By Bruce Sessions

abruce.jpgThe cult following of Barack Obama reminds me so much of the Israelites. Moses and his brother Aaron led them out of bondage from Egypt, and they sojourned in the wilderness for forty years enroute to the promised land. But, somewhere along the way, they tired of the status quo. They wanted change. When Moses went up in the mountains to commune with God (and receive the ten commandments) the restless Israelites began to murmur among themselves. Moses and Aarons poll numbers dipped to rock bottom.

The Israelites decided the best way to bring about change would be to deny their God and create a new one. So, they crafted with their own hands, a new god to worship. It was a golden calf. And they fell to their knees to worship the inanimate object they had created. They rejoiced, saying this new god would bring about the change they wanted. But they never specified what changes they wanted. They just wanted change.

As I watched the election returns of November 4th, I could actually see –in my minds eye– the Israelites rejoicing and worshipping their golden calf. This golden calf called Barack Obama was created by the biased liberal media, the major news networks, the Democrat party, and every left-wing liberal socialist lucky enough to be living in America.

As I watched the election returns, the camera crews cut away to show the faces and the worshipful adoration of Americans and Europeans toward this new golden calf. Even one reporter stated Americans wanted a savior, and now they have one.

The Israelis golden calf was symbolism without substance. The same is true of Obama, but those who follow him are willing to follow him anywhere. Even to the gates of Hell!

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Bush FINALLY vindicated on WMD in Iraq…I think you owe it to yourself to at least read the MSNBC website article from AP that is the first reference site listed at the end of the following message. I had certainly not seen this article before now. This information deserves to be heard by every American.

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Economy Weakens – Beware Pump and Dump

by Jack Lee

Latest recession casualties are Circuit City and DHL employees. DHL is laying off about 9500 workers and CC is filing for bankruptcy protection. CC has been in trouble from declining sales and strong competition for well over two years and this has finally brought the giant to its knees. Meanwhile the cost of the AIG bailout grows and Japan’s economy worsens. Oddly the Stock Market is moving up again and many insiders are saying they think the DOW will break 10,000 by January.

IMPORTANT INFO: If the DOW does manage to break 10,000… watch out. This could be the biggest makret manipulation in history. Stocks moving up now is unrealistic and you have to ask yourself, why? Why in the world would the market moving up as the bad news mounts? I have a theory and this could be a pump and dump tactic done on major scale. A pump and dump happens typically to just one stock when a major player buys mass amounts of the stock and forces the price up because others seeing the unusual buying activity also jump on. This also triggers computer guided traders to jump on because there are technical breakouts occurring. When a consortium of major funds and market makers, controlling billions of dollars, all loosely (and therefore legally) conspire (with plausible deniability) to buy key DOW component stocks in defiance of the weakening market conditions, they can create a great following of lemmings. Once the herd is moving and momentum is assured to carry it forward, they slowly start dumping their holdings at advantagous prices, the pump….and the dump is now complete.

Some more aggressive types will begin shorting the market to catch the long ride down as the Dow slumps back toward the bottom of the realistic equity range. These big guys will make money all the way down and the best part there is little risk because they have manipulated the market. Obvoiusly, the market makers are counting on you not to realize this tricky tactic, but now you know; aren’t you glad you read Post Scripts?

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This Weeks Best Joke Submission

Years ago, there was an old tale in the Marine Corps about a Lieutenant who inspected his men and told the ‘gunny’ that they smelled bad.

The Lieutenant suggested that they change their underwear.

The Gunny responded, “Aye, aye, sir, I’ll see to it immediately!”

He went into the tent and said, “The lieutenant thinks you guys smell bad, and wants you to change your underwear. Smith, you change with Jones. McCarthy, you change with Dzwill. Brown, you change with Schultz. Get to it.”

The moral: A candidate may promise ‘change’ in Washington, but don’t count on things smelling any better.

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MOOSE SEX (rated M)

Two guys are drinking in a bar.
One says, “Did you know that a moose has sex
10 to 15 times a night?”

“Ah #$@%*!!” says his friend,
“and I just joined the… Elks!

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By Bruce Sessions


abruce.jpgWhen the Primaries ended, and the candidates for President narrowed to two, I must openly confess my displeasure at the selection. Being a conservative, there was no way I could cast a ballot for Liberal Barack Obama. John McCain had proven himself to be something other than a conservative.

He was in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens. He teamed up with democrat Russ Feingold in authoring the McCain Feingold bill limiting the amount of money an individual could donate to a candidate. He teamed up with democrat Ted Kennedy in writing the Education bill. McCain wasnt a Liberal, but he certainly wasnt a conservative.

So, what are you if youre neither conservative or liberal. McCain called himself a maverick. So, I was left with two choices; Obama or McCain. I found myself in the position of being unable to vote for either. In fact, I said as much on the air at KPAY. My exact words were I dont have a dog in this hunt, so Ill just sit this election out and wont pull the lever for either candidate.

That all changed with McCains selection of Sarah Palin for his running mate. I did vote for the McCain/Palin ticket, but my vote was really for Palin. She was the only true conservative.

And while Im confessing herelet me add that I voted in favor of Proposition 2. The Bible says God gave man dominion over the animals of the earth. That means theyre in our care and we must see to it that care does not include cruelty.

I voted against the bullet train. Why should we in northern California pay for a train thatll only run from Sacramento to Los Angeles? If it had been planned to run from our border with Oregon, all the way down to LA, I mightve voted for it. Im just tired of northern California being considered flyover country.

Oh, and one final thought. Ive heard it said Conservatism is dead. Conservatism is not dead. Its only sleeping. Conservatism cannot die!

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1st Amendment Quote

“The function of good journalism is to information and add value to it.”

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San Francisco Sanctuary Policy Ruled Illegal

Posted by Jack Lee

City Must Follow State Law Requiring Police Officers to Report Suspected Aliens (undocumented pharmaceutical workers) Arrested on Drug Charges to Feds. Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that the First District Court of Appeal for the State of California has ruled in a Judicial Watch taxpayer lawsuit that the San Francisco Police Department must comply with a state law requiring police officers to notify federal authorities when they arrest a person for various narcotics offenses whom they suspect to be an alien, legal or illegal [Fonseca v. Fong, Case No. A120206].
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Posted by Jack Lee

Arizonas Supreme Court Justice has agreed to enforce the Hispanic Bar Associations demands of banning the terms illegal and aliens in all of the states courtrooms.

Continue reading “Words Banned: “ILLEGAL ALIEN”, “ILLEGALS”, “ANCHOR BABIES”….” »

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BY Jack Lee

ASPECIAL.jpgNot long ago one of our posters accused me of overstating my case when I warned of a deep recession ahead. Of course I disagreed, because nothing could have been further from the truth. However, I was just far enough out in front of the supportive news that people might have found it hard to believe…but now the time has passed and here we are.

But, if you’re still in denial, let me ask you when was the last time you saw companies like Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, HMS Capital, American Insurance Group, Countrywide Financial, Lehman Brothers and Indymac, all tank at once? Or when was the last time the American auto industry was on the brink of failure? You know Detroit is looking for another $120 billion from the feds to stay afloat and thats on top of the $50 billion they’ve already received.

Not enough? OK, when was the last time Fannie-Mae, Federal National Mortgage Bank, American Sterling Bank – Wholesale, Mervyns, CTX Mortgage Co. – Retail, Equity One Commercial, Coldstream Financial Svcs., or over 300 other major companies and corporations all began to fail at once? Getting the picture now?


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