Possible? Answer Revealed

by Jack Lee


Only recently there was a point when scientists widely accepted that time was a constant that could not be changed. But, Einstein believed otherwise and he saw time as something more like a river flowing through the universe with bends, twists and eddy’s. Einsteins theory backed up by physicist’s most modern perspectives conclude there is no law that makes time travel impossible.

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Israel Defends

0,,3907918_1,00.jpegPosted by Tina

UPDATE:** The bitter Israel-Hamas conflict has touched off Arab-Arab conflicts almost as bitter. Responsibility for the war in Gaza, and for the Palestinian fatalities there, was placed squarely on Hamas by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. ”We called the leaders of Hamas and told them, ‘Please, do not end the truce’,” he said. *** An Abbas aide, Nimr Hammad, termed the rocket fire into Israel reckless. ”The one responsible for the massacre is Hamas,” he said The Jerusalem Post **

It would have been hard to miss the news late Saturday and Sunday when Israel launched a massive air strike in Gaza. Headlines made it clear that world opinion was once again firmly against Israel and her right to defend herself. In fact the verbal assault against Israel really began just after the Hamas-Israel cease-fire agreement ended on December 19th :

Quote: “The lights are out in Gaza again and few are paying attention. The 1.5 million Palestinians living in the densely-populated strip are being collectively punished once more, while Israel attempts to strangle the Hamas government.” Yousef Munayyer, Boston Globe 12-21-08

Headline: “Across MidEast Thousands Protest Israeli Air Assault in Gaza.”

Headline: U N Condemns Israel Air Assault on Gaza.

Headline: World rallies around Palestinians amid Gaza offensive

World opinion remains ever faithful to the ridiculously stupid, politically correct notion that both sides are equally to blame in the ongoing conflict…that Israel, big bad Israel, is just unreasonable and her victims mere innocents trying to find a place in the world. It makes me crazy!

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The Battle Of Wounded Knee – Dec. 29, 1890

Posted by Jack Lee

When you think of the battle of Wounded Knee you think of an Indian massacre, it’s taught that way in school, so why would anyone think otherwise? Historical records tell us that of the estimated 150 Indians deaths, half killed that day were women and children and that’s all we need to know to call it a massacre. But, if we dare to look just a little deeper than the first paragraph, history then tells us that the Army lost 25 killed in action. There were 75 armed Indian warriors killed too and it is still uncertain who fired the first shot, but they do know a fight broke out between a soldier and an indian warrior. Did a trained soldier break strict orders or did a religious fanatic deliberately start something that quickly escalated out of control?

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Posted by Jack Lee

CHICAGO – Mexico suspended purchases from 30 U.S. meat plants due to sanitary issues. Mexico officials said this action was absolutely not a retaliation against the new U.S. labeling law, this was strictly a health issue. They noted their country takes great pride in maintaining extremely high sanitary conditions. Officials said, “Our highly advanced scientific inspections (famous the world over) turned up very minute amounts of common bacteria and that was unacceptable. Mexico has well known reputation for clean water and clean food, not to mention their clean smog free air.

When asked by one reporter, “Then why do your butcher shops hang meat outside where it’s coated with flies, they responded with, “Yeah, like that ever happens here in Mexico, next question.”

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By Bruce Sessions

********** FRIDAY SPECIAL *************


If there was ever the perfect case for reverting back to a part-time legislature, its the current state of affairs in Sacramento. The solution to the annual fiscal crisis this year seems to be stealing from the residents of California. Not from the lawmakers of coursebut from usthe rank and file.

Lawmakers are considering plans to reduce grants to recipients of state SSI and SSP programs for the needy, elderly, blind and disabled. Theyre also considering cuts in the CalWorks welfare programs along with increased taxes which they plan on calling fees instead of taxes. Theyre considering laying off state workers.

Increased fees on a can o beer, increasing the state gasoline tax to .39 cents-a-gallon (and calling it a fee) and increasing all workers state income taxes (calling it a surcharge) and adding fees onto haircuts, landscaping, lawyer services.and increasing the car tax three-fold. The list of ways to steal money from Californians goes on and on.

Meanwhile, our brave elected officials continue to pocket tax-free per diem, enjoying the highest paid salaries of any state legislature, and appointing termed-out and defeated democrats to plumb jobs at exorbitant salaries.

The Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board acts as a second level of appeal duplicating the first level. There are seven positions on that board and all are political patronage jobs given to friends of Arnold and washed-up democrat politicians.

Former State Senator Sheila Kuehl, termed out, has been given a plumb job on a useless board, and now earns 133 thousand annual salary. State Senator Carol Migden, defeated in the last election gets named to another board, and now earns $132 thousand annually.

When he first ran for governor, Schwarzenneger said he wanted to blow up the boxes, not just move em around. He cited 45 useless boards and commissions and wanted to get rid of em. He ran up against Democrat opposition, and we never heard him mention it again.

If our democrat-controlled legislature would get real serious about this states fiscal plight, they would start looking inward at themselves rather than targeting the needy, blind, disabled, elderly, and honest hard-working Californians.

In an open letter to freshman Assemblyman Dan Logue, Jack Lee suggested Logue introduce a bill cutting lawmakers pay by thirty percent. Will he do it? No! He would be ostracizeddemonized and shunned into ineffectiveness by his fellow lawmakers.

Even if he DID introduce such a bill, it would be quickly defeated by lawmakers who are living high on the hog on the money extorted from the working class, the blind, elderly, disabled. Those lawmakers arent about to give up the lifestyle to which theyve become accustomed. Theyve found their place at the public teat, and theyre not about to let go.

Caterpillar CEO Jim Owens says his company will slash executive compensation by fifty percent! Ohio-based AK Steel says it will immediately implement a five percent pay cut for the CEO and executive officers. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendel told state executives to return their cost-of-living increases.

FedEx CEO Fred Smith says he will take a twenty percent pay cut. Gymboree CEO Matthew McCauley has announced salary cuts among senior managers and corporate staff.

Leaders should set an example! Where are our leaders in California? The sad truth is, we dont have any. Its easier for them to layoff state workers and steal from the rest of us.

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Santa with Backup

img_x3902699aa1.jpegChristmas is a sacred time of year.
A time for family and friends,
for song and celebration,
and a time for joy and laughter.

Hope this little ditty adds a giggle
to your stocking. Ho HO HO!!

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